Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thanet Concrete Jungle

Thanet is (still technically) an island on the north east coast of Kent.

The government's 'desire' to subject the country to its national build, build, build ethic has reached ridiculous levels already. That houses are really necessary is seriously brought into question when schools are being closed and the land that the playing fields occupied sold off to property developers. Many of the properties being constructed are in the very lucrative market of retirement homes. That the situation can be regarded as a lie is illustrated by the point that schools are being closed and not replaced.

What happened to the children?

Perhaps they are being replaced by the more lucrative older retired folk: human worth, but children don't have any personal wealth. The forced plan to destroy good agricultural land at Westwood Cross has been railroaded through in the complete denial of any justifiction of need. That a very great deal of money is involved must be factored into any sensible consideration of the known facts. As a rough estimate:

1000 homes at £200,000 each represents a completed property value of £200million and excludes the purchase of the land. The year-on-year council tax will be around 1000 x £1200 = £1,200,000.

These figures go up, of course, with the number of houses. What will be the eventual target?

1500 homes equates to £300m sale value and £1.8m council tax.

Every year.

Comments from senior planning officials that they have better things to do than attend public meetings concerned with planning issues add to the claims of a railroading action. People like this display some sort of 'power freak' aspirations and just plain arrogance.

A graduate of the Prescott school of diplomacy

Prescott retiring - to the House of Lords?
Update: 28.05.2010
House of Lord(itup)s

The published comments that a jointly funded road building scheme between Thanet District Council and an allegedly democratic Kent County Council is planned, only raise disturbing questions about what happens next as if councils fund such hopelessly 'planned' projects. Planning has clearly only focused on the profit to be made at the expense of the people paying for it. And paying for it is not simply in the financial sense. Confused planning that has no consistency in logic (no logic at all really) is very apparent. The funding comes from the people of Thanet and in the first phase presumably more central, but undefined, sources. The remedial action to relieve the disastrous traffic issues around this critical central point (Westwood Cross) to get across the island, or to find an exit from Thanet, have only recently been announced. Conveniently, the road improvements have been promised to be got underway now that the imminent construction (and eventual selling) of these homes is here.

However, the Devil is probably in the unknown detail that has been conveniently ignored. The joint scheme for payment is only for the first phase. One unknown fact is how many phases there will be.

Only the first phase is a joint scheme

It is currently more sensible (cost effective in terms of time and money) to burn fuel and generate the alleged causes of climate change by travelling the 15 miles (and 15 miles return) to Canterbury to a shopping centre with proper Park and Ride facilities and into a city centre. Such is the long-term planning capabilities of the more local (Thanet) planners. It begs a question of whether there is any other reason why Thanet District Council would encourage consumers to go outside Thanet - an indirect congestion remedy? Or even something else...

Notably (17.12.07), congestion in Thanet in the run-up to Christmas has been an absolute nightmare. Total gridlock. Planning has been hopelesly efficient. I suggest it is rather deliberate as public support for the proposed road building scheme will be positive. A solution being provided (by THEM) to the problem (created by THEM). But unnoticed by US.

If the plan is to milk the people and raise profit for developers to a maximum for very little outlay, then it's actually quite exemplary of how to do it. Paradoxically, this provides a good example of setting a very bad example, but illustrates the typical national and local government mindset. Meeting objectives. Jumping through the hoops placed in the path to perceived success. The justifiction that it is not within the powers of local government to oppose proposals, even if it's only relaying the strength of local opposition, is clearly suspect. Interestingly, there is a small total of 56 councillors taking decisions that affect the population of Thanet. Railroading with an obnoxious arrogance is the developed modern method of power and control freaks (aka collective government): the learning from the British government through the forever-disastrous Blair and into the current-nightmarish Brown days.

The plan (or plot) is more extensive and supports the modern-day practice of corporate profiteering as being the way to perceived success. Margate is one of the three main towns of Thanet, Broadstairs and Ramsgate being the other two. There are smaller outlying villages and include Acol, Minster and Monkton. In the drive to generate a shopping complex for Thanet, Margate has been effectively closed-down. Even the library has been closed, allegedly for alterations.

Rejuvenation implies a rebirthing or reinvention, but regeneration is just to make again: build, flatten and build again. In Margate, it's simpler. Just flatten once and then rebuild once. More and smaller and upwards. More lucrative as it gives the appearance of creating money. An illusion: converts a low value acreage into a high-rise acreage with the same footprint size, but with a vastly increased 'value'. The population is allowed to increase (globally) to justify the building for homes program as the means to 'create' money. It's been the biggest con over the last century and it is still working wonderfully well... the elephant in the room.

Completely unnoticed

Consider the implications of GM foodstuffs with a dwindling agriculture base.

More £millions 'spent'. This money is lounging 'legitimately' in bank accounts for yet-to-be-seen-to-be-done work. So far?


In the associated modern-day concept of create the problem then provide the solution, the 'long time threatened, but not yet happening' proposal to rejuvenate Margate is still (allegedly) being planned. This planning has already once been abandoned at huge cost (£40-50m give or take the odd £10m, but probably take) and nothing to show for it. A good cover to walk away with this money would be to abandon any earlier attempt and accept failure, but start again and in the process forget the money that has been lost. Somewhere. Money is never lost. It has gone somewhere. This is happening again (next attempt at 'losing' money) as the 'reviewed' plan has yet to produce a footing to be dug and the first brick to be positioned. Only models, drawings and artists' impressions, but in reality so far...


but empty (and very expensive) promises.

Predictably, the derelict houses in less than optimal positions are left to become even more derelict and eventually the old property is converted into a new dwelling and everybody is happy that the eye-sore has been cured. In more 'select' places the already decent properties are torn down to be redeveloped. In a numbers game, one property becomes many and each has its own value.

It's the illusion of wealth creation. Like lending virtual (electronic) money to a borrower and raise money by charging real interest upon it. In monetary terms, creating something from nothing is actually possible even if the real value of the something goes downwards. The illusion is still that it's upwards. Bizarre, but true.

Margate died and any talk about rejuvenation of a dead town is ludicrous. On an emotive and subjective appraisal this sounds a very negative attitude, but in an objective, but positive, sense it is impossible to find anything that will attract holiday makers to a town that has no hotels, no guest houses or amenities. A high street full of estate and letting agents will be in the future. A seafront fire has already destroyed the recognisable eye-line of buildings. Dreamland cinema has just closed because of a modern multicomplex at Westwood Cross. Dreamland amusement park has long been gone though passionate believers hope that a future exists for the wooden carcass of the Scenic Railway. Let's hope so.

The only remaining vestige of Dreamland will be the very old and very wooden Scenic Railway

In the 1980s Dreamland was owned by the Bembom Brothers and the park operated under the name "Bembom Brothers Theme Park", later to be owned by Jimmy Godden and the land sold on in January 2003 to developers who have no plans to continue any sort of amusement establishment. The plan proceeds well and it's now been lying dormant for nearly four years. The time will soon come when the balance between waiting and land value increase is at its optimum for development. Public opinion will begin to lean on the development side since the regeneration/rejuvenation of the dead town will become the main issue on the agenda. Thanet District Council will be 'pressured' to act, but the plan will then simply be moved onto the next phase.

There is simply nothing in Margate or Thanet for holidaymakers and families. The Turner Centre proposition is not likely to attract anyone for more than one day. Genuine local interest will be very narrow and short-lived assuming that the 'dream' or 'nightmare' of a Turner Centre ever becomes a reality. The failed shark's fin Turner Centre project for the shabby seaside town, an incredibly insulting, offensive and undiplomatic remark from someone allegedly promoting Margate. The more complete quote even patronisingly suggests that the people of Thanet are "uncultured" and are therefore in need of education.

"The planned centre for the visual arts in Margate is challenging local residents' ideas about both culture and their rather shabby seaside town."

Clearly Victoria Pomeroy's interests are simply in achieving the construction of a centre, doubtless with her name stamped all over it. In Thanet? Maybe, but precisely where doesn't matter. Arrogance and pomposity are unwelcome. Rather like Pomeroy. The highly corrosive salt air will assuredly destroy paintings so a Turner Centre would only house prints and copies.

Why come all the way to parochial Margate to see such an uncultured copy when photographic reproductions can be seen in book collections for a modest outlay? The latest design by Chipperfield is a monstrosity (read the accompanying text) and illustrates a relocation a little way from the stone pier wall to the other side of Droit House. The impression appears to have been changed from a single building to the twin building impression allegedly dated 19th June 2007. It has changed again to a triple building: Kent On Sunday (17.08.08). The placement makes it even more out of keeping with the existing architecture of Old Margate, but an alternative view would be to keep Chipperfield's (or whoever's in control) concept of the future and rebuild Margate so to be in keeping. With it!

One thing though, it'll never happen. It's construction will never even be started. But the price for the non-existent 'building' will reach upwards to a cool £100m. So far, £48m has been 'wasted' somewhere. The only thing going up is someone's profit.

Next phase of the Margate salvation-plan?

  • Today: Margate's an old, 'shabby seaside town' and in need of:
  • Tomorrow: Margate died and is in need of:

This would make £50m look a tiny amount compared to the cost of maybe £500m. And, of course, quite appealing. By comparison. There's money to be made. Produce an idea (just an idea), get funding and let the idea disappear into the past. To be forgotten about. And the funding to be forgotten. Except funding doesn't disappear. It goes somewhere. Only ask yourself:

Where does the money go?

Who gets it?

It would be tantamount to highway robbery and Thanet council-tax payers would fund the vaporous ideas. There is even talking-up the idea of rebuilding a pier! That has to be the loudest joke this 21st century. In so far at just 2007. Margate has a long way to go yet. Further down the pipe to be lost in the Westwood Cross housing development drainage system! As far as long-term planning goes, and it happens, but behind the scenes, positioning takes a long time to become legally watertight. No leaks can be overlooked.

The consequences of an example can be considered with the Margate Pier Company. Note 'powers in modern terms'. What exactly does that mean? Many years ago, plans were suggested that a Margate marina could happen. The jetty has gone, though the stone pier (harbour wall) has been mistakenly described when, probably, the jetty is meant. Until clarified, speculation and assumption must be offered. An obelisk built at a cost of some £35,000 by Harland and Wolff (Belfast, NI) lasted around one day in the seas off Margate. Washed away by rough seas in a catastrophe of Titanic proportions, this demonstrates the level of knowledge regarding the action of the sea. Presumably, Harland and Wolff know about the sea, but plan submissions must have been extremely poor. Or of a high quality and guaranteed to fail? The outcome of who owns responsibility for this farce has been kept very quiet. But it is...

...£35,000 worth of responsibility

This doesn't build any confidence in anyone allegedly in charge. Sounds very much like national government, not local, behaving as the advisor. The plan administrator. Good at wasting money trying inept ideas that should never be raised from the paper on which they are drawn up. Wasting someone's money is a euphamism for somebody else making an equivalent amount. It's effectively free money for the taking!

The Turner Centre: there is talk about considering building a pier? Deliberate scaremongering? But it certainly is not clear if a stone pier or wooden jetty is under consideration. This is the level of planning intelligence and competence in Thanet. To leave everything ambiguous so plans can be changed, but not noticed as a plan change since there may have not been any concrete (pun intentional) plan to change! Thanet is to become a rock with another billion tons of concrete attempting to sink her.

Climate Change (an alternative truth) and global warming are happening, but only in a small way caused by fossil fuel burning. CO2 is created in the manufacture of concrete and just a single manufacturer makes nearly a million tons of concrete every year. It appears that burning tyres is better than burning fossil fuels and so will justify the method as it involves a lessening of the CO2 being generated at the expense of burning rubber. The black acrid smoke from the burning is obscene.

As a rough approximation the weight of the atmosphere is around:

5000,000,000,000,000 tons

about 5 quadrillion tons. This assumes 14lb per square inch over the entire Earth surface. Carbon dioxide represents around 0.04% of atmosphere gases (2000,000,000,000 tons) and some 50 times as much of this gas exists in the oceans than is supported in the air. Warming seas release CO2 into the atmosphere and melting ice fields work to cool down the waters. An increase of a few billion tons (1 billion = 1,000,000,000) of CO2 doesn't then seem comparatively that sizeable anymore, does it? But BIG figures do create more drama. They're scarier than objective, but very dull, honesty.

The average human body with a footprint of around 12in sq withstands about one ton of atmosphere pressing down upon it.