Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Complete A to Z Index: 18.08.2024


A380 (Double Decker) Airbus
Adam Applegarth And Northern Rock

Aircraft Engine Fumes
Aircraft Pollution
Airline Bomber Suspects
Air Fare Rise
Alcohol Addiction And The Hook

Alcohol And Pricing Out Alcoholism
Alcohol, Sugar And Tobacco
Alcohol Warning Labels

Alternative Vote (AV)
Alzheimer And Dementia
Amended Police Powers And Intimidation

American Airlines
American History
American Leadership

Amortisation: The Monster
Anarchy In Democracy Or Democratic Anarchy
Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act
Animal Rights And Terrorism
Antioxidants And Chemotherapy
Antipsychotic Drugs And Children, Petition
Apollo, SDI, Twin Towers, Financial Meltdown...
Arms Roundabout
Arrogant 'First Man'
Aspartame - A British View
Aspartame: Donald Rumsfeld
Aspartame, New Mexico, Bush And The FDA
Aspartame: World Natural Health Organization
Atkin's Nutritional Approach

Atos, Disability And The Paralympics
Average Salary
Avian (Bird) 'Flu


Baby On Board
Bad Reporting

Bank of England Interest Rate and Lending

Banker Bonus
Bankers. Rich And Full Of It
Banking Panic - The Plan (Prelude)
Banking Panic - The Plan (1)
Banking Panic - The Plan (2)
Banking Panic - The Plan (3)
Banking Panic - The Plan (4)
Banking Panic - The Plan (5)
Banking Panic - The Plan (6)
Banking Panic - The Plan (7)
Banking Panic - The Plan (8)
Banking Panic - The Plan (9)
Banking Panic - The Plan (10)
Banking Panic - The Plan (Nearly There)
Banking Panic - The Plan (Arrival)
Banking Panic - The Plan (The Next Phase)
Banking Panic - The Plan (11)
Banking Panic - The Plan (12)
Banking Panic - The Plan (13)
Banking Panic - The Plan (Exit)
Banking Panic - The Plan (1st Encore)
Banking Panic - The Plan (2nd Encore)
Banking Panic - The Plan (3rd Encore)

Banking Panic - The Circus
Banking: Stitch Up And Debt Shackle 
Banks Get Worrying Powers
Banks - Recession To Depression
Banks - Worst May Be Over
Barclay’s Bank And Blair. Pariahs?
Bargain Basement
Bayh-Dole Act
Beckham's Quest For More. Then Some More...
Bellamy, David

Benefit Conundrum
Benefit Provider
Betrayal In The Sands
Bin Laden - Did He Ever Exist?

Bin Laden Fantasy
Biofuel Scam
Biofuels, Tax Revenue And GM
Bird (Avian) 'Flu
Blair And EU Presidency
Blair And The 9 Minute Applause
Blair And The American Trident System
Blair And The Laser-Guided Bombs
Blair, Bush, Hypocrisy, Iran and Iraq
Blair Displays Contempt And Arrogance - Again
Blair Pontificates About Conscience
Blair Pressure On SFO Saudi Inquiry
Blair To Cameron: The Transfer of A Legacy
Blair Rules Out CIA Flights Probe - More Hypocrisy
Blair Wants You!

Blair's Exit Strategy - Well, Maybe
Bloodline, Manipulation
Bonus - Redefining Terms
Bradford & Bingley

Britain In A Space Race
British Airways - Growth
British Constitution And Politics
British Crime Is Almost Non-Existent
British Energy (And EDF)
British Gas - The Attitude
British Gas - The Disaster
British Gas - The Hiding
British Gas - The Owner (Centrica)
British Gas - The Round Up
Brown, Gordon: And Dennis Healey

Brown, Gordon: Broadband And State Paranoia
Brown, Gordon: Chancellor to PM
Brown, Gordon: Change

Brown, Gordon: End Of Days
Brown, Gordon: Exit Strategy
Brown, Gordon: IMF And Gold Reserves
Brown, Gordon: Mr Nice Guy
Brown, Gordon: Snubs (2008) Olympic Games
Brown, Gordon: The Doctor
Brown, Gordon: The Future

Brown, Gordon: Toxicity Warning
Brown, Gordon: More Toxic
Bullshitting The Bullshitter
Bunker Buster Bombs
Bush Can’t “Take Innocent Human Life”
Bush Dodging War
Bush Generations - What Choice?
Bush, George (Dubya): A Profile
Bush-Iraq Exit Strategy Signalled By Blair
Bush, Kyoto And Blair


CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire)
Cuts: Reductions And Savings

Cynicism, Politics, and Business


Daily E*****s Article Selection
Daily E*****s - Nuclear Is Great
Daily E*****s Reports...
Dangerous Birthmark - Fantastic Mother
Dark Days
David Davis

David Kelly (Dr)
Debunking The Reasons For Global Warming

Decline Continues To Grow
Deflation And Inflation
Democratic Anarchy Or Anarchy In Democracy
Denial Of Politicians
Department Of Stealth
Depression Fears
Devil's Advocate

Diamond 'Bob'
Diana, Princess Of Wales. An Inquest

Distance Tax
Distance Tax - Update
Dolphins To The Rescue

Drink Problems
Driving And Swimming
Driving On Ice Is Dangerous
Drug Companies And The NHS
Drug Abuse - A Personal View
Drugs And Low-Level Thinking
Drugs At Folk Week
Drug Trafficking
Duplicity Of Standards


Electoral Reformation

Electorally Engineered Mutant
Electric Motoring

Embryo Research

Faith Schools
Faith Schools Reprise
Fannie Mae (Banking Master Plan)
Fast Results
Fat Is Undeniably NOT Beautiful
Fear And Respect
Fear And The Security Services

G20 - Summit (2009)

G20 - Summit (2010)
G20 - The Report (2009)
G20 - The Troubles (2009)

Gas, Oil And The Whale
Gas Prices Rocket
Gays And ‘Marriage’
GBH With Intent

Gender Selection
Genetic Modification (or Mutation or...)
Genetically Engineered Foods
Genetically Modified Crops: The Myth
Gentle English - No More
George W. Bush

George W. Bush: Draft Dodger
Give And Take, Take
Global Debt
Global Warming

Global Warming And Climate Change Rhetoric
Global Warming Hysteria List

GM: Crops And Food Prices
GM: Feeding The World Controversy
GM: Genetic...
Good Cop, Bad Cop

Good Riddance Day
Goodwin, Fred "The Shred"
Governator, Rise Of
Government Access To Patient Record(s)
Government Is Stale
Government Organ
Government Priorities
Government To Profit Using Taxpayers' Money

Graduate Tax
Grammar Schools And Construction
Grammar Schools And Integrity
Great Global Warming Swindle
Growing Decline
Growth: Consumer
Growth: Population

Growth: The Cynical Illusion


Madness Of Nuclear Power
‘Manufactured’ Disease
Making Crime Obsolete

Manchester United: Debt 
Mandelson Circus
Marks & Spencer
Mars - Life

Marxism And The Labour Party
Material Possessives

Mechanism For A Crisis
Meltdown Begins
MEP Expenses

Methane Confirms Lost Argument
Metropolitan Police Disservice
Mid Kent Water Profits And Hosepipe Ban

Minimum Wage And Social Exclusion
Ministerial Revelations Keep Coming
Ministers At The Trough Of Contempt
Ministry Of Justice
Missing Plutonium From The ‘Responsible’ UK
Mobile Phones And Aircraft
Mobile Phone Use - A Sponsored Study?
Mobile Phones And Plane Crashes
Money Machine
Monsanto And Roundup
Monsanto Files. BE VERY AFRAID
More Aware Of Awareness
Mortgage Adjustments
Mortgage Holiday And Control
Mortgage Interest Rates
Mortgage Yoke
Mother Loses ‘Right To Know’
MP Expenses
MP Expenses - Axiom
MP Expenses - Damage Limitation
MP Expenses - Escalation
MP Expenses - Further Into The Future

MP Expenses - Severance
MP Expenses - The Future

Paperless Office
Paradoxical Scientist

Parasite's Tree
Parking Violations
Parkinson’s Escape: Smoking Or Alcohol?

Party Drugs
Perception Of Conspiracy Theory
Personalised Number Plates
Petition: Antipsychotic Drugs And Children
Petrol Duty

Phone Hacking
Plane Crashes
Planning Objection: Thanet District Council
Plastic Surgery For Women: Reaches 50%
Police Not Quick Enough
Polite Notice

Political (Engineering) Containment
Political (Democratic) Choice For The Gang
Political ‘Spin’
Politically Created Death By Greed
Politicians And The End Of The Human Race
Politics In The UK And USA
Pope’s Funeral

Population Growth
Population Growth: A Reason
Potatoes, Tobacco, Petrol And Tax
Power And The Apathy
Power Games

Pre-Election Sycophancy
Pregnancy: £120 'Good' Food Grant

Prescott Apologises
Prices And Value - A Wake Up Call
Private Eye
Private Finance Initiative
Problems At Heathrow
Profitable For Editor And Not For Newspaper
Progress Of Greed

Proof That Carbon Dioxide Is A Greenhouse Gas
Property: Prices And Mortgage Term Both On The Up
Property Upmarket
Protecting A Nation


Raising Prices To Compete
RAND Corporation. A Profile

RAND Corporation And Drugs
Rape As A Weapon
Rape Of The Earth
READ THIS - It’s Really Urgent!
Real Creative Talent
Reason For Honours
Recession Completed
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
see also Mortgage Yoke

Redistribution - An Example
Reducing Alcohol And Nicotine Addiction

Referendum (EU)
Referendum Contagion
Reflected Opinion
Rehearsed Ignorance
Reporting In Newspapers
Repossession - Speed Ensures Best Return
Rescuing Cars
Responsible Government - UK Style

Responsibility: State And Private Employees
Restructuring Nearing Completion
Resurgence Of The Nuclear Power Issue
Retirement Age Suggested: 85 Years Old

Reverse Mortgage
Reversing Into A Main Road
Revolving Doors
Rice And Blair
Right Or Wrong?

Riots In The UK
Rise Of The Governator
Risks When Donating Eggs
Rosiglitazone (Avandia) - Uncertainty About Safety
Roundup And Monsanto

Royal Bank Of Hester

Royal Engagement
Royal Navy And The Non-Independent Trident Deterrent
Rule Over Us


Sacking The CEO
Sad End To A Magnificent Creature

Sainsbury: Parking Control Flawed

Sainsbury Trading: Westgate-on-Sea
Salad Days
SARS And Bird Flu
Saudi Arabian Arms Deal
Saudi Arabian Oil
Scare Stories
Scenic Railway Destroyed
Science Wearing The Mask Of Control
SCUBA Diving Dangers
Secondary Legislation And China Gateway
Security Services And Fear
Selling England By The Pound
Selling Human Eggs
Sentences To ‘Mean What they Say’
Serotonin Syndrome
Share Depression
Shell Oil And UK Taxation

Short Story
Size Zero
Size Zero - Sense At Last

Slush Fund
Smart Electricity Meters
Smoke And Smoking
Smoke Screens And The House Of Lords
Smoking Kills
Smoking Stress

Social Exclusion, And Minimum Wage
Societal Engineering
South East England Development Agency
Southern Electric

Southern Electric - Calender Dates
Southern Electric - North Sea Gas And Hess Energy
Southern Electric - The Deceit
Southern Electric - The Letter

Southern Electric - Update
Space Shuttle - The Final Flight
Speaker Is Financially Stuck To The Spot
Speed Cameras
Speed Cameras And Mind Control
Speed Cameras And Surveillance
Speed Cameras And The AA
Speed Cameras Become Counter-Productive

Speed Limits
Speed Limit Increase
Speed, Power And Destructive Force
Speeding Police Car
Starvation And Obesity
Statins And NICE
Stealth Strategy
Stem Cells And The Catholic Church
Stopping Crime

Story, Possible Short
Student Ensnarement - An Entire Generation
Student Loans <- begin here
Student Loans: Elitism And Hypocrisy
Student Loans: Mechanism And Analysis
Student Loans: Repayment Analysis
Student Loans: The Belief
Student Loans: The Debt
Student Loans: The Conclusion Begins
Student Loans: Why Raise Tuition Fees?
Student Tuition Fee Trap
Subservient Servants
Sun Exposure And Cancer
Sunday ‘Slow’ Drivers
Super Injunctions
Supermarket Monopoly
Swimming - World Class Change
Swine Flu And Tamiflu
Sycophants Rule The World
‘Sympathetic’ Newspapers

Tax Doctor Goes Jogging
Tax From Waste
Terminal Greed
Terror And The Patsy
‘Terror’ In Britain
‘Terrorism’: The Latest Cash Cow?

Tesco at Westgate-on-Sea
Testing The Success Of Indoctrination
Thanet Concrete Jungle

Thanet Council Costs
Thanet Earth
Thatcher Then And Equatorial Guinea Now
The Trial By Franz Kafka
Three Mile Island

Tories Show True Colours

Tracker Mortgage
Train Fare Price Hike
Transparent Castration
Tricky Single Leader
True Cost Of Going Nuclear - To Whom?
Truth, 9/11 And

Trump - Enough
Trump - Misunderstood?
Trump - Truth Will Out 
Trump - President USA
‘Trumped-Up’ Charge In Zimbabwe

Tuition Fees And Alan Johnson
Turner 'Contemptible' - Developments
Turner 'Contemptible' Saga Continues

Turner 'Contemptible' Shuns Local Writers
TV Sleep Button Stands Accused