Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Tuition Fees And Alan Johnson

Nearly 6 years ago, Alan Johnson (Higher Education minister) was in charge of pushing through a controversial reform of university funding that would usher in top-up fees for students: "to pay" for tuition fees of up to £3,000. In a perverse 'twist of fate', had Johnson still been Home Secretary, he would be responsible for policing the national unrest caused by coalition government plans to raise student tuition fees and charge students with settling the debt crisis. Johnson had initiated the 'pseudo-privatisation' of an elitist education system. This could never have (logically) happened in reality, but the shadow cabinet is, nevertheless, still in denial. Labour appear to claim that they cannot be held responsible for anything in the past: it's nothing to do with them. But politicians rely on spin in the hope that people will forget the original direction of affairs. Spin involves changing the direction of truth.

Johnson may have initiated a problem, but (was) conveniently moved away from its aftermath. It's as though he is being protected. But...

This is politics

He has now been switched to shadow chancellor and it would seem is not particularly well qualified, but ministers are only the talking head (the mouthpiece) and no academic ability is required. That has been perfectly demonstrated and endured throughout Dr. James Gordon Brown's tenure.

In incredibly crude and patronising attempts at conditioning the people, everything the coalition government plans is nearly always prefixed with "to reduce the debt created by the last labour government..." as if people constantly need reminding. They don't, but they do require to be persuaded that everything this (present) government does is necessary... but not their fault.


It's one reason to be selective about which quango will be chopped, since some decisions can be left to these bodies to avoid government being seen to be responsible.

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