The problem of the so-called 'paparazzi' (the photo seekers) and the value attributed to different types of subject matter, would go away if the public didn't have a fetish for seeing the photos. The subjects had better get used to publicity as it won't go away. And it feeds them. Without publicity they are nothing and with it they complain. Perverse and without any sense of logic. Absurd.
The security issue is a serious point though: exposed to all sorts of 'unknowns'. The more famous (whatever the achievements or not), the more vulnerable. Such is the price of fame and demonstrates a sickness within society. Those 'don't haves' believing they want the lives of the 'haves'. Envy? Jealousy? How and why someone can be jealous or envious of someone in such a position...
Effectively, placed in society's shop window to be gawked at.
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