Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Student Loans: The Conclusion Begins


The range of issues concerning the student loan affair is considerable. These particular issues will almost certainly be forgotten in years to come (but not here - DA).

On and on will this go... this single affair will become this government’s nastiest piece of work (so far - DA).

Coalition government = 

Student Loans

Parasite's Tree

This nasty effort is totally illustrative of how (any) 'government' seems to function. It is consistent enough to conclude that much. Whether Tories or Labour or Lib Dems are the active government or the official opposition makes no difference. The Murdoch fiasco, aka farce, makes for some timely misdirection and so it may well be played up to maximise the advantage.

The current nauseating and patronising 'buzz term' 'we are all in this together' is entirely inappropriate and an obvious (and very crude - DA) attempt at conditioning. We the people are 'in it' because that's where we've all been dumped.

Regarding the tuition fees débâcle it is not outside the imagination to propose that a deal had been reached before the last election. And concerning the need for a loan? Raise the level to force the need to take out a loan. How? Just raise the level artificially so requiring it.

Up the ante

Students from wealthy backgrounds don't need loans. There's nothing to repay so disallowing a simple payoff after graduation is a complete red herring. The result is lock-in to paying off the increasing debt from the addition of interest. For the creation of the elitist society it is critical to shackle the future graduates (the clever, but poor, represent potential competition to the advancement of the possibly not so bright wealthy - DA) by being chained to a lifetime of debt (student loan, mortgage...) so enabling the wealthy to race on ahead free of yokes. If a 'poor' individual can swim then place a heavy chain around their collective neck and drown them all. It's all about winning and if not by ability then by manufacturing advantage.


Whatever label 'won', student loans would be raised. The term 'raise' is absolutely disgusting. Revulsion and repugnance are words that don't even come close to describing this absolute betrayal of the future. It's all about money and nothing. ABSOLUTELY nothing else. Remember the control of finances ensures ABSOLUTE control. The increase from £3290 to £9000 corresponds to a jump of £5710 and provides that control.

Annual increase 

of over...

Imagine if the basic rate of income tax or VAT or TV license or... were to be raised by anything close to this amount it would initiate a mass protest never before known in the UK. No government would ever dare (really? - DA). But students? Who cares? The secondary education system has been debased so much that the 'A-level' A* grade is an average and super A* grades are needed to be just above average. Anything less than an A grade is effectively regarded as worthless. It's not, but this is the betrayal simply to gain money.

The result: a very large number of A graders all vying to get into any university. So, just about all the universities wanted to charge the maximum £9000 annual fee and there would be no choice about value for money. There is none.

The best becomes...
the best of the best becomes...
the best of the best of the best becomes...

Job done! Tuition Fees raised and current revenue maximised (for now - DA). Those to blame? The Lib Dems since Dr. Vince Cable was responsible. That was back in October 2010. Now it's Willetts - a Tory.

Weren't me guv. I'm just pushing forward

the mess started by Cable!

The Lib Dems did it. The Tories didn't.

We just upped the ante, mate!

Why so soon (the priority where all the cuts came essentially afterwards) with the new government of the day?

Cuts don't involve reducing tuition fees.

This is money in not out.

The same as taxes and VAT and ...

All inwards, not outwards 

and into the public interest

  • By the time the next election comes around in 3-4 years all... 
will be well established and the
    new levels will be the norm!!!

    It'll ALL just be forgotten

    BUT not here - DA

    The debt will be ongoing for a lifetime and the old government (and those responsible) will be long gone. And everyone will be so pleased that they have gone. It's how it works and is a very cosy arrangement where ABSOLUTELY no individual gets the blame. It's a truly perfectly self-sustainable system. The people are crushed even more and no one notices. But the host is continuously regenerated and replaced by a new feedstock for the parasite.