British Constitution And Politics
Ministerial Revelations Keep Coming
Additional Cost (Second Home) Allowance - How it works
MPs Expenses: The Detail
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Brown, Gordon: Exit Strategy
MPs' expenses
The Constitution of the United Kingdom prevents the monarchy from becoming involved in politics and the government has priority over the monarchy when it comes to 'running' the country. Her Majesty's government has seniority when it comes to power and so makes a mockery of the pretense of power. The monarchy has no power, yet it consumes an enormous amount of expense.
Rule Over Us
The system does NOT allow a British monarchy to dissolve a government even in extreme circumstances that brings the UQ (aka UK) Ltd into disrepute and an entire nation can be shamed by the actions of some of its MPs and ministers. Everybody else has too much power and the 'ordinary' British citizen has absolutely no voice. The country entered into an 'illegal' war and the British people are internationally blamed for the actions of the government. It's a national disgrace.
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