Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Parasite's Tree

The nebulous concept of a New World Order continues to acquire substance.

The best place to hide a tree is in a forest. This describes a single element. If that tree were to have a single extensive and hidden root system and each sapling connected to that root system grew and matured in isolation within the forest, the forest would be infested with trees from the single source. And not noticed. Should those trees from a single root devastate all other living things then the only survivor would be the parasite.

The phoenix rises.

A simple and effectively bloodless way to create the global single new entity by destroying the old, and in the process acquiring all property, businesses, wealth and anything considered 'valuable'. Shares plummet and some of those businesses 'go to the wall'. This would be to perpetrate a massive sting and still nobody would notice that they have actually been 'stung'. The original forest would waste away to be replaced by the new growth.

Winners And Losers

It's a work in progress. And make no mistake, that progress is quite advanced. Societies in the global sense that are not connected by culture or location are systematically being destroyed. The tool? Debt. People are controlled by their finances.

The parasite is blindly stupid and has no vision. Unless, of course, that vision constitutes part of the 'sting'. Ultimately, the parasite will maintain a smaller host, but one that is sufficiently large to serve the parasite without draining too much in the way of resources. Currently, the out-of-control growth of the global population will be drastically curtailed. The population will be culled. And quite soon. A pandemic on a scale never seen before will wipe out vast sections of global societies. The parasite will have inoculated itself against infection and will thrive feeding from the host, but if it acquires an intelligence of its own, it can totally enslave the residual host. The parasite by definition cannot fend for itself and needs support from the host.

The entity of a New World Order will control absolutely. It must eventually turn on itself, though if the root system is a hive society, it will be single-minded. But where does it go and how can it develop into a larger and more successful parasite? The New World Order becomes a 'better' and more advanced New Host and the original host is the new parasite to just be completely destroyed. After all, the host must protect itself from parasites. The Earth will have been saved and the parasite totally transmogrified ( = reinvented) into the host and the work in progress become the work
