Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Inflation And Control Of The Global People

Half-measures employed in the UQ (aka UK) Ltd extend to the collection of speeding and parking fines. Vehicles registered in this country are easy victims for pursuit since details are readily available, but for foreign nationals these cannot in many cases be verified and escape from prosecution is predictable. Travelling without any documents is standard practice. In France the car driver must be in possession of all relevant documents at all times to be available for inspection. The possession of an ID card is raised here as all French nationals in France must have such proof of identity and anyone else must carry a passport.

The issue of ID cards in Britain is contentious due to the confusion and doubt about the content of any 'smart' card and the cost burden. This becomes tantamount to a fee (tax) for a Britain to live in the UQ (aka UK) Ltd. Such cards should be issued without charge (simply lost in the nebulous fog created by government) and Tax Doctor Brown's government can surely think of some way to create another tax.

If a speeding fine is issued, an on-the-spot-fine is the remedy and until the fine is paid, the car cannot be moved. If necessary, the driver regardless of nationality will be escorted to the nearest bank or ATM to effect payment. If funds are not available, the car is impounded until payment is settled. This whole arrangement makes speeding a little less likely as the immediate execution of the fine collection creates potentially a major inconvenience. This even impacts on the attitude towards bail. The alleged transgressor of a crime is commonly released on bail to be allowed to 'escape'. Clearly, this is a result of an over-burdened system where it is quickly and easily clogged up. Over population (and still encouraged) is the cause. Too many people in a small country. But each individual is a source of government income through tax, ignoring the benefits payable to many and the recipient is likely to be a Labour government voter. The hand that feeds...

('New' Labour) social experiments (Labels) are still being played out to maximise the mess. They don't work. Nothing has ever worked as misguided theories continue to fail. The over all aim is still control and total subjugation. The European Parliament is the closest yet. Mugabe's Zimbabwe is an overt brutal regime, but the European way is only slightly more subtle yet just as potentially effective. Or seen simply an improvement expected from a 'leader'. (Trade) wars can be expected between the resultant 'super powers': Europe, China, Russia, USA, India and that excludes oil: another issue...). The ridiculous, but highly sinister, situation regarding the Lisbon Treaty exemplifies the situation. If there is any dissent then it is simply ignored and extremely crude attempts to crush any opposition are attempted. The bully boys are out in force.

The Olympic Games are being used as a controlling weapon, being wielded to exercise more control over the 'people'. Bankrupting a nation effects tremendous control for decades. The idea of a non-gladatorial contest is elevated to the psychological level. Allowing cheating to effect 'winning'. The whole concept of inflation is an illusion and created to close an iron grip around the people. No country is exempt.

What is the justifiction for the oil price hikes?

Inflation And Oil

There isn't one, although everything is affected by them. Everything and so the global peoples pay an ever inflated price. The payment is in two forms. Being reduced towards poverty and so towards absolute control by 'governments'. And the psychological effect for subjugation to be effective. Apparently, some 27,000 speeding and 54,000 parking fines remain unsettled and have little or no chance of being cleared. If this is the true situation and it becomes more widely appreciated then resentment is inevitably the outcome. Friction between British and foreign drivers will increase and the assumption of any foreigner being a transgressor is predictable. Magnify this ethos on a global scale.

Never before in living memory has global unrest been so great. That's the aim. To make a bad situation even worse. And then even worse.