Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

New Schools

Revamping existing schools in some cases appears to be necessary, but the old government approach was spend, spend, spend and has led to the scrapping of the scheme that allegedly committed the country to £45bn (so they say or 'it is said that...' - DA) over the next decade.

Building Schools for the Future

There was never a tomorrow when debts are called in as the consequence of the Labour ideology. Long term dreams that demonstrate the arrogance of power: that a particular government could be in power for its current 13 years and commit a nation to the next 10 years with a totally unaffordable proposed outlay. It suggests education standards are improving when they are clearly doing the reverse. It's the illusion that has always been promoted. The bad times that are really bad. There never were any good times with that Labour government. Smoke and mirrors. However, the extent of the scrapping has been erroneous.

This has had the same result of a parent that lets the child do as it wants. Gets everything it wants. It leads to decline and failure. Sometimes this has to be allowed to happen for some to believe it, yet still many don't.

The definition of a loser could be someone who never learns from their mistakes. Is this country (UK) populated by losers? The answer could be provided by (part of) the electorate's constitutional right to return a future Labour government.

The people would always pay to keep that government in its destructive ideological power game. It was inevitable that any responsible government that genuinely has the interests of a nation as its priority would have to cancel some of these dreams. The dreams of others are the stake and are the delusions of government still hungry for power. That is the betrayal. To raise hopes of improvement knowing that those hopes could never be realised.