The Elimination Of Poverty
Original Posting, September 2006
Can extreme poverty be eliminated? Almost certainly, but it will never be allowed to happen. If nobody is poor or starving or in some way dispossesed then control is lost by those who exploit it. Mostly used to make money. But Control Of The Masses creates a source to 'milk' until they die.
They are always replaced.
Promote a growing population. Promote the growth of that source. Malnutrition causes disease. Pharmaceuticals, medicines, the health industry. Keep up prices for those who can (and can't - DA) afford it. Governments (ie tax payers) sustain the 'needy'. Keeping the 'needy' needing more. A repugnant definition of growth. Remember: a government is only the incumbent and it has
its grubby hands
on your money. The cynical spongers behave in no lesser way to the governments that create such misery. Before the concept of money, what caused wars? Something was wanted and so was taken. No difference today except more effective in the taking with fewer 'soldiers'. But still have the same single 'commander' principle. At least that is the illusion.
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