Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rule Over Us

It's quite bizarre that people imagine a monarchy that rules over us [UQ (aka UK) Ltd citizens] as a good thing. The usual retort is that a presidential system like in the US is an alter-native. This justifiction demonstrates that the population has been conditioned into the expectation of (willing and unthinking) subjugation. It matters not if there is a monarchy, president or some other dictatorship, subjugation is the rule of the day. The minority British 'upper' class is born to privilege ('call me Dave') and advantage and is regarded as somehow a better quality being than the majority of the 'lower' sub-class.

There are only the two imagined different types of class: upper and lower and nothing else. The real questions are who populates the two and who is actually a 'better': the gaoler or the prisoner? Consider Nelson Mandela. The wealthy imagine themselves as the rich and powerful and therefore in the minority 'upper' class. But such people are generally influential and can be used to help control the majority. Those in such a 'controlling' position don't realise that they are actually slaves to a truly small nucleus minority. The so-called wealthy cannot see through their blindness that the control of them is through their 'wealth'. It's absolute childs' play to exercise control by the threat of withdrawal of privilege or promises of perceived honour.

The ego is such a weak beast. Even a poor man with integrity is much richer as a person than a wealthy nobody who can be easily manipulated.

This supports the concept of power in the hands of a minority over the majority of the impotent and powerless. Control of the military and police is the same as one party having a fully loaded machine gun and the other being totally defenseless. This is in itself conditioning: the blind acceptance of a class (caste) system as if it is the way life should be. It has developed into that concept, but it is still very unnatural. The 'ruling' class controls the armed forces (and always has done) and this is the real seat of power. The enforced enslavement of the people. And unnoticed. The prison bars are not real though only the psychological visibility makes them effectively real, but still virtual bars.

The allegiance of service personnel on pain of imprisonment (or worse) creates absolute obedience. The master controls the servant. Enslavement. Nothing new really as it been happening all over the world for centuries.

The only realistic 'label' to put upon this is the one that describes a desire for freedom and a right to direct one's own destiny. It's not even a question of rights (and wrongs). The right to breathe air is not earned, but at the moment is a natural part of life. Control will predictably involve buying clean air as it is allowed to get dirtier. The highly controversial cause of climate change is that an increased level of carbon dioxide as human pollution is responsible. This leads to the conclusion that respiring (living and breathing) humans are the cause and so must be taxed. A tax payable to remain alive. Predictable. Breathing in oxygenated air and breathing out carbon dioxide and, of course, the global human population is rapidly allowed and encouraged to increase (exponentially). This doesn't take into account the (variable) rates of death around the world. More are born than die and consequently the global population is still growing. Maybe one day the deaths will exceed the births.

Create the problem and provide the solution

Oxygen is an effective poison and mammalian conversion into CO2 in reality cleans the air. Vegetation breathes in CO2 by photosynthesis and pollutes the atmosphere with oxygen. An excess of oxygen would lead to the devastation of the planet: atmospheric fires would burn the Earth. It's a delicate balance, but O2 and CO2 are both essential gases.

The affluent (imagined controlling) 'class' live more commonly in the country, playing at shooting and hunting, protected from the nauseous fumes of the masses. Ironically, in relatively clean air you can't detect obnoxious aromas so effectively even when they surround you. No doubt, the higher concentration of town and city dwelling humans are more responsible than the country-type human for CO2 pollution. As a result the general non-countrified population will pay a higher premium for clean air.

Perverse, but logical