Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Government To Profit Using Taxpayers' Money

The government proposes 'making' £200m through fees charged to Richard Branson for arranging the Northern Rock bail-out. This is presumably not designed to encourage Branson to move forward with any deal. Actually, it would promote the nationalisation requirement. Tax payers virtual money has been guaranteed to underwrite proceedings so far. The taxpayer funds the fiasco, yet will not benefit by one penny. The government takes all the credit (!) for creating the mess in the first place then provides an expensive solution.
Create the situation and then provide the solution. Classic.
The amounts bandied about: £26,000 millions, £57,000 millions, £60,000 millions... £100,000 millions make £200 millions seem a tiny amount by comparison.
£200,000,000 taxpayers'
money represents a very significant amount to squander in propping up a dead duck. How many hospitals could be built with that? Or even NHS funding become adequate? Or pay for NHS trust administrators, managers and their 'company' cars and pensions..? It takes so much more skill to push a pen than wield an efficient scalpel. After all, pushing a pen has saved many a life. Imagine: all those kidney patients not waiting for a donor, but a facility to actually perform the transplant. The dreadful lack of sufficient funding is the REAL reason for waiting lists. NOT a shortage of organs as this government likes to declare. This would end the misery of years of dialysis (possibly three or more times a week for years).