Size Zero
Energy Fuels
Update (14.12.2011): Dangerous Diets
Update (22.10.2009): Negative Double Zero?
Update (14.06.2009): Size Zero - Sense At Last
One description of such a concept as size zero could run along the lines of vanity of size, but another is the idea of this American size zero. The British equivalent is a size 4. In a word:
Lethally, stupid. Bizarrely, a double zero size is now being promoted. Double zero. How incredibly pathetic. Double zero. Thinner than thin. Skinnier than skinny. Stupider than stupid. Dimmer than dim. Deader than dead.
Case study
Unfortunately, those with the clearly wrongly perceived responsibility of behaving as rĂ´le models, just demonstrate how they are intellectually lacking. Slimming down is the misguided understanding of such women. To look almost anorexic by choice is repugnant. Anorexia is an illness, but to appear like this by choice is staggering.
Signs, symptoms, causes, effects and treatments.
The so-called models are now dying. Doesn't that provide a wake-up call? Screaming out the dangers. Apparently not. Playing Russian roulette with a 6-chambered gun loaded with 6 bullets. The outcome is inevitable. Crazy.
Signs, symptoms, causes, effects and treatments.
The so-called models are now dying. Doesn't that provide a wake-up call? Screaming out the dangers. Apparently not. Playing Russian roulette with a 6-chambered gun loaded with 6 bullets. The outcome is inevitable. Crazy.
Unless you choose to die for the
misguided perception of looking good
This perception is, of course, my own (male) opinion, but skinny women do not even make me look once. Ghastly.
There is a HUGE difference between having long narrow bones and maintaining a good and healthy diet, and so being naturally slim, to just being skinny.
- Take a look at Keira Knightley.
A fine example of a well-toned body.
- Naturally slim.
- But the jealously ignorant or those with some sort of axe to grind imagine this is an example of anorexia. Absolutely no chance of that. A lovely and very healthy young woman. As for the idiotic 'celebs' who pander to the concept of size zero (and now size double zero), well they are just too gullible to take seriously. A 'diet' of no protein, no fat and no carbohydrate or any micronutrients and vitamins will quickly result in muscle wastage and ultimately death. The body gets thin and reaches size zero or smaller, but the result will certainly be rotten health closely followed by very probable...
How anyone can find a skeleton covered with skin attractive is quite beyond me. But then I am a male considering the appearance of women and not a woman trying to impress other women. It's not rocket science to work out that less fabric is used, so the garments are cheaper to manufacture, but since they are fashionable, justify pushing up the price. And who makes them be seen as fashionable? The fashion industry, of course. Impressionable young girls are being ruthlessly encouraged to play a very, very dangerous game. This isn't responsibility. It's tantamount to an inducement to risk life, by pandering to the greed of others. The risk is wholly one-sided.
Look to the shoes that are fashionable. The design of an athlete's running shoe is based on science, but the design and success of women's products relies on the 'holy' trinity:
Gullibility, Stupidity, Vanity
The winklepicker (and they look absolutely grotesque - DA) pinches the toes together, crushing bones. Add a raised heel and with the aid of total body weight forcing the entire foot into the shoe, it represents a disaster waiting to happen. Hammer toe, bunions... It happened with high-heeled shoes. Ankle sprains, ruptured calf muscles. Short women looking ridiculous on stilts. But that was yesterday. Today's bucks are more valuable, yet only because yesterday's market has been saturated and so today's product can sell at a higher price to the conditioned consumer. Conditioned by the:
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