Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Monday, November 06, 2006


The three Journals are
Comment (possibly contentious)
Occasionally, DA makes an appearance.
This usually indicates an alternative
view or an extra comment.

Philosophical (spontaneous ideas)

Science (scientific/factual)
    I am a writer

    I am a scientist

    I practise wordcraft

    I develop/manage:
    blogs (web logs) = Journals
       A digital diary is a useful medium for checking historical facts - the state of affairs at any particular time. 'Spinning' information is a 'dark art' and to stay accurate, personal data can be easily and quickly referenced. I have an Alexa rating that suggests low traffic - I don't care.

    What I do care about is the translation of this 'fact' into "must be explicit and disturbing" without checking. Very amateurish. Public or private defamatory and libellous statements are actionable. This is why I am very careful about what I publish in the public domain.

    Occasionally, a "web moderator" (policeman) decides to slur a clean website - this one. Libellous and defamatory (both actionable) labels are then firmly placed upon me and my reputation. No effort has been made to substantiate claims, which are ALL totally untrue. Examination of the content quickly reveals this. It would take a thorough search to still discover there is NOTHING that can be construed as explicit (adult) or disturbing.

    Informative - YES
    Thought Provoking - YES
    Interesting - MAYBE
    Explicit - NO
    Disturbing - NO

    All content is safe

    Comment conclusions are derived from a reasoned argument and any 'fact' is supported by an original or independent source where possible. I do not read from somebody else's script, but write my own. This is the nature of a blog. Independent thought is not influenced by anyone or anything else. As new information is understood opinions can change. This shift in opinion is reflected in these journals.

    I do not intend to cause offence but to voice
    an alternative point of view.
    This is not negative thinking but challenging.

    A great deal of the subject content (especially government - DA)
    demands challengeTo examine issues.
    It's all very personal and, therefore, subjective.
    I think for myself. Opinions are my own and I accept full
    responsibility for them.

    Everyone is entitled to his own opinion,
    but not to his own facts

    The Philosophical Journal contains ideas that spontaneously occur to me

    A Science Journal deals with factual entries

    The original postings date from April 2005 - November 2006. Currently, dates are up to May 2024. The reason for separating articles is that over 360 entries had been made and different types of postings were progressively becoming confused. To this end, there are now three new sources each with an index to simplify finding a particular topic.

       It should be noted that although many of the Comment entries are of a political nature, any view described is personal. I attempt to highlight what I believe may be a 'hidden agenda' and areas that adversely affect the majority of UQ (aka UK) Ltd citizens. This constitutes the attempted control of the population within this country and is becoming more and more apparent. Much less subtle. Such control has become patently obvious and what bothers me is that we are walking into a potential nightmare with eyes wide shut.

    The psychological exploitation of the introvert/extrovert 
    (Susan Cain) is crude, but unfortunately quite effective.

    • The removal of UQ (aka UK) Ltd when referencing the UK was in preparation of better times (May-June 2010), but sadly and predictably, affairs have declined
    • The term may be reintroduced as appropriate