Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Roundup And Monsanto

The Monsanto GM soya bean has been engineered to resist the Monsanto weedkiller Roundup resulting in everything else that was growing being killed except the Monsanto crop. A weed is "...unwanted plants in human-made settings such as gardens, lawns or agricultural areas..." and any competition for growth is permanently removed. The Monsanto claim may sound laudable, but in reality appears to constitute a ruthlessly obtained commercial advantage.

  • "Sustainability - the idea that the resources and people of this world are finite. That for any business decision we make, we must consider the effect it will have on us and our children. That the products we make must not use up all of a natural resource, or even worse, contaminate what is left behind."
It seems that the only factor involved is the success of Monsanto and global consequences do not matter as long as Monsanto comes out the winner. Big business, success, greed or even much more sinister motives are suggestive by implication.

In 2008 biofuels are seen as promoting starvation and before that gasohol dates back to 2001. Deforestation has had a major effect on levels of CO2 and possibly is a major factor responsible for increases. Vast swathes of natural forest have been decimated to make way for 'renewable' crops (sugar cane) to provide ethanol used as a constituent of gasohol. The lungs of the Earth are being destroyed and this continues without any sign of cessation or even slowing. The myth of the Paperless Office never happened and the creation of paper products has escalated ever since. That climate change is the result is unproven and remains of little interest even though it maybe the most significant factor in the raft of world crises. The $£trillions being spent (ie acquired) are used by simply chasing both ends of a possibly non-existent rainbow. But it is believed to be real. A rainbow is not tangible and can only exist in the mind. It is effectively nothing more than another illusion.

Monsanto pledge

Growth for a Better World

  • We want to make the world a better place for future generations. As an agricultural company, Monsanto can do this best by providing value through the products and systems we offer to farmers.
  • With the growth of modern agricultural practices and crops that generate ever-increasing yields, we are helping farmers around the world to create a better future for human beings, the environment, and local economies.
  • Increased yields are the core of this agenda. As agricultural productivity increases, farmers are able to produce more food, feed, fuel, and fiber on the same amount of land, helping to ensure that agriculture can meet humanity’s needs in the future. Moreover, increased productivity allows farmers to produce more with the same – or fewer – inputs of energy and pesticide. This results in more responsible use of natural resources, better ecosystem health, increased soil fertility, increased farm income, and more opportunities for farmers and their communities.

You Agree:

  • To use the seed containing Monsanto gene technologies for planting a commercial crop only in a single season.

  • To not supply any of this seed to any other person or entity for planting, and to not save any crop produced from this seed for replanting, or supply saved seed to anyone for replanting.
  • To not use this seed or provide it to anyone for crop breeding, research, generation of herbicide registration data or seed production.

  • If a herbicide containing the same active ingredient as Roundup UltraTM herbicide (or one with a similar mode of action) is used over the top of Roundup ReadyTM crops, you agree to use only RoundupTM brand herbicide.

  • To pay the applicable Technology Fee for the particular product being purchased.

  • To implement an Insect Resistance Management Program specified in the applicable BollgardTM cotton and YieldGardTM corn sections of the Product Use Guide and to cooperate with Insect Resistance Management Programs and research.

Mother Jones
Organic Consumers Association
The Monsanto Files. BE VERY, VERY AFRAID
United States of America (Columbia) v. Monsanto Company
What is a pesticide?