Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Friday, November 24, 2006

American Leadership

Original posting, October 2006

When it comes down to true leadership and to take forward and improve the attitudes of the world, the USA, whatever that Administration thinks of itself, is patently NOT a true leader. It can show how to appear to 'make money' and plunder wealth. The values of the corrupt intelligence. The lead example is global warming. Even if a cyclical warming period is inevitable, pumping out billions of tons of CO2 isn't designed to help slow the inevitable.

The USA sees progress in going backwards

Chasing money is in this direction. Back into the dark ages. Trying to feed a corpse. Not much will happen. Obviously, the ultimate aim in space exploration is the hunt for wealth. True scientists certainly search for knowledge, but not those that control the 'real money'? It's the attainment of wealth. New resources. And then to use it for power. For control. Simple. What is the use of money if you cannot spend it? But gain power over your own kind. Be rich. Rich. Rich though forever condemned to remain in prison Earth with old ideals that will eventually destroy us all. Wealth is the key that will kill us all. The irony?

It will murder the wealthy too

If there's no air to breathe or a cool place to exist (there would be no air conditioning by default) then food will cease to exist. Water will remain in the air to a greater extent and not on the ground where it's needed. Air that is too wet is as problematic as air that is too dry when it comes to respiration. Breathing to live.

Water is neither created nor destroyed,

but like 'wealth' is just redistributed

If the planet is not self-sustainable by recycling what we use, eventually all resources must run out.


Not IF