Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Driving On Ice Is Dangerous

It's a simple formula:
Ice + Car + Speed = Significant Danger
The individual who made a comment complaining about the effects of insufficient grit and sand supplies making roads dangerous is part of the real problem. He says that drivers will have to (wait for it)... slower
Such incredibly pathetic and idiotic logic to arrive at the obvious. It is dangerous to drive fast in icy conditions, with or without the crutch of grit and salt. Even a brain-dead moron should be able to work out this simple fact. The cocoon effect of being inside a warm environment renders awareness redundant and makes such idiots even more dangerous. A temperature gauge may display zero (or less) degrees outside the warm and comfortable vehicle, but water freezes at low temperatures. A little salt may lower the freezing point, but only by a very small amount to help prevent freezing at common temperatures. Reduce the temperature to below -5degC to -10degC or so and salt will have no effect.
  • Some people believe that putting chlorine into water kills any dangerous organisms. Chlorine (gas) was used in WWI to legally murder people on the battlefields. With small amounts of bacteria the swimmer must be able to survive in the medium. The level of added chemicals (sodium hypochlorite) must be very much at the trace amount to be effective without harming people.
Sand and grit will mix creating a rough surface to assist the tyre adhesion to the road through friction. Driving sensibly at moderate and low temperatures. And moderate and slow speed. It takes a fraction of a second (literally) to initiate loss of control that cannot be recovered. The result will inevitably be a crash and possible death. Pile-ups take seconds to happen and can involve a great many drivers. Excess care must be taken to maybe stay safe.