Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Plastic surgery for women: reaches 50%

Apparently in a recent survey of 25,000 women regarding 'body image', half said that they would consider undergoing corrective plastic surgery. Rather like cutting off a finger because a nail is broken. (Somewhat extreme. Like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. - DA.) It often only usually needs a little effort to effect correction of a 'problem'.

Not a knife!

  • Concerning weight loss and the removal of fat: physical (exercise) or restraint (mental) can avoid the knife. When a knife is used to 'cut' out (or off) the 'problem' unless the reason for excess fat is dealt with it will almost certainly return unless old habits are changed: eating too much, exercising too little... It's cheaper and a great deal safer to remove by effort and not resorting to surgery. Surgery may be quick, but it's dangerous and not permanent. Applying effort instead can be completely safe and permanent if habits are altered.

There is a real possibility of spreading a tumour location by cutting into one (metastasis). If surgery is required to protect life then it can be deemed essential. Otherwise it is not a requirement for life. The human (or any other animal) body is an extremely complex entity and needlessly cutting into is a reckless act. The potential dangers in quick fix 'surgery' are many. What actually needs to be 'fixed' that requires surgery? It's not like a tooth being 'fixed' or even extracted. Even that can have dangers.

And nearly a third think that they are overweight or fat if they are a size 12. That used to be the average size so what's happened to change that perception? Nothing. Half said there was "lots they would change" about their body and more than 1 in 10 said they "hated" it.

Knife + credit card = fix all



The gunges and goos that women smear all over their face to remove wrinkles and look younger? Get real and wake up. Face up (pun intentional) to the fact of getting older. Getting older should mean getting wiser. Apparently not. Mentally all screwed up though, that's for sure.

Really sad.