Pyramid Comment

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Crime In The UQ (aka UK) Ltd

Events happen very regularly that show conclusively the 'cock a snoop' (no respect for something or someone by doing something that insults them) attitude of types that demand respect are so full of hypocrisy that it actually defies logic and becomes a very sick 'joke'. The twisted meaning of respect amongst these lowest forms of 'life' on the planet means instilling fear in others and so be feared. It's the 'power' that a nothing-to-something' perceives as being 'number one.

A government's tough on crime approach doesn't 'appear' to work and the UQ (aka UK) Ltd claim to be tough on crime is vacuous anyway. Three years into it's own perception of power (2000), the new Labour government was talking tough on crime. Now, 10 years later this government still fails to grasp the fact that it has no effective power. It's true 'power' is the perverse ability to suffocate the freedom of the majority of law-abiding citizens. It's a government that dictates in a democracy to the majority of people that did not elect it and is the consequence of the UQ (aka UK) Ltd definition of democracy, is (still) ineffective after a total of 13 years and still maintains the arrogance by claiming to be tough on crime. It's done nothing.


There are hundreds of similar (recent) examples of dreadful violence.

The police are held in a tight strangle-hold grip, and are so being restrained and ineffective, by the Home Office and a phrase like "working together to protect the public" doesn't attempt to define who is working together with whom and protecting from what. Police strangled by paperwork! Strangled and disillusioned by the courts 'freeing' convicted criminals. This 'freeing' of convicted criminals instantly decriminalises the criminal. The statistics are massaged to show the crime-free UQ (aka UK) Ltd. The courts are also stone-walled when it comes to the issue of proper sentencing. Prisons are filled with 'criminals' while other techically freed 'non-criminals' walk the streets as a result of these courts of 'justice'. All the rhetoric about sentencing cowardly ducks the issue of insufficient prisons justifies not building more and the absolute denial of out-of-control crime in the UQ (aka UK) Ltd. These prisons have serious problems that are not dealt with. Mobile phones are still 'smuggled' in to prisons allowing control of outside criminal activity by those within. A government that is so very keen to impose threats of action against the majority of free citizens of the UQ (aka UK) Ltd cannot control its prisons. This demonstrates the control freak attitude of this government by targeting the law-abiding and not the nasty element of society.