Small bites 001 -> 399
The following list is a growing compilation of some issues that time does not allow for an in-depth commentary and is not necessarily chronological
Updated: 4th January 2010
1. If a 'food additive' is required, then opt-in with independent proof that it is safe. And prove that the additive is required before it is ‘added’.
Unlike aspartame.
2. Speed cameras: people seem to be annoyed, irritated or distracted by speed cameras, but not mundane things like adverts on TV or even other road users with 'bad' attitude. Odd. Worse is the highly cynical detector systems being peddled. Staying within prescribed speed limits is the most effective method of avoiding 'speeding tickets' rather that exceeding those limits. It's incredibly patronising to have drivers parading their arrogance by indicating that they know best. Arguing with a judge in a Court of Law is NOT recommended.
3. It's (allegedly) almost a certainty that if you're exceptionally rich (just a few £millions) it has been through original dishonesty and/or crime. A return into history may reveal the truth as long as it has not been deliberately hidden and so covered up. This is apparently, not always the case.
4. UN chief: "NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) cannot defeat Taliban by force".
Really, or is this just a softening-up, conditioning bow shot, statement of fact?
5. See Benefit Provider
Provide benefits to keep people in poverty. There is no reason for the beneficiaries to do anything and they become totally dependent on the State (benefits). This in turn supports the government that 'provides' the benefits and virtually ensures future votes to get (back) into power. Effectively, this is simple bribery using, of course, taxpayers (public) money that was originally provided by taxpayers to the incumbent government (by force and threats of imprisonment). Buying votes with public money.
Who would bite off the hand that feeds?
What does government do with the freely given (!!!), and unaccountable £billions 'donated' by the non-dependent taxpayer? What is the real reason for the egotistical need for power? Power only implies an arrogance and the desire to control. Why? Access to the £billions in government coffers. Perhaps. Without accounts, how would you know if you were being robbed blind?
6. 'Correct' answers according to... who? This is a method of control. To be 'right' is to provide the accepted conditioned response. Indoctrination. Similar to education: the 'correct' answer is rewarded. A 'wrong' answer receives condescension. Behaviour is controlled in a similar way. The origins of the 'rebel': original thinking is constrained by conformity being regarded as 'correct'. Rebellion is 'wrong' even if it is the 'right' action to take.
7. The deployment of an additional 21,500 US troops to Iraq could be just a crude attempt at the Trojan Horse (disguised) offensive into Iran. When the USA talks about complete withdrawal from Iraq, consider where the troops will ultimately (for now) be deployed.
8. Go to work to afford to run the car that takes you there rather than have a car for more practical reasons. Work to live or live to work? Eat to live or live to eat?
9. What a pathetic justification given by the organisers of an F1-11 stunt in Brisbane. About 300 trees had (allegedly) been planted to soak up the 68 tonnes of greenhouse gases produced. As though this is instant. And is this for a young or mature tree? That's around 4 trees per tonne. That must be over the lifetime of the alleged planting. Hardly making much immediate difference.
10. Attempt to alter genetics by slimming are purely illusory. Men don't all go for skinny women. It's a woman-woman competition thing. Offspring will be genetically determined not by lifestyle, but the individual genome. Lifestyle has an effect, but it is a reletively small one.
11. Flogged a dead horse: mixing up climate change and burning fossil fuels. Bad science.
12. Politicians are always so pompous and arrogant (self-importance). Point heavily supported by virtue that nobody else matters.
13. Caution: there's a lot of hype and disinformation on many subjects being accepted into the public domain. Loosely based on 'fact' and so the illusion is promulgated in the attempt to reach the desired end: persuasion by fear.
14. The growing tendency for self restraint to be absent is a reflection of the level of control. People fail to think for themselves. Look to speed cameras for an example: the so-called "nanny state". And where did such a phrase originate?
Government, of course.
15. Dumb down ('dumbing down') maths to fit the needs for life skills. This presumes the 'life' is known and defines massaging what 'life' will be. This is not providing the maths that is needed for the basic understanding of manipulating figures. Only what has been planned for the future.
Defines controlling what people will be allowed to do. Provide for the selected 'skills' only.
Rampant spinning.
16. Possibility of three-way collusion between car manufacturers, petrol companies and government. Money driven (pun intentional). Faster (and heavier) cars generally have bigger engines and so use more petrol at any speed, but the faster the greater the consumption. Consideration of simple physics shows that the factors working against efficiency, like wind resistance, increase by a square function: double the speed and increase these effects by four. Treble speed and multiply by nine. So, doubling speed will increase consumption by four times. This is the reason why economical driving techniques involve maintenance of a relatively lower speed. To move a heavy vehicle from standstill is energy (fuel) inefficient. Imagine a petrol-engined TIR lorry: they don't exist as they would be hopelessly costly to run.
Even small-engined cars driven for performance-display consume more fuel.
Rationing petrol may have it's attractions, but this isn't cost effective if maximum profit is considered. Think commercial. Think profiteering.
17. The pensions débâcle is another example of potentially theft by stealth or the redistribution of wealth. Wealth is not created, but acquired or appropriated (winners and losers). The fund contents went somewhere. Never 'destroyed'. The only way to do this is to actually and physically destroy paper cash. But even then the cash was exchanged for something which survives and may still exist. Paper money or metallic cash has no real value. Only intrinsic. Symbolic and trade value. Nothing else.
The illusion.
Perhaps when gold coins were made from pure gold or silver coins from pure silver. Gold ingots are valuable, but only in the fact that the ingot is relatively rare and resists atmospheric decomposition. Otherwise it is just another terrestrial element that has an elevated “value and worth”.
After all, gold makes the world go round. Like diamonds or oil (black gold). Without them, the Earth would stop “spinning”, wouldn’t it!
18. The finance director of Associated British Foods has welcomed last week's (end Feb 2007) price increases in the bread industry. A standard Kingsmill 800g loaf up from 88p to 96p. An increase of just over 9%. And that is behind Warburtons breaking the 'magic' £1 barrier. Broken through so now no stopping?
[Running faster than a 4-minute mile was once considered impossible. Or travelling faster than sound. After it had happened this became commonplace.]
"We've had lot of support from the trade," says John Bason, the finance director.
But, does the customer support such increases?
Weak UK sugar profits have been offset by ABF's Polish sugar business.
Primark is the clothing chain.
19. The Theatre Royal (Margate) to be demolished: a prediction. As the second oldest theatre in the country (and a listed building), finance has always been a struggle. Suddenly, Thanet Council wants to buy it. Finance seems readily available from the Arts Council to fund future ventures.
The prelude to the sell off and develop apartments and the conversion into money, money, money. For someone.
20. Before making any decision government should have all the information. However, selective use of all the information can introduce damage. Once made, the consequences of any decision won’t be undone, the 'planned' damage will be done, but blaming it on ineptitude!
21. Accounting irregularities and possible fraud at McAlpine's Welsh slate business. The suspension of two senior managers after an internal audit uncovered "systematic misrepresentation of production volumes and sales for a number of years" so the claim goes. As a 'small business' with a turnover of just £27m in 2005, analysts slashed 2006 estimates to £30m from £43m.
An accounting irregularity of £13m?
The company says those involved tried to hide the financial implications of their actions by pre-selling slate at substantially discounted prices. "The board believes that the behaviour and collusion of the managers responsible has been entirely deliberate and involves the possibility of fraud."
Then: "We don't think this has been done for any personal gain, so at this stage it is not a matter for the police."
How does "pre-selling slate at substantially discounted prices" not 'create' something, somewhere for someone.
Perhaps I am just being naïve.
22. Downing Street has gathered together some 1.5 million email addresses in its database. This has happened because of the electronic petitioning over the internet to the website (allegedly). Apart from who owns the list and any access by opposition parties, or taking into account data protection, does this expose the senders to extraordinary attention by the government?
Surveillance by stealth.
23. Israel seeks permission from US (!!!) to fly over Iraq (???) on the way to attack Iran (!!!). This has to be made public for Iran's ears and especially ours. Diplomatic, behind the scenes moves could be made, but that way, of course, it would all be kept secret. But no. Tell everybody. Then everyone is complicit.
Sabre rattling and nobody's taken in by it all.
It seems to be all part of the Bush 'exit strategy' from Iraq when the oil pipeline ownership is all 'sewn' up.
24. Writer Alan Bennett has joined a group campaigning against a proposed wind farm on Denshaw Moor claiming it will be a blight on Saddleworth Moor. Shame these people think that such a 'blight' is worse than a coal-fired power station or worse. The prospect of a nuclear power station on the horizon? Someone else's horizon, of course.
And the greater dangers are all less visible. No smoke, but the monster lurks silently within.
Out of site and out of mind.
25. Row as elite universities admit fewer state pupils.
Ignoring prejudicial reasons for such a policy, it is an indication that weakening standards is a likely cause. Why should a university take students that 'appear' to have done well, when the standard of the exam is not particularly high.
Contentious, but cynical government attempts to make it appear that everything is going up when it is patently obvious the opposite is happening.
Poor maths skills cost British adults, it is alleged, more than £800m a year as shoppers fail to notice they are short-changed. So often, change is just dumped into a customer’s hand since the till tells the operator what change to disburse. The operator does not have the mental skills to check what is taken from the till as change. It may not be dishonesty, just inadequate arithmetic skills.
This is progress.
26. Toothpaste fails school drug test.
Random drug testing: Colne Community School, Brightlingsea, Essex has suspended its random drug testing as two pupils had been wrongly tested positive because of their toothpaste.
Tests showed that the toothpaste could produce results similar to those given by amphetamines or methamphetamines. Perhaps the results of the random test were not erroneous, but the toothpaste contains sinister additives. The brand of toothpaste has not been declared by the school. It has refused to name it, apparently.
27. 'Forgotten' £44m: owners sought.
Halifax has a problem identifying the rightful owners of £44m of "forgotten" money held in 110,000 old and unused accounts. It is quite likely that a large part of this, if not all, has arisen from executors failing to identify the accounts. So, they will never be accessed since nobody knows of their existence. Probably, the beneficiaries of wills would benefit.
The Halifax no doubt pays no interest on this money (£44m), but uses it for free.
28. Dr. John Reid 'will lead anti-terror department'.
Moves to make John Reid head of terrorism and security at the split Home Office are being "actively considered" by Tony Blair.
Time to start worrying even more. Assuming there is nobody already panicking.
29. Banks can't lose as they loan money without checks and then overcome this loss on bad debts from investment banking.
Collectively, banks made some £40 billion in the past year.
But, check out Northern Rock. Borrows on the money markets since it “lends” as mortgages to it’s customers more than it takes in from savers. Mortgagees provide interest on the capital - eventually. It's theoretical money owed in principle only. The business is then built on this virtual money.
30. Distance tax will logically lead to car sharing being indirectly encouraged. Less congestion. The next logical step is to place a tax on occupants who are not family. Then, of course, all occupants including family. The real test is in whether any future government removes the tax.
No, it will not even try. They are all the same body, just wearing a different mask. Labels.
31. Minimum wage: cynically, to maintain a minimum wage and not increase it. Keep this to the minimum and any %age payrise can appear quite generous, yet be very little in real terms. Government inflation figures are a fraud because the formula used (whatever it may be) gives the appearance of a low rate when (nearly) everyone knows it's a lie. The real cost of living to real people is very much higher than the engineered figure that does not take into account real outgoings. Fuel of all types, taxes everywhere and always more on the horizon. And then some more. People have to live inside the lie. Inflation busting rises to maximise profiteering are ignored because a reminder of the (real) rate of inflation suggests there is not a problem. Taxation levels go up, council tax goes up by more than inflation, energy prices up. Up, up, up… Yet the official figure remains low, low, low.
The con? It's not just a con. It's a fraud.
All governments do it. It's a financial trick. The illusion.
32. There is something very wrong somewhere. Although there are more cars and vehicles than commercial aircraft, the amount of fuel consumed and the associated CO2 created is quite disproportionate for the headcount and distance travelled. One aircraft, probably not full, may account for 200 people. This is balanced against 200 vehicles with only one occupant per vehicle (driver).
An aircraft might fly 1000 miles, but the majority of fuel is consumed taking off and reaching cruising height and speed. This will be the same regardless of the overall flight.
The volume of fuel (kerosine vs petrol) used?
33. Example of anti-scientific approach:
"We tried eveything we could think of to make this reading go away."
"The magnetic field measured was stronger than predicted."
This anomaly didn't affect performance (of gyroscopes), the problem quietly dropped. Such an important finding lay undisturbed for 20 years. It didn't fit and so was not investigated.
Bad science.
Rather than attempting to examine in the open, it is try to find a reason to ignore something that doesn't fit.
34. So galling that "it has cost the NHS £billions". It has cost the taxpayer ... Anyway, so 'they' say whoever 'they' are. If 'they' say so then it must be true. Another undefinable and bottomless pit. Need more money? The taxpayer will fund it.
But: isn't that a dereliction of duty by not providing value? Nobody seems to notice or care.
Don’t bother to ask, just take.
35. Note for the illusion of wealth 'creation'. The perception of the 'winners and losers' game. True creation only happens in the mind. Thoughts. Not tangible, but very real. The notion of the material as valuable is really quite laughable.
Diamond: nothing more than an allotrope of carbon.
Like coal, charcoal or oil. All carbon based. Like humans.
36. Interest rates need to be raised above 8% to control booming house prices. Surprised? Shouldn't be. It's to be anicipated as part of the long term plan to amass more money. All part of the ‘wealth’ redistribution process. More people, more houses, more potential money. More expensive property, longer term loans to keep 'affordable', but greater the interest the longer the term.
I still despair for the generation maturing now who need to buy property in which to live and not fill the pockets of a landlord (the parasite: lives off the host and puts nothing back) with their money. Not the real problem: the staggeringly selfish and greedy who simply perpetuate the myth that wealth is actually created and not just moved around.
37. Computerised lip-reading systems to tackle crime? Rather to assist surveillance. And anyway, lip reading is not foolproof and the wrong message can (conveniently) be the interpretation.
38. Issues that involve 'ethics' should not be resolved (if, in fact, they are) by public consultation. Potentially serious consequences should not be allowed to involve the layman's unqualified opinion. It is too dangerous to let the poorly (mis)informed decide. Science is not always filled by integrity. And the potential for misleading information to gain advantage for all sorts of motives is possible always. Some things should just be left alone.
It possibly requires the ‘expert’ to understand the complexities, but the unqualified layman to offer an honest and unbiased verdict.
The 'fait accompli' gives the appearance of public consultation, but it never involves public choice.
39. Someone's credibility is measured by how much their creative output makes in terms of money.
40. Lung cancer caused by tobacco was not stopped. But cholera very quickly dealt with. Why? There's no money to be made in sudden death, only taxation from a 'long-lived' causation of death.
41. Narrow-boned and size zero. Genetics cannot be changed. Natural size 12 can never be a size zero (British size 4) with good health.
Humans cannot breathe unaided underwater without gills.
42. Devil's Advocate: it is noteworthy that when favourable things are said, they tend to be believed. Distasteful things tend to be disbelieved. Politicians pander to that fact. They can change their tune in a heartbeat if it's favourable and is probably the main reason for inconsistency. The obvious lie that is seldom challenged. They seem to forget that the earlier audience still hear the tune that was played. A new audience (generation) hears the tune of the day, but the earlier audience now hears the first one, the second one, the third and so on.
Allegiance of the corrupted is to the corruptor.
43. The concept of arranged marriages: absolute control of a bargaining chip. The right to personal control of a once only existence is denied. Culture 'owns' life, it seems.
44. Insider dealing. At government ministerial level this concept cannot exist when the rules are changed/invented before such dealing exists. Being ahead of the game not just ahead in the game.
45. Government is to decide about the Westwood Cross development of 1000 homes. Of course, it is bound by definition to say 'yes':
1000 x £200,000 (conservative estimate) = £200,000,000
It was decided a long time ago. Water feed, sewage disposal capability? Who cares? The system in the new 'estate' may be of a high standard, but the real problem is that it links in to the rubbish national system. Waste going nowhere.
Common sense should be the guide to buying a house on high land. Houses can only be ‘bought’ where they exist. Built on cheap land in unsuitable places. The reason it’s cheap.
But: £200,000,000.
That's what really matters.
46. Chinese whispers: history gets changed and justifications and 'facts' become better established with time basing new books and articles on older 'fact'. If that earlier 'fact' is a lie, then the truth gets buried deeper and deeper.
47. Consider the Titanic tragedy: accident or manslaughter? Or murder for financial gain?
48. Publicly removing qualified doctors: designed to increase FEAR levels and uncertainty.
49. Reduce the amount of water available to facilitate profit in the construction of new homes. Water supply is necessary to build. Possibly more important than drainage when it comes to selling properties.
Incidentally, the use of more and more concrete adds to the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide: CaCO3 -> CaO + CO2. Notice the misdirection to blame it all on humans? Humans use concrete, but it is not directed here. It is more lucrative to blame human consumption of oil and so raise revenue through taxation than it is to compromise the construction industry by blaming the major material used.
The warming oceans release more CO2. The Sun is getting hotter as time goes on.
50. Scientists sometimes show themselves to be megalomaniacs. To 'spend' £billions to attempt the recreation of a theoretical event (Big Bang), and perhaps cause the annihilation of all existence in the process, is absolute madness. It makes the opening of Pandora's Box look like a fun thing to do. Just to have a peek.
Chasing the existence of 'God'. That would be considered delusion by these very scientists who consider themselves on a crusade to determine the origin and future of the Universe and what makes it work. The idea of a single theory of everything when time and distance distortion complicate even the simplest of theories.
51. The poor (large majority) and the illusory 'middle-rich' (non-existent) subsidise the wealthy (tiny minority).
52. The origins of the 'red carpet': is it so royalty can walk over the bloodied corpses after battle and hide the devastation? Like red uniforms to disguise and hide blood stains of the dead and wounded.
53. A dead giveaway: HMRC. Revenue AND customs. Linking revenue not just from simple income tax, but also tax on anything and this implies legal and illegal imports.
54. There will come the time of 'critical mass' when redistribution is no longer concealed. Subsidising the wealthy by taking from everyone else will end. Like oil, it will run out. There is nothing left. What happens? The modern day Revolution. The rising of the masses against the wealthy. But the greed of the masses has confused thinking. There is too much to lose. So three sides to the coin. The minority of the wealthy (those that 'own' the wealth and actually believe they are superior), those that believe they are getting richer (the 'middle rich' in reality just a subset of the poor) and the poor (those that know they are not rich).
The war will be fought by the non-existent 'middle rich' against the poor. The wealthy minority will just sit back and watch: the same class fighting itself while the rich just observe and pick over the 'winnings'. The poor have always been seduced and corrupted into protecting the wealthy.
The virus protects the host.
A national army and police force are used to control the masses.
55. The corporate goal of profit on the back of making sick people live longer, will eventually create a global population so large that it will overwhelm life on Earth.
It is happening now as manufacturing is decimated and just moved around. Only a few large multinationals exist and these will get fewer and ultimately there will only be the one. Closer than imagined by hiding parent ownership.
World government. World domination complete.
56. A compassionate and caring society seems to encourage diluting itself and threatening itself with non-perfect offspring. Paradoxical. But what is perfect? Physically or mentally deficient? Eugenics can only assess physical effects. Mental deficiency only comes to light after birth. And even birth itself can create the problem where none up until that time existed.
After birth comes mind control.
57. Gang up or team up? The talk in terms of £billions could be a simple indicator to demonstrate that companies are getting bigger. Remember that a billion is ONE THOUSAND times bigger than the million and noticeably billionaires are becoming more commonplace than millionaires.
£$Millionaires, £$billionaires, £$trillionaires… figures mean nothing. Value remains the same and all is based on perception And if mental capacity is zero..?
Microsoft and Yahoo are reported to be considering teaming up against Google and that Microsoft may even buy Yahoo for $50 billion. Yahoo's share price jumped 10% based on this report.
Microsoft can’t do it alone.
Competition can be healthy for growth, but there comes a time when competition just becomes destructive.
58. Alienate the public DELIBERATELY and cause greater unrest to justify the need for more powers. Control is growing. The craving for it has been around for a long, long time.
59. Identify the gene for breast cancer. So it can be used to cause damage?
60. Cameron (remember him?) and the privileged want to exclude everyone else. From anything. Especially those things that are important. The lesser privileged should have no opinion since not being privileged must, by definition, mean stupid. Such stupefying arrogance. Removes any competition. Or rather: interference.
61. Ice cores show gas levels in a particular era, apparently. Yet what is the certainty of this being accurate. Over 1000s of years there is no way of knowing, only assuming, that the analyses are correct for that period. Maybe there is a constant, albeit extremely slow, change in concentrations much like cell death and regrowth. Micromelting and refreezing. This is over 1000s of years. Everything is in some sort of flux.
62. All the spouting about 'tonnes' of CO2 each human produces in a year going about our daily lives, it would be educational to know how much we respire annually just existing. And how much an annual saving can be offset by one medium haul plane journey. Different aircraft of a range of distances makes it difficult to accurately estimate, but even a crude value would be very enlightening.
63. Consumption of fossil fuels: Bush will 'consider it'. For the next 40 years or so. While Rome burned, Nero fiddled (probably a euphamism for doing nothing). While the Earth burns, Bush considers and does nothing. But the money pours in and the poor get poorer.
64. Anti-competition laws: does diversification within the same outlet or chain constitute no monopoly, but technically a monopoly within itself? Consider Tesco and that ilk.
'Exclusive' to one chain, in fact, defines no competition.
65. Why shouldn't humans be forced into extinction. Only another species on Earth.
66. Cloning: an apparent 'clone' cannot be a real copy anymore than a duplicate photograph. The actual image may be a perfect copy, but it must be on different (physical) paper. Any individual atom is unique. Any drop of water is unique. Cloning cannot happen. Only the illusion of cloning. A human 'clone' could never have cloned thoughts, or it would have to be a soulless machine with no consciousness of its own. No individuality. A computer.
Like a production vehicle: all the vehicles may appear and perform in an identical way. Nonetheless, they are still different vehicles.
67. Man evolved on Earth. There is no possibility of lengthy survival off Earth unless an identical environment is provided. Space is hostile: cold, no natural oxygen (specific to life on Earth) or natural food with micronutrients. Gravity is zero so an artificial gravity would be essential. Lethal radiation (solar storms). Overall: impossible.
68. It takes just one sperm to initiate life from some 350 millions. Like the billions of suns in the galaxy and 'known' universe only one is considered to be the cause of life.
69. The illusion of 'making man in god's image' can be explained in terms of evolution. In a basic overview, physical human development has not changed much over the thousands of millennia of existence. The growth of the foetus into a form ready for birth has a greater complexity than appears outwardly. Not only the development of the organs themselves, but the timing of growth and the interconnections of these organs. The miles of arteries, veins and even smaller blood vessels all making the correct connection. Errors do happen and organs do malfunction or make wrong connections.
This the information is in the genome. The master map. The plan from which a living being is built. Human, cat, hampster or monkey.
70. Conventional wisdom has it that after the 'Big Bang', hydrogen and helium existed and other atomic nucleii formed in the furnace of stars. Other atoms that are unstable may have formed in our star: the Sun. This is a relatively cool star. It is reasonable to suppose that a hotter star may form other elements or even stable forms of' terrestrial radioactive elements.
71. A plane is going to fly anyway so why shouldn't I be a passenger in it? The 'carbon footprint' won't be any different and a plane can only take a fixed number of people. By avoiding planes won't stop them being operated unless a reduced passenger manifest/inventory starts to have an effect. A real dilemma. 'Sacrificing' an opportunity to travel just means I lose out. The only way forward is if the plane does not fly and so I am denied the opportunity. The opportunity withdrawn, but operators still need revenue to operate and this means providing opportunity.
Symbiosis in the wrong direction.
72. Some people are so easily led that only suggestion even by behaviour alone is enough to effect a habit. The influence of others is almost invisible unless the psychotic need to control is recognised. It is obvious when understood. Like reading a book with a chapter concerning body language: a very instructive book. Or understanding a chapter concerned with liars and cheats.
73. The ego is an expensive and dangerous characteristic. Something that many cannot afford to have. It can put people into huge debt and potentially fatal situations.
74. As much as £14m aid for flood responses (permanent) withdrawn, yet £9300m pledged for Olympic Games (just 16 days).
75. The International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) is nothing more than a lobby group to promote the cause for climate change. Even though it is (probably) based on a flawed premise (propaganda).
76. Outsourcing any electronically communicated information presents a major security loophole. The thread of possession is lost. India, China...
77. What is the difference between a root vegetable and a fruit? Except obviously that one grows above and the other below ground. The composition of the produce. Chemical. Enzymes. Vitamins...
78. PAYE: the state gets it cut first. You get what's left. Same as the residue of an estate: it's what remains after any tax has been paid.
The 'Stay out of Jail' ticket. Problem and Solution scenario with conditioning. ‘Accepted’ because there is no choice.
79. The carrot and the stick: ensure the divide between earnings and the cost of purchase of ‘desirables’ widens and so perpetuate the wealth creating machine.
Perpetual motion.
80. Thousands of years ago when man was mystified by what today are regarded mundane phenomena, the concept of a 'God' can be understood. Today such beliefs do not make sense. Explanations of 'fact' seem to be insufficient. A belief still overwhelms established fact.
When today many deny the existence of aliens or life anywhere else in the entire universe yet have 'belief' systems that encapsulate 'fairies at the bottom of the garden', this attitude is without foundation. The logical connection is that 'God' is an alien entity. The religious sector (all faiths) would probably be horrified at such a thought. That defines the attitude that any lifeform however advanced and superior to human life is subordinate even though any real comparison testing is (not yet) possible. Such is the extent of real ignorance, but based on denial.
The size of the universe is not known and cannot be known or even conceived. To deny the existence of any other lifeform, anywhere else except Earth, is like living with your head beneath the sand and claiming to see all. To be unable to see by denying sight and then assert there is nothing to see is supremely absurd and arrogant.
Logically and in total objectivity, such beliefs cannot realistically be denied or accepted. Denial of the unknown is illogical. The concept of religion, but in reverse. Opting in rather than opting out. Open mindedness.
81. This persistent denial of even the possibility of life on other planets (non-terrestrial), in solar systems and galaxies literally countless light years away is small thinking. Extraterrestrial indeed. The solution of pi has never been solved. Billions or trillions of light years is just a beginning. Limitless or only limited by the imagination. To imagine life on Earth is all there is, is simply fantasy. Science fiction. Rather a paradox.
Then to consider the evolution of life along human lines only. Why? Life is only as we perceive it. Many times scientists have been 'surprised' by a new lifeform on Earth or from the depths of the sea. Newly discovered life that has survived for millions of years without Man's knowledge. Almost keeping its existence secret.
Life could co-exist with humanoid life. Maybe the person standing next to you. It is just not recognised. Maybe mountains and trees do have spirits. Any solid, liquid or gas or... imagine. If it can't be explained then it cannot exist. Arrogance continues simply attempting to mask ignorance. Or stupidity. Rejecting possibilities because they don't fit into 'known' dogma.
This demotes the scientist to an ordinary person who simply...
...doesn't know. It creates problems by the nature of being inexplicable. That will never do.
Once to reach a distant coast was considered impossible. Intrepid explorers courageouly discovered new lands. It is now taken for granted that these lands do exist. And can easily be reached. Perhaps reaching another planet outside the solar system is not possible. It probably is impossible with science as it is today. But that does not render it unlikely that such an achievement can never be successful.
One hundred years ago to fly above the ground was unthinkable. Now limited space travel is possible, but progress is not going to happen unless a different form of travel is discovered. The energy, distance and time connection is not going to provide a solution.
82. On a simplistic level, the sudoku (sod uku!) analogy provides a comparison for science. A puzzle can be almost completed, more than 95%, only then to discover an error. Everything to that point seemed to fit, but the solution cannot be achieved. The solution is wrong.
One early mistake is not detected as everything seems OK. In fact, the error is compounded by every subsequent answer being based on the answers already provided. Towards the end, the mistake is realised and a minor error seems to be a major error. It is actually no bigger than the early one.
It is tempting to tinker with corrections, but just creates another unsolvable puzzle. The easy way is to start again.
Science cannot do this. Or won't. Too much knowledge has been uncovered. Much undoubtedly correct and subsequent knowledge is also likely to be right when based on good information. The difficulty is to distinguish the right from the wrong.
It is probable that most scientific knowledge is honest, but knowlege based on incorrect assumptions can only lead to an apparent major conflict.
This also highlights the more serious damage done by cheats.
Even defragmenting a hard drive can illustrate the problem, but in a different sense. There is possibly no original error, but fragmentation causes new information to be placed distant from related parts. This creates disarray, potential errors and a real danger of failure. It certainly slows things down. Rather like politics, which has the ability to slow real progress to a snail's pace. Or even slower. To a standstill. Scattered information becomes more disorganised. Tiding up to relocate the related parts can restore balance.
Unchecked science can create dangerous disarray. But the problem remains: how is such a check performed and against what? The check of new information may be made against wrong earlier information. This compounds the error, but the mistakes remain undetected. Even the method of checking may be based on an error. Misconceived.
83. The Great Climate Change debate (con) is likely to backfire. The West has been 'persuaded' about CO2 and global warming. The true reason is simply to introduce nuclear power under the zero CO2 flag of convenience. China has no interest in the global warming debate and refuses to accept emissions targets as it has no obligations to do so. If 'rich nations' continue to reduce their CO2 emissions, China need do nothing and could become a 'rich nation' too. Balance the opportunity.
This fails to recognise the West's (US) desire to keep other countries down so it can be globally dominant. The way it will backfire is that western civilisations won't play ball by letting China get away with producing unchecked amounts of CO2 when they must reduce their own.
It won't work and so the original conning of their own people will backfire. It has to. Ironic to an extreme. If all other countries were to rise against the China threat then the US need do nothing and would still rise above the rest as the survivor by default.
84. Climate change has its potential advantage. The amount of water globally is constant. Over the 1000s of millennia, this amount has never changed. The distribution as vapour, liquid and solid states alters by the moment, but the total water remains constant. It is effectively removed from the circulation by becoming bound in cement and other materials that 'consume' water. Each growing human in the increasing population removes around 60kg water.
Clouds are airborne water repositories. Rain goes up and it comes down. Clouds move around. The warmer conditions cause more evaporation and rainfall must become more frequent and heavier (perhaps). Warmer water allows more hurricanes and cyclones to form generating more and stronger winds. Clouds disperse greater distances. The whole nature of weather is changing.
Short term, it affects mankind as migration is not a natural characteristic. Long term the Earth will recover and the animal world will continue to evolve. Man is well on his way to extinction. Possibly, sped up by behaviour traits, but inevitable nonetheless.
85. True human nature is only suppressed and just under the surface. Witness the suspension of inhibition. Excessive alcohol consumption. Behaviour suddenly changes as though a switch has been thrown to reveal a more selfish attitude. One that involves only self gratification.
In the 'western world', more and more is the selfish nature becoming more apparent. Other parts of the world too. Greed and self advantage are to a great many the only reason to live. As though it's the only reason for life itself. Man and other life, even pond life, has existed for millions of years. Wealth, in terms of money, is a very recent invention by comparison and is only the medium to manifest a repressed nature.
Millions of years ago, survival would hang on this selfish nature. Nothing much has changed. Possibly those who don't show such greed and selfish characteristics have stronger repression abilities? Possibly an evolutionary trait?
86. Property ladder: one of the most successful conditioning exercises ever devised. Get on the property ladder at any cost. Creates a market for the building industry and is the fuel to increase 'value'. Any building opposition will always be overruled since the construction industry makes so much money. The increase in population even though a major threat to an overstretched planet Earth is allowed to grow even more because the larger consumer market means more wealth for the few. It's all heading towards meltdown. Faster and faster and caused by greed.
The more building, the more water is locked up in cement and mortar. Ultimately more salt manifests as the water is slowly being removed. The growing population could consume this growing surplus, but the encouragement is to reduce consumption. But like attempts to reduce smoking will have those who simply cut down, there is a constant opening of new markets where the dangers are not appreciated. Even if these dangers are known, the overwhelming money making potential is just too great to overlook. Just the potential to make shedloads of money.
China as an example. A massive potential market. A growing population to be made ill in order to make more money then 'fix' the situation with modern (expensive) drugs.
Create the problem then provide the solution. Same as 9/11. To imagine that the idea of Nazism just vanished with the 'end' of WWII is fantasy. The ideologies have evolved, but are little changed in reality. Forcing control through beliefs of the 'masters' onto the 'pawns' of general world society is happening even more today. The government of one country becomes a federal government and individual people-control (majority) is lost to the few (minority). Proportionately, federal control creates a growing majority with a decreasing minority. The European-government is a relatively small step away from a world-government dominated by the US. The illusion demands this. Who would be in control. Like puppet Bush has his masters, it is just unclear who they really are.
Blair won't go away and still 'meddles' as a 'international' envoy. Note the 'international'. British envoy would be too incendiary. The man who started it all sent in to moderate the fires of Hell.
A smaller global population and less competition may enable survival of all, but the 'animal' competition behaviour will end by the competition for diminishing resources as is happening already demonstrated by the quest for oil. The wars being started to justify the 'competitive' aquisition of another's natural resource.
What is happening about Iraqi oil and is it being bought at market prices and revenue going to Iraq or is it being plundered. Blood and oil do not mix unless you add the catalyst called money.
87. Buying profit: any money 'made' (profit) from the sale of a house doesn't create money. It does create the illusion of wealth, but nothing else. The profit that appears to be made is actually a greater potential future debt bought up by someone else. The buyer of that house. The inflation of house 'value' price rises. The seller buys the next property at a higher price so doesn't ever win. Eventually, the estate 'value' is realised upon death, but inheritance tax catches a great deal of this. Today it's 40%. Tomorrow it may be the same or more, but never, never any less.
It happens in everything. Buying a 'valuable' painting that grows in 'value'. The value is purely what someone is prepared to pay for an item. An old bottle of wine (vintage and so valuable) appreciates in the buying and selling game. The bottle has worth only if it remains unopened. The moment it is opened, it becomes worthless. It is simply an old wine. Possibly a sour and disgusting old wine. Maybe not. The value is the perceived quality of the content.
Examine it: acetic acid content could be estimated without opening, but the 'name and vintage' transfer 'value' regardless of quality. Even if it's nearly pure vinegar. Who would determine such quality? Certainly not the possessor. A canny buyer should, but then business would make this a very stupid thing to do. Even though common sense strongly suggests it.
Common sense, business and money do not make a happy trinity.
88. In the city over £14bn in bonuses alone is highly suggestive of the enormous amount of money movement involved. Remember wealth is not created so all this money must be lost or soaked up by every loser in the world. The only single item that is created is a BIGGER and growing debt that has the illusory appearance of success.
How can it be that if everybody has never had it so good there is so much debt globally? Clearly, few actually own the products that get them into debt, but thanks to 'credit' cards, virtual money really exists. An illusory world. The idea of money is an illusion. Most transactions are conducted electronically and the scope for money laundering is huge. Actually not just being cleaned, but disappearing into a pure virtuality.
A counterfeit bank note can be noticed, yet a counterfeit electronic transaction is less easy to detect. Virtual robbery. The proceeds of a virtual theft are simply virtual. The illusion is wealth and ownership. It is only theoretical and needs to be transformed into a physical form (gold) to be of 'real' transactional worth.
The supply of diamonds is leaked out from time-to-time. Probably one of the worlds most abundant natural resources. And best kept secrets: money often engenders deceit. Tremendous heat and pressure are needed to form diamonds and that is what there was when the Earth accreted from space debris.
89. Iraq prepares to allow foreign firms to exploit its oil and gas riches. Iraqi leaders approved a draft law opening the country's oil reserves to foreign investors.
Perhaps they have been guided by an independent US advisory body?
The bill (Bush benchmark for America's continuing commitment to Iraq) came amid intense pressure from British and American diplomats so to enable foreign involvement in the originally nationalised industry. There are promises that oil and gas resources would be "the property of the Iraqi people" and the revenues distributed equally amongst the regions. The process of exploitation of Iraq's fields will be transparent and open. This is all expected to "sail through" parliament. Apparently, the regional government's deals would be modified to comply with the new legislation.
Let the beast go and then try to alter its behaviour?
Iraq's oil reserves are amongst the world's largest and the Americans are still involved. Bush is making noises suggesting a US exit strategy. Bush is sabre rattling at Iran.
Game, set and match on the horizon?
90. 'Terrorists' only include the 'soldiers'. Those suicide bombers who are prepared to 'sacrifice' themselves in the attempt to maximise the death of a perceived enemy based fundamentally on religion. Basically, a corrupt mentality. Madness. To murder on the basis of a variety of belief systems. All unproven. Belief. The ultimate in conspiracy theories? The difference is an unquestioning mind. Acceptance of the dogma without any thought. Just total acceptance.
Who are the real terrorists? The generals who send out their soldiers? The world 'leaders' who take civilisation to Hell and never themselves run any risk. The Bushes, Blairs, Cheneys, Rumsfelds and the list grows in its familiarity. Safe in their bunkers. Protected by 'security' personnel. Never taking a single risk that affects themself.
Even the Patricia Hewitts of the world. Thousands are sacrificed to save their 'job' and 'face'. These individuals are quite obnoxious.
So, who are the real terrorists? Ask yourself the question. And listen objectively to your own (honest) answer. There is no room for subjective belief systems. Think, but don’t live in denial.
91. Fashion designers and size 'zero'. It's quite pathetic. Women are demonstrating themselves as stupid, yet they want to be taken seriously? Falling into the control of some faceless 'fashion' designer house who proclaims the instruction: jump.
The response? How high!
The pursuit of perceived fame and fortune. Only for the few 'models' who push the image. It's self promoting. A viscious cycle. Someone in the background 'designs' and then the image is promoted as though it is good and important. It's just lethal like the pointed-toe (winklepickers - peculiar term) shoes or stiletto heels.
Dangerous and lethal. Sadly, in objectivity, only stupid people fall into the image of 'fashion' and it's simply another form of terrorism. The result? Destruction of the female sex. Effectively it's a form of (single sex) genocide.
92. Notice how under age pregnancy is being made more acceptable? There is rarely any mention of unlawful sex. Conditioning is happening. What used to carry a prison term is now effectively ignored and by the silence even encouraged.
The mixed up thinking is that paedophilia is a wicked crime against children by adults. But when does the rape of a child (still not consensual sex if underage) become simply underage sex. What age does the one move to the other.
Can paedophilia be exercised by a 'young' male?
What constitutes young?
Predatory behaviour of one child on another child?
When does a child become an adult?
When can consent be meaningful or not?
The fact that such questions can be valid does suggest terminal confusion is afoot.
93. It's very depressing to recognise the effort spent in terms of time and money to develop weapons of destruction rather than the same effort to solve mankind's survival.
Developing the thermonuclear weapon that avoids the necessity of a fission explosion (atomic bomb) to initiate detonation. Inertial confinement fusion (ICF) uses a powerful focused laser beam to condense hydrogen to such a density and temperature that it can ignite an explosive fusion reaction.
The specialised knowledge to 'understand' such devices loses sight of how the devices will be used. Almost like capturing the energy in a thunderbolt. This would make a powerful weapon. That would be important. Even if this were possible, the cost outlay would not be entertained by investors, yet the cost involved in nuclear power stations is not an issue as there is an enormous profit in construction alone.
Power is always retained by the State. Control possibilities always take priority over any application, however beneficial to the majority.
Building the beast is one thing, letting it loose is another.
94. Anti-competition laws: does diversification within the same outlet or chain constitute no monopoly, but technically a monopoly within itself?
95. 'Exclusive' to one chain, in fact, defines no competition.
96. Cloning: an apparent 'clone' cannot be a real copy anymore than a duplicate photograph. The actual image may be a perfect copy, but it must be on different (physical) paper. Any individual atom is unique. Any drop of water is unique. Cloning cannot happen. Only the appearance. The illusion of cloning. A human 'clone' could never have cloned thoughts, or it would have to be a soulless machine with no consciousness of its own. A computer.
Like a production vehicle: all the vehicles may appear and perform in an identical way. Nonetheless, they are still different cars.
97. On a simplistic level, the sudoku (soduku!) analogy provides a comparison for science. A puzzle can be almost completed, better than 95%, only then to discover an error. Everything seems to fit, but the solution is wrong.
One early mistake is not detected as everything seems OK. In fact, the error is compounded by every subsequent answer. Towards the end, the mistake is realised and ssems to be a major error. It is actually no bigger than the early one.
It is tempting to tinker with corrections, but just creates another unsolvable puzzle. The easy way is to start again.
Science cannot do this. Or won't. Too much knowledge has been uncovered. Much undoubtedly correct and subsequent knowledge is also likely to be right when based on good information. The difficulty is to distinguish the right from the wrong.
It is probable that most scientific knowledge is honest, but knowlege based on incorrect assumptions can only lead to an apparent major conflict.
This also highlights the more serious damage done by cheats.
Even defragmenting a hard drive can illustrate the problem, but in a different sense. There is possibly no original error, but fragmentation causes new information to be placed distant from related parts. This creates disarray, potential errors and a real danger of failure. It certainly slows things down. Rather like politics, which has the ability to slow real progress to a snail's pace. Or even slower. To a standstill. Scattred information becomes more disorganised. Tiding up to relocate the related parts can restore balance.
Unchecked science can create dangerous disarray. But the problem remains: how is such a check performed and against what? The check of new information may be made against wrong earlier information. This compounds the error, but the mistakes remain undetected.
98. The illusion of 'making man in god's image' can be explained in terms of evolution. In a basic overview, physical human development has not changed much over the thousands of millennia of existence. The growth of the foetus into a form ready for birth has a greater complexity than appears outwardly. Not only the development of the organs themselves, but the timing of growth and the interconnections of these organs. The miles of arteries, veins and even smaller blood vessels all making the correct connection. Errors do happen and organs do malfunction or make wrong connections.
This the information is in the genome. The master map. The plan from which a living being is built. Human, cat, hampster or monkey.
99. The Great Climate Change debate (con) s likely to backfire. The West has been persuaded about CO2 and global warming. The true reason is simply to introduce nuclear power under the zero CO2 flag of convenience. China has no interest in the global warming debate and refuses to accept emissions targets as it has no obligations to do so. If 'rich nations' continue to reduce their CO2 emissions, China need do nothing and become a 'rich nation' too. Balance opportunity.
This fails to recognise the West's (US) desire to keep other countries down so it can be globally dominant. The way it will backfire is that western civilizations won't play ball by letting China get away with producing unchecked amounts of CO2 when they must reduce their own.
It won't work and so the original conning of their own people will backfire. It has to. Ironic to an extreme.
100. Climate change has its potential advantage. The amount of water globally is constant. Over the 1000s of millennia, this amount has never changed. The distribution as vapour, liquid and solid states alters by the moment, but the total water remains constant. It is effectively removed from the circulation by becoming bound in cement and other materials that 'consume' water. Each growing human in the increasing population removes around 60kg water.
Clouds are airborne water repositories. Rain goes up and it comes down and clouds move around. The warmer conditions cause more evaporation and rainfall must become more frequent and heavier (perhaps). Warmer water allows more hurricanes and cyclones to form generating more and stronger winds. Clouds disperse greater distances. The whole nature of weather will change.
Short term, it affects mankind as migration is not a natural characteristic. Long term the Earth will recover and the animal world will continue to evolve. Man is well on his way to extinction. Possibly, sped up by behaviour traits, but inevitable nonetheless.
101. True human nature is only suppressed and just inder the surface. Witness the suspension of inhibition. Excessive alcohol consumption. Behaviour suddenly changes as though a switch has been thrown to reveal a more selfish attitude. One that involves only self gratification.
In the 'western world', more and more is the selfish nature becoming more apparent. Other parts of the world too. Greed and self advantage are to a grat many the only reason to live. As though it's the onnly reason for life itself. Man and other life, even pond life, has existed for millions of years. Wealth, in terms of money, is a very recent invention by comparison and is only the medium to manifest a repressed nature.
Millions of years ago, survival would hang on this selfish nature. Nothing much has changed.
Possibly those who don't show syuch greed and selfish characteristics have stronger repression abilities? Possibly an evolutionary trait?
102. Some people are so easily led that only suggestion even by behaviour alone is enough to effect a habit. The influence of others is almost invisible unless the psychotic need to control is recognised. It is obvious when understood. Like reading the book with a chapter concerning body language: a very instructive book. Or understanding the chapter about liars and cheats.
103. Property ladder: one of the most successful conditioning exercises ever devised. Get on the property ladder at any cost. Creates a market for the building industry and is the fuel to increase 'value'. Any building opposition will always be overruled since construction industry makes so much money. The increase in population even though a major threat to an overstretched planet Earth is allowed to grow even more because the larger consumer market means more wealth for the few. It's all heading towards meltdown. Faster and faster and caused by greed.
The more building, the more water is locked up in cement and mortar. Ultimately more salt manifests as the water is slowly being removed. The growing population could consume this growing surplus, but the encouragement is to reduce consumption. But like attempts to reduce smoking have those who cut down or stop, yet constantly new markets are created where the dangers are not appreciated.
China as an example. A massive potential market. A growing population to be made ill in order to make more money then 'fix' the situation with modern (expensive) drugs.
Create the problem then provide the solution. Same as 9/11. To imagine that the idea of Nazism just vanished with the 'end' of WWII is fantasy. The ideologies have evolved, but are little changed in reality. Forcing control through beliefs of the 'masters' onto the 'pawns' of general world society is happening even more today. The government of one country becomes a federal government and individual people-control (majority) is lost to the few (minority). Proportionately, federal control creates a growing majority with a decreasing minority. The European-government is a relatively small step away from a world-government dominated by the US. The illusion demands this. Who would be in control. Like puppet Bush has his masters, it is just unclear who they really are.
Blair won't go away and still 'meddles', but more invisibly in a more transparent way.
A smaller global population and less competition may enable survival of all, but the 'animal' competition behaviour will end by the competition for diminishing resources as is happening already demonstrated by the quest for oil. The wars being started to justify the 'competitive' aquisition of another's natural resource.
What is happening about Iraqi oil and is it being bought at market prices and revenue going to Iraq or is it being plundered. Blood and oil do not mix unless you add the catalyst called money.
104. Short-term thinking means do it today and again tomorrow and the next day. Long-term planning is to do something just once.
105. The IPCC is nothing more than a lobby group.
106. Buying profit: any money 'made' (profit) from the sale of a house doesn't create money. It does create the illusion of wealth, but nothing else. The profit that appears to be made is actually a greater potential future debt bought by someone else. The buyer of that house. The inflation of house 'value' price rises.
It happens in everything. Buying a 'valuable' painting that grows in 'value'. The value is purely what someone is prepared yo pay for an item.
An old bottle of wine (vintage and so valuable) appreciates in the buying and selling game. The bottle has worth only if it remains unopened. The moment it is opened, it becomes worthless. It is simply an old wine. The value is the perceived quality of the content.
Examine it: acetic acid content can be estimated without opening, but the 'name and vintage' transfer 'value' regardless of quality. Who would determine such quality? Certainly not the possessor. A canny buyer should, but then business would make this a very stupid thing to do. Even though common sense strongly suggests it.
Common sense, business and money do not make a happy trinity.
107. Northern Rock has claimed assets of £16bn(?) and is liable to pay out only up to a maximum of the first £30,000 of savings. An excllent recipe, in principle, to 'accidentally' make ('create')a great deal of money.
A mortgagee should only be liable to repay the first £30,000 in a likewise fashion. Risk goes both ways, but the bank can secure its own unfair one-way advantageriskIf a borrower defaults FOR ANY REASON then they still owe the total in full with penalties, interest etc. Northern Rock won't be required to do likewise.
If 100,000 borrowers (mortgagees) owe £100,000 each, this amounts to £10,000,000,000 (£10bn)lending and remains payable. Assets are far in excess of that (£6bn).
In effect savers are subsidising this bank by having a reduced payout. The bank cannot lose when things go wrong. A borrower in difficulty cannot win when things go pear-shaped.
The trough smells like a urinal in need of flushing.
108. The political two or three-horse race of self-proposed 'leaders'. It's as if people need masters. It's an obnoxious ethic. And who selects the choices to be had?
In the two-horse race, if it's not one then it has to be the other and everybody appears to be happy. Possibly, neither is suitable or even able, but by default one will 'win'. Even 'taking a dive' is possible, so the required winner... wins.
In any compromise or 'winner-loser' contest, there will always be resentment.
109. Creating money equates to creating debt. Selling debt perpetuates 'profits'. The concept of interest has created the illusion of perpetual motion: money growth always appears to be going up in 'value' even though it actually goes down in 'worth'.
Knowing the price of something has no connection with knowing that something's value.
110. Government money: no such thing. It is revenue raised through taxes. Simple and when funds get low raise taxes to replace it. It's inflationary.
Construction industry projects that are hugely profitable are subsidised using public money: Ebbsfleet Gateway.
To seriously imagine that money-creation planners care about lives around Ashford being 'disrupted' is amazing. It's the calculated next phase. It's a requirement. Businesses will need to relocate... The extra time and costs from Brussels or Paris are raising an awful lot of profit. For someone. The disruption is irrelevant. The money to be made is prime with the added bonus of the absolute control over peoples' lives.
The Olympic Lottery débâcle will create a bigger mess. The nightmare has started and will get worse over the next five years. The designers of the mess are doing a good job. The mess gets into a wonderful disaster.
Getting to London in 20 minutes? If that's the desire which for many, or even most it certainly is not. Relocation of everybody at huge individual cost. Upheavel and disruption maximised.
Inflationary. Big money-making schemes. The end-game goal is becoming so very crystal clear and the global effect is to simply increase wealth by the interest on borrowings.
Create the demand by building, building, building and then provide the solution. Moving people further away into undeveloped areas and creating the future need for regeneration. Paris, Disneyland, Avignon. Holiday potential. But these are occasional and not regular: grotesque red herrings.
It's all in the plan.
111. Inflation: the very fact alone of interest being added is inflationary. If £1 is borrowed and 10% interest is added, this increases the debt instantly to £1.10p. This interest will be compounded. This inceasing debt appears to be partially offset by salaries increasing, theoretically in a roughly parallel direction. Really, this is actually a cause of inflation and ensures the perpetual upward movement of yield, but downward movement of its value. Inflation is illusory as without it there would be no growth and all would remain static. It's part of the conditioning to expect everything to increase. Always and forever.
If interest was zero, then inflation would cease to increase. Borrow £1 and pay back £1.
112. How is a generation of Muslims more aware than a non-Muslim simply learning about the same issues? The same question applies to any faith.
113. The illusion of virtual money in property and 'raising' capital debt on it. Pure mist. The property isn't worth its value. All fictional money.
114. The failure to backup is more likely to be the reason for any government 'lost files'. They were lost and this is the pathetic excuse! No protocols in place to avoid the obvious weakness like 'losing files'. Who really falls for all that? It masks up also the deliberate and the convenient.
115. Controlling the housing market by allowing immigrants to inflate the numbers and the houses needed. Make money!
116. Olympics, Northern Rock... taxpayers funding it all. In excess of £67bn with these two alone. The British public is paying a staggeringly enormous overhead to help ensure the banking system remains viable. The system is only in existence to make itself money. We borrow money from this globalised cartel so it can charge interest. The system is responsible for the debt in the first place. The one the taxpayer finances. A classic case of create the problem (banking system) and provide the solution (taxpayer).
It's an absolute obscenity, yet passes effectively unnoticed.
117. How many cancers can be linked to radioactivity entering the food chain or just general trace contamination. However much the dilution, the same original levels are always present.
118. BBC corrupted like politics. Not as the original.
119. What suits the political view of any government means that any decision that commits the country also commits those that are not represented.
120. When politicians are involved consider what is being hidden: construction using concrete. The encouragementof a non-sustainable population being masked by fossil fuels getting the blame.
Why does the population need to be increased? To hide genetic changes being introduced.
121. Speed, power and destructive force. The inter-relationship of the detail is complex, but the fundamental concepts are not. Driving fast is very different from being a 'fast driver'. Essentially, anyone capable of driving is capable of driving fast. This does not imply driving safely. An experienced driver with awareness and quick reaction times has the potential of being a fast and safe driver. Speed translates to a highly destructive force.
Constant speed returns the best economy, but achieving the ideal speed is the most fuel expensive in terms of the energy requirement.
The relationship between resistance and power to speed is non-linear. The kinetic energy is a squared function. Twice the speed, 4 times the power. Three times yields 9 times the energy. Energy out requires energy in, so the cost overhead is huge for the apparent gain in performance.
122. The Lisbon Treaty and betrayal. The labels that attempt to cover over the innards. The illusion created on the surface is one of difference, but just beneath is the truth and the complicity. The single cohesive force that attempts to subjugate mankind. Through power comes control and this feeds and sustains power. And the monster that would control grows evermore out of control and is deluded and corrupted by itself to the point of implosion.
123. Grain diverted to produce biofuels. And alcohol. This attracts revenue in all governments. Deliberate creation of food shortages.
124. The invention of growth stimulates investment in the belief that wealth will increase. At best it stands still, but redistribution prevails.
125. As time goes on, clarity improves to reveal the underlying reason for property ownership. Nearly every property requires a mortgage of some kind and is a device to levy interest. The illusion of 'money creation'. The invention of the property ladder leads to the mortgage and that defines interest. A 100% mortgage and interet only will never, ever pay off the capital. Forever paying an increasing and compounded interest yield. Theoretical and imaginary profit on which more virtual wealth is 'created'. Bank profits, shares, interest on savings... they are all devices to sell an illusion of success and contentment. The reality is control.
126. Another association in the chain linking climate change and GM. Not only biofuels that allegedly reduce CO2 emissions and result in promoting starvation, but crop yield enhancement by not 'tilling' the soil and a 'drought-resistance'. Mostly maize. The timing is close to associate the two concepts, but askew enough to reveal no connection.
127. Airline stealth tax: £520m/year levied per plane and not per passenger constitutes around £130m on family size of four. Taking an average planeload of 200 passengers... check this.
128. Knife-crime suggests the problem is the knife, but it is the hand that wields it.
129. Kill the children and revenge cannot happen. Show compassion and the children may stop and think.
130. The 'complex' issue of oil price rises and ...
131. Benn and fuel price escalation a good thing to reduce unnecessary journeys. How it really works: ease congestion, but road tax paid anyway. New cars etc, etc. Those needing cars - buy fuel because they have to. Not a choice. Doesn't chnge attitudes - oil will run out. Minor hazard with nuclear fuel and how to manufacture atomic weapons.
132. The energy companies funding the (global) nuclear program is very easily accomplished by simply engineering the original (inflationary) oil price hikes to elevate profits skywards. The end effect is huge profiteering from raised prices and little to pay towards future oncost to make even more money. Self-perpetuating machine.
133. Windfall tax - reduce profiteering instead! Any 'tax' benefits the money (wealth) machine (parasite) and not the consumer (host). The clear purpose is to maximise financial yield irrespective of (deliberately controlling) hardship. Turn the screws ever tighter and crush the people into submission. Anarchy is not far away and creates the environment for a police state. A military dictatorship.
134. The ghostwritten biography: a work of fiction based on fact according to the author and the author could be either the writer (subject) or what has been written (object).
The fictional ghost.
135. Moon rise in the east with Sun over to the west. Tide halfway in, but direction of movement is south. Why?
The water movement is towards the land as the incoming tidal waters deepen. It seems to be roughly south if looking towards the north, but currents and (to some extent) surface winds will help determine the exact direction.
136. How can a battery be recharged in space? Is solar the only way? Apply this logic on Earth.
137. Staying on track with life (ambition) goals fails to allow experience to develop. Ignore and totally miss opportunities.
138. Some handicapped children are not likely to engage in 'normal' relationships. Facial disfigurement or speech difficulties will conspire against them. Young people who grow up without such problems sometimes seem to fare much worse.
Why? How can this be?
139. Frequency change when yawning. Why?
140. Cold weather need to drink more: urinate more frequently to shunt body heat (blood flow) away from skin surface to organs, including kidneys, which respond by disposing of extra liquid in the form of urine.
141. The origins of a message don't matter, the content only. The message is important to everyone, not to everyone the messenger.
142. It's almost a certainty that if you're rich it has been through dishonesty and/or crime
143. Being hard is not about capability, just what you are willing to do. I can destroy a housebrick with my hand, yet I am not prepared to crush a skull. I am not hard. I've never been pushed to a limit either.
144. The concept of the Big Bang: colour shifts suggesting Doppler effects and rapid motion away (red) or towards (blue) shift the viewer imply a centre near an observer. Sideways motion is possible, but still away. It can also mean that the observer is moving away at a relative speed to cause the shift. Or a combination of both. A galaxy moving at light speed in any direction? Would the width dimension change with time in this relative motion?
145. Paradoxical that to investigate the smallest particles (Higgs boson), it is necessary to use the largest of man-made magnets - eight superconducting coils, each in a 26x5 metre housing weighing in at 100 tonnes.
146. Nuclear fusion reactor to be built ($12.8bn). Reps of 30 countries signed off on the deal. Internl Thermonuclear Exptl Reactor (ITER) at Cadarache, nr Marseille, France.
147. Thinking:
Convenient (sycophantic)
Many others, but less
148. Dialogue in third person has same effect as the first person: communicates thinking to the reader.
149. Note: change of meaning by the hyphen. To be ill advised conveys the (negative) meaning of bad advice, but ill-advised suggests (positive) good advice.
150. Climate change? I'm not convinced.
151. Finance return is the important feature not behaviour.
152. 'Spurious': deceptively pleasing; plausible, but false.
153. Confidently maintain the first lie, however implausible, without change. More likely to be believed than when flitting about between various possibilities.
154. Critical to identify the important features, which are not necessarily those considered by others. This distinguishes the overall effectivenes of an individual
155. Cutting throat results in blood loss and asphyxia. Real causes of death.
156. Rainbow and goals.
157. Encouraging procreation? A confused mix of social engineering and natural human sex drive. Either way is to increase the rate of genetic change.
158. It's not infallible, but how common it is that the rise to the top requires the attitude of the 'bastard'. The position of power over others in nearly all corporate scenarios. Rarely, decency and respect shine through. The rest sell themselves to being controlled to then control. The illusion of 'getting on' which is, of course, actually becoming a better bastard. It doesn't improve anything, but does make things worse. Always. Pathetic behaviour by 'leaders'. Bullies. The biggest bastard is always the best bully. That low life masquerading as important.
I've known a few decent people, though I've known a lot more bastards of all grades from the novice bastard to the senior bastard.
And on it goes both up and down the greasy pole.
159. The 'out of the shadows' pensions issue does suggest globally incompetent mismanagement has been happening for years, but has only in the last two or three years been openly apparent.
160. Unbalanced game of chess. The game involves just a few power players on the board with almost 7billion pawns. The power play only concerns the few while the rest pay 'in blood'. Nothing new here, but more comes out of the shadows into the ever brightening spotlight. Time is running out for the wealthy few who are running for cover, but without protection. But there is still The Plan.
161. The comment 'thinking big' is ridiculously small-minded. Thinking conceptually BIG will often receive totally negative comments about realism. This should demonstrate how small are some concepts of 'big-thinking'. Imagine the tiny Earth beside Jupiter and then against the Sun. The bright disc of the Sun is 400 times further away from the Earth yet appears to be a similar size. This gives a description of size difference, but is still a conceptual problem. The difficulty many have is the limitations of their imagination. The conception of a reality. If it cannot be conceived, it is not possible and for some is one way of looking at this.
162. The lock-in to oil and its products and everything demonstrates the absolute control that is 'in the hand'. Consider the cost of financing a new car. Apart from day one where interest on a loan is applicable and can only go up and the massive downward value because of depreciation. This cannot be cancelled without penalty cost, but there may be 'creative' ways of offsetting the cost.
The lock-in is that the expenditure is considered worthwhile (the 'value'), but must be serviced by paying whatever costs are necessary like fuel tax. Road tax. Distance and usage tax. Tax. Tax. Tax. The cash cow for government without any accounting. The public accounts committee sounds helpful, but how is that body scrutinised and who is its paymaster?
There will be no escape. Game, set and match and 'bloodless'. Maybe. The global reaction will be ruthlessly exercised and all opposition exterminated. The 'military', themselves are absolutely controlled, will be the servile executioners. Remember that mst countries have a 'military' ostensibly maintained to defend against an external invader. A real use is so government and the 'true controllers' can contain hostility from within. The lackeys of the would-be rulers. Human? Not a chance. Totally whole brain as our left part. No soul (our right hemisphere that balances).
163. Anybody noticed how figures are commonly quoted in billions today? Only in recent years though unless I am missing something obvious.
164. Garlic fails heart test: garlic does not have the cholesterol lowering properties claimed. It does not reduce LDLs (low density lipoproteins = "bad" cholesterol). The sulfur-containing substance allicin is produced when crushed and inhibits cholesterol synthesis in test tubes, but the evidence is conflicting about its ability to react in the same way inside the human body.
165. Iraq prepares to allow foreign firms to exploit its oil and gas riches.
Iraqi leaders approved a draft law opening the country's oil reserves to foreign investors.
Perhaps they have been guided by an independent US advisory body?
The bill (Bush benchmark for America's continuing commitment to Iraq) came amid intense pressure from British and American diplomats so to enable foreign involvement in the originally nationalised industry. There are promises that oil and gas resources would be "the property of the Iraqi people" and the revenues distributed equally amongst the regions. The process of exploitation of Iraq's fields will be transparent and open. This is all expected to "sail through" parliament. Apparently, the regional government's deals would be modified to comply with the new legislation.
Let the beast go and then try to alter its behaviour?
Iraq's oil reserves are amongst the world's largest and the Americans are still involved. Bush is making noises suggesting a US exit strategy. Bush is sabre rattling at Iran.
Game, set and match on the horizon?
166. Pervert (the course of justice): change the inherent purpose or function of something. Corrupt: alter from the original.
167.1 Without the writer and the creation in the mind of a story, then nothing happens. One idea can create work for hundreds or thousands, but it is never recognised for that. The actor is more (self) important. Even a director is only moving the idea from one place to another. The story is still the origin of action. Every action must start with a thought. Every journey starts with the first step. That thought.
167.2 The illusion is one of inactivity since nothing seems to happen. The idea is worked through then something is seen to happen. The pyramid structure again. Actually, think obelisk. Even longer, but still an acceleration towards closure. Achievement doesn't always have to be matched with visible action. Effectiveness can be illusory when considered against the time taken. The overall result is the achievement. Perception is always illusory. It's self-defining.
168. In a similar sense to 'don't use, lose it', mental stimulation could be a weapon to use against Alzheimer's disease. However, smart people are still susceptible to this. Now consider the difference between tunnel-type specialisation and expansive general thinking.
169. 'Terrorists' only include the 'soldiers'. Those suicide bombers who are prepared to sacrifice themselves the attempt to maximise the death of a perceived enemy based fundamentally on religion. Basically, a corrupt mentallity. Madness. To murder on the basis of a variety of belief systems. All unproven. Belief. The ultimate in conspiracy theories? The difference is an unquestioning mind. Acceptance of the dogma without any thought. Just total acceptance.
Who are the real terrorists? The generals who send out their soldiers? The world 'leaders' who take civilisation to Hell never themselves run any risk. The Bushes, Blairs, Cheneys, Rumsfelds and the list grows in its familiarity. Safe in their bunkers. Protected by 'security' personnel. Never taking a single risk that affect themselves. Even the Patricia Hewitts of the world. Thousands sacrificed to save their 'job' and 'face'. It's quite disgusting as are these individuals.
So, who are the real terrorists? Ask yourself the question. And listen objectively to the answer. There is no room for subjective belief systems. Think.
170. Fashion designers and size 'zero'. It's quite pathetic. Women are demonstrating themselves as stupid, yet they want to be taken seriously? Falling into the control of some faceless 'fashion' designer house who proclaims the instruction: Jump. The response is simply: How high?
The pursuit of perceived fame and fortune. Only for the few 'models' who push the image. It's self promoting. A viscious cycle. Someone in the background 'designs' and then the image is promoted as though it is good and important. It's just lethal like the pointed-toe (winklepickers - how does that name describe the effect?) shoes or stilletto heels. Dangerous and lethal. Sadly, in objectivity, only stupid people fall into the image of 'fashion'.
It's simply another form of terrorism. The result: destruction of the female sex. Effectively genocide.
171. Noticed how under age pregnancy is being made more acceptable? There is rarely any mention of unlawful sex. Conditioning is happening. What used to carry a prison term is now effectively ignored and by the silence even encouraged.
The mixed up thinking is that paedophilia is a wicked crime against children by adults. But when does the rape of a child (still not consensual sex if underage) become simply underage sex. What age does the one move to the other. Paedophilia can be exercised by a 'young' male. Predatory behaviour of one child on another child. When does a child become an adult? When can consent be meaningful or not?
Terminally confused thinking? Definitely.
172. Daily E*****s at it again: encouraging debt by helping house prices to increase. It's really disgusting to wet itself in glee that "Home owners had a double cause to celebrate last night" (08.03.07). Note the use of home OWNERS. Anybody trying to get onto the property ladder is encouraged to try harder as the comment 'suggests' it must be a good thing. The real target, of course. If you're already on the property ladder then you're home and dry (pun intended). At least as far as the parasitic government is concerned. Inheritance tax is here to stay and this is a guaranteed source of revenue for evermore. More and more people fall into the conspicuous trap blinded by their own greed. Rather like someone moves into a house close to an airport then complains about the noise and demands compensationnfor their own stupidity.
Transparent government being as transparent as a shop window. Look, but don't touch until you buy. You can afford it though even if you didn't realise it. This perpetuates the illusion of better living standards. Comfortable with all the things you don't need and comfortably in permanent debt. And getting worse with the illusion and the absolute belief of the reverse.
Meltdown. The parasite kills the parasite which in its turn dies and the host lives on. The Earth can survive mankind. A few hundred thousand years for man against a many hundreds of millions of years.
Such is the incredible distortion created by Man himself.
Not even a contest.
173. For whatever reason, slow and carefully considered ideas are like travelling slowly. Much more is observed that could easily be overlooked by trying to get somewhere quickly. It's just another aspect, or symptom, of the inverted pyramid.
174. Thinking in a different way, a new mindset, is similar to living in a country that has a different language. As it is learned, the new language becomes established as the 'norm'. It's conditioning in another sense and becoming used to new concepts and paradigm shifts.
New thinking is then an established mentality.
175. The story goes that the housing shortage is so great. A good reason to encourage the population. Every living soul is worth so much money. Not the assets the have, but what they are worth to someone else. How much money can be made from their existence.
The latest is the prefab housethat can be put up by five men working for less than half a day - four hours. The cost is £60,000, yet is still technically a prefab. Apparently, 10,000 houses needto be built in the southwest region alone to every year to tackle the housing problem. So, at £60,000 x 10,000 = £600,000,000. Every year there is potentially £600m to be 'created'. Nice little earner for the construction industry from just one region.
How deep is the trough?
And encourage house prices to keep rising and this £600m should reach £1 billion by the end of any year. And all council tax. And what about the building insurance? Not particularly resistant to strong winds or floods. Perhaps they will be built in areas that don't suffer high speed winds or torrential rain.
On the coast of Cornwall, perhaps?
176. So blinded by greed that the hypocrisy remains totally invisible. Weapons of mass destruction and Trident.
177. I am becoming more aware of being interpreted literally. I probably always have been. It appears to me now that my comments are from a holistic perspective. Nobody else can be truly aware of that perspective and therefore can not be appreciative of my comment. It is not misinterpretation. An analogy could be solving an algebraic problem: arriving at the answer with no 'working out'. Jumping straight to the end. This can leave everone confused unless you similarly understand how to reach an instant conclusion.
Those on the 'same wavelength' (good description).
178. The concept of 'switching off' simply disconnects actions and the consequences of those actions. Interference by the 'conscience' slows down progress. The brain without its right-side, or effectively complete left dominance, demonstrates how some behave. Selfishness and greed are definitions of the right-side and is the reason why left dominance makes such behaviour possible. It is quite normal.
179. Creativity and capitalism can never mix. The former makes something from nothing, but the latter requires something to begin with. An idea is free. It is a gift from the creative. The product from this creation may be financial and is the exploitation by the capitalist of the creative.
An actor becomes rich and famous, though on the back of the creator of the original idea. It's essentially parasitic though it takes a good actor to accurately portray the character or provide action. Anonymous stunt people and doubles can provide real actionn, but at best play a distant fiddle to 'the name'.
Paul McCartney is a classic example. A wealthy man in ideas. Staggeringly creative.
180. One of those odd things: the delay of the best part of a year allowed Microsoft and the Xbox 360 to take a lead over Sony's PlayStation 3. Almost too much good fortune.
181. Quite rightly, the issue of animal rights has always been a very sensitive one, but has now been expanded to include the right to experiment on animals free of harrassment or intimidation.
The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act has been passed (US Congress).
Terrorism? Well, of course. What else?
This attempts to not only close the door to public view, but also hide that door. The experimentation used to be simple abuse of animals and cynically for 'the public good'. More accurately to enable business to 'make money' by the exploitation of animals to minimise the probability of legal action (compensation costs) when things go wrong and the Human Right is to get paid out.
This absolves the individual from taking personal responsibility for their actions.
Animals don't have rights, but humans do. That has always been the attitude pushed by business. How can anyone 'make money' if we can't kill animals or any creature.
Pathetically, human attitude is (generally) totally hypocritical. Horse meat is disallowed for human consumption. Why, when the slaughter of cattle, sheep and pigs seems to be quite acceptable? This is the massacre of the animal kingdom for 'the public good'. Blind acceptance.
Horse racing is 'the sport of kings', so horses are exempted from human fodder. End up in pet food though when the possibility for exploitation of the beast has ended. Pathetic isn't really the right word. More like 'sickness'.
A serious blow was dealt to SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) when six members were convicted for inciting theats and harrassment against HLS (Huntingdon Life Sciences) staff and shaeholders. In Britain, police have more powers (given by government) to deal with intimidation by animal rights activists.
It will always be a dilemma when attempting to protect defenceless animals about how to do it. Desperate measures can be necessary when opposed by state endorsed violence from the 'police service'. In service to goverment to protect business (ie: money 'creation'). The illusion of protecting the public. Most police who are not politicians dressed up as policemen, are decent people, but are subject to control the same as any soldier under orders. It's the nature of control. But control of who and by whom?
Anyone placed in this position is 'under orders' and must obey regardless of personal conscience. Of course, it gets more complicated when the pack instinct gets out and protecting your mates becomes important. Who is the enemy? Whose side are on? It gets very sinister. A terrorist may claim to be a patriot. That may be an honest conscience rather than state indoctrination speaking. Perhaps it is the same thing.
There is no right or wrong. Just the side your on.
Sentient animals are not all fighting on the side of non-sentient animals.
God said "help yourself". Man created the concept of a god. The true bosses on planet Earth. The real controllers.
Think for yourself and not what you're told to think.
Imagine a similar scenario in the death camps of Nazi Germany in the second world war. That's hardly allegedly, even today [link to...].
182. Familiarity creates the filter that renders you blind. Much like repeating a lie often enough to eventually become what is accepted as truth. Twisting or spinning reality.
The overview allows a better understanding, and hence see the pitfalls, than the tunnel vision of detail. Entrenched in detail hides the plan. Insurance companies work this principle in the rejection of claims. No single person can see the truth because of restricted vision.
183. Demonstrates the conceit. The arrogance. The 'in your face' contempt. The stereotypical hypocrisy of the stance. The 'I don't care what you think' attitude. 'I do as I please and if you don't like it, then tough' attitude.
Apart from all that, it is a morality code of sorts. Couple that with the speech made about poverty and it all fits together quite consistently. Obviously the 'first lady' since there is nobody else as important except the one to whom she is married. That male head of state.
I always thought that the Queen was the head of state in a monarchy and so in the reverse sense, Royal consort Prince Philip should be 'First Man'. So we have the offspring as the two Princes.
Perhaps Mrs Blair sees herself as The Queen fighting for Human Rights. That makes her husband: King Tony.
Stand well back, I am going to be sick.
Technically, the label I should wear is probably a 'Marxist'. Communism doesn't work, although as a theory it could. But it cannot work as hypocritical communists are, in fact, camouflaged capitalists (George Orwell's Animal Farm). And political capitalists actually come over as communists: The New Labour Communist Party. It's got the sweet smell of honesty about that label, but labels don't really work as there are too many shades of grey.
Link to 'labels'.
Thatcher's idea of a Federal Europe. It's coming. Inexorably coming. Too many influential 'meal tickets' for the taxpayer to look after. To keep the influential in their pig trough of excess.
184. PAYE: the state gets it cut first. You get what's left. Same as the residue of an estate: it's what remains after any tax has been paid.
The 'Stay out of Jail' ticket. Problem and Solution scenario with conditioning. Accepted because there is no choice.
185. Thinking 'outside the box' has no rules. No constraints. Total freedom of conceptual thinking. If the maths don't work, then the wrong method is being used. Newton'invented' calculus as a means to an end. The concept came first.
186. "I'm right you're wrong". The reply is the same. Both are right or both are wrong, but each from their own viewpoint.
Some 'facts' are accepted as such and, because their is a consensus at that point in time, each new 'fact' is fitted into the paradigm. It may be a force fit, since the accepted facts make it so this must happen. The dogma cannot be wrong. Historical 'facts' endanger Truth since possibly erroneous facts remain as the crumbling foundation. The failed dogma persists, yet its origins may not even be questioned. The traditional force fit fails, yet persists.
If something fits the rule then it is considered right otherwise it is wrong. So, 2+2=5 is wrong since a fundamental rule of mathematics is broken:
It maybe right.
Compounding a mistake by using an incorrect value obtained from an earlier result. The truth is found in another direction.
187. Speed reading and the shape of words. The detail of the letters isn't necessary to scrutinise. The brain subconsciously works through this picture to integrate this detail. Speed readers get as much without scanning this detail as readers who slow down the whole process by consciously examining each word. The shape is important, but the detail is not. It's like recognising a cliff for what it is without the need to study each crevice.
188. If you do not understand the science behind the advice, then you should at least try to find out more about it. Otherwise there is likely to be either denial or a blind acceptance. Both attitudes can be very dangerous.
Informed judgement will be better.
189. An illusion of earlier maturity: simply exposure to similar circumstances at different ages.
190. A high intellect and a wide range of knowledge doesn't imply good quality judgement and decision making. Either impartial or unbiased.
191. A dead giveaway: HMRC. Revenue AND customs. Linking revenue not just from simple income tax, but also tax on anything and this implies legal and illegal imports.
192. Chemicals to improve the mind and drugs to enable the body to respond to the brain's instruction. Distorted action/feedback system.
The mind is corrupted by the feedback from the affected body and such distorted thoughts cannot improve the physical and mental health of the organ itself.
193. There will come the time of 'critical mass' when redistribution is no longer concealed. Subsidising the wealthy by taking from everyone else will end. Like oil, it will run out. There is nothing left. What happens. The modern day Revolution. The rising of the masses against the wealthy. But the greed of the masses has confused thinking. There is too much to lose. So three sides to the coin. The minority of the wealthy (those that 'own' the wealth), those that believe they are getting richer (the 'middle rich') and the poor (those that know they are not rich).
The war will be fought by the 'middle rich' against the poor, being seduced and corrupted into protecting the wealthy. The virus protects the host.
194. The corporate goal of profit on the back of making sick peope live longer, will eventually create a global population so large that it will overwhelm life on Earth.
It is happening now as manufacturing is decimated and just moved around. Only a few large multinationals exist and these will get fewer and ultimately there wil only be the one. Closer than imagined by hiding parent ownership.
World government. Global civil wars. Protection by the revealed parent.
195. A compassionate and caring society seems to encourage diluting itself and thraening itself with non-perfect offspring. Paradoxical. But what is perfect? Physically or mentally deficient? Eugenics can only assess physical effects. Mental deficiency only comes to light after birth. Birth itself can create the problem where none up until that time existed.
196. Gang up or team up? The talk in terms of billions could be a simple indicator to demonstrate that companies are getting bigger. Remember that a billion is ONE THOUSAND times bigger than the million and noticeably billionaires are becoming more commonplace than millionaires.
Microsoft and Yahoo are reported to be considering teaming up against Google and that Microsoft may even buy Yahoo for $50 billion. Yahoo's share price jumped 10% based on this report.
197. What is achievement? How is success measured? Is it to be the wealthiest or the most creative or a blend of the two? Is it to be a contented parent, happy for yourself and your children? Is such happiness derived from your offsprings' achievements? And how is that measured?
Real happiness is a state of mind. Not anyone else's expectation other than your own. To satisfy your own ambition in life set by yourself without influence except from internal thoughts. There's the dilemma: with no influence other than your own.
198. Alienate the public DELIBERATELY and cause greater unrest to justify the need for more powers.
199. Identify the gene for breast cancer SO IT CAN BE USED TO CAUSE DAMAGE.
200. The 'controversy' about Channel 4's The Great Global Warming Swindle leads to a potentially dangerous situation and that is that the 'scientfic consensus' is the only opinion that counts. The 'correct' answer. The whole point is that an alternative view was aired that is not approved. That has to g;ood for balance otherwise dogma sets in. There are a number of other factors that are rarely mentioned and in so doing amounts to (deliberate?) supression of the facts.
The public should only be informed of accepted and approved dogma. Sounds like you will accept that the Earth is the centre of the universe. Or else.
Arrogance has no place in science. An opinion is just that. Based on the same information, ALL THE INFORMATION, a different interpretation of all these facts can produce a different outcome. In the same way that legal argument can be selective in reviewing only favourable 'facts'.
Ignoring or suppressing? Same thing.
The public should be given ALL the facts.
Professor Carl Wunsch was "totally misled" allegedly into denying global warming and that man's CO2 was not to blame. This combination of concepts is designed to trap objective thinking into dogma. Connecting global warming with man's excessive CO2 production.
This totally ignores the evidence of earlier periods of global warming (and cooling) before man started to burn fossil fuels. This doesn't favour the political argument whether it's pure conservation or, more likely, based on money. See distance tax. Alternative views must be disclosed to the public to promote balance.
But scientists cannot be seen to have doubt. Absolute assertion can be the only approach whether it's right or wrong. "It [the programme] was distorted. I'm the one who has been swindled." Comments like that do sound more like a bruised ego talking rather than being objective.
Professor Peter Cox (University of Exeter, Climate System Dynamics) states: "I am hopeful that most of the UK public remain convinced of reality climate change."
The reality of climate change isn't at the centre of the argument, but the causes of the change. Why it is happening.
201. Not caring anything about what someone thinks displays an arrogance. This is not the same as being influenced by reactions. To be resolute and unaffected does show a caring independence of thought.
202. Cameron and the privileged want to exclude everyone else. Remove any competition.
203. Never see oneself as others do and this is a reason why photos always appear strange. This is how we don't see ourself.
204. Acquiring vs acquisitiveness?
205. When talking about an emotive issue, it generally becomes a subjective condition, but written argument allows a more objective view. There is more time for consideration.
"You don't like the way I objectively argue my case and that is your entire subjective objection? My method? Explain your objections, not just that you object. You must provide your reasons. Your arguments to persuade."
206. Ice cores show gas levels in a particular era, apparently. Yet what is the certainty of this being accurate. Over 1000s of years there is no way of knowing, only assuming, that the analyses are correct for that period. Maybe there is a constant, albeit extremely slow, change in concentrations much like cell death and regrowth. Micromelting and refreezing. This is over 1000s of years. Everything is in some sort of flux.
207. A radioactive element could be stable in another (alien) environment, and unknown elements may even exist elsewhere that could never survive here. Knowledge is only what has been learned in our environment. What exists somewhere else can only be speculated and the limits of imagination are the only constraints.
An element with an atomic weight of 500 could never exist on Earth, but that desn't mean such an element doeen't exist. Properties of compounds made using unknown elements would not necessarily need to exist on Earth to facilitate an impossible chemical reaction on Earth. The product of such a reaction may survive on Earth, but could not be synthesised on Earth as the catalyst or enzyme doesn't exist. Couldn't exist.
208. All the spouting about 'tonnes' of CO2 each human produces in a year going about our daily lives, it would be educational to know how much we respire annually just existing. And how much an annual saving can be offset by one medium haul plane journey. Different aircraft of a range of distances makes it difficult to accurately estimate, but even a crude value would be very enlightening.
209. One critical point is that sugar is very abundant and so very cheap.(Fuel source.) It is, therefore, simple economics that fermented sugar provides a very cheap synthesis of a very simple compound (ethyl alcohol, ethanol) that can 'make' enormous amounts of revenue (money) through taxation. To even suggest concern over health issues is cynicism to the extreme. The cost to the taxpayer (not the NHS since that is paid for by the taxpayer) is really a MASSIVE red herring. Same as smoking and tobacco. The HUGE revenue defines the inappropriateness of even considering stamping it out.
The issue most people have is pollution of the local breathable atmosphere. Personally, I care not if smokers want to kill themselves. That's their choice, except for that barbed hook called nicotine. The same one that is firmly attached by government and the tax revenue.
If people drink too much then so what? The issue here is that government makes the money and the citizens of primarily that country have to deal with the problems. It's a bonus for a control freak government by 'proving' that a state controlled policing service is needed to keep (all) the citizens under control.
210. Bush and 'consider it' for next +40 years or so. While Rome burns, Nero fiddles. While the Earth burns, Bush considers.
211. I admit to being somewhat offended by the moral high ground claimed by those like Tony Juniper (Friends of the Earth) and that if you (dare)disagree with that opinion, then you are simply wrong and run the risk of ridicule.
The reason I am offended is that I have no doubt that global warming is a reality and that increasing levels of carbon dioxide makes a very powerful argument based on good science.
Man's lifestyle of spend it all (the oil) 'as if there is no tomorrow' is incredibly paradoxical. There won't be a tomorrow.
George Bush and Dick Cheney are oilmen and so ignore everything not connected to oil and money. Think Iraq.
There's none so blind as those that will not see.
Flooding the market with oil, and so petrol, will keep Gordon Brown quiet by slowing rising prices. Of course, the side issue is the somewhat convenient shedloads of profit to be made.
Juniper's outrageous claim is that opposition to the FotE stance defines support for Bush and Brown and all the lunatic ideas they might have. The influential position they have is probably the most damning problem there can be. Whenever money is at stake all else will be staked against it to protect it. The Devil playing poker to protect his filthy lucre.
I and many like me are not sold on the promoted reason that it is purely mankind's behaviour that is totally to blame. I do not accept the blanket argument that this is the sole reason. Taking into account the precessional (wobble) the Earth displays over a 26,000 year period and other facts like the Mini Ice-Age (1645?) are conveniently overlooked. A complex issue reduced to simplistic argument does not engender confidence.
The arguments for (Bush) and against (Juniper) as described are equally political, even though they are poles apart. I am not persuaded by the partly scientific explanation, though mankind's lunatic use of gas, coal and oil products is clearly not going to help a desperate situation.
Development (NOW) of alternative energy sources and definitely NOT NUCLEAR is essential. Long term the oil will run out. And that's not a maybe. The problems to be faced then will be even more desperate than now. No energy provision and the rise in global temperature almost certain to cause mass extinction. And money won't even exist, let alone help: King Midas.
It's living in complete denial now to die while still in denial.
Bush, Brown and Cheney and all the ditherers in the effort to keep making money are dekusional and stand the charge of the mass extinction on a global scale. Not genocide, but homosapiencide.
There will be no justice as there will be no living sole on Earth.
212. Cocaine is an entity that is used for the effect it has. It slows down the re-uptake of dopamine so prolonging the 'good feel factor'. As a drug it has no primary physiological effect. It's what it does that causes an effect.
Alcohol is a drug that has a primary physiological effect and a secondary psychological effect. These function together at varying rates dependent on the individual and their physical and emotional states.
213. Abortion: the growing foetus that is destroyed if allowed to live to full term and flourish after birth may have become the next 'Einstein'. Or an inventor who saves the human race or rescues the world from human activity. The child as the product of rape is objctively a mixture of DNA that wouldn't have happened by choice. Subjectively, the child is unwanted by association to the method of conception. Understandable, but the loss to the human race could be immense.
The selection of a mate simply for conception, or use of an anonymous donor, is not much adrift from physical rape except that choice, based only on subjective assessment, is involved.
214. Thousands of years ago when man was mystified by what today are regarded mundane phenomena, the concept of a 'God' can be understood. Today such beliefs do not make sense. Explanations of 'fact' seem to be insufficient.
When today many deny the existence of aliens or life anywhere else in the entire universe yet have 'belief' systems that encapsulate 'fairies at the bottom of the garden', this attitude is without foundation. The logical connection is that 'God' is an alien entity. The religious sector (all faiths) would probably be horrified at such a thought. That defines the attitude that any lifeform however advanced and superior to human life is subordinate even though any real comparison testing is (not yet) possible. Such is the extent of real ignorance, but based on denial.
The size of the universe is not known and cannot be known or even conceived. To deny the existence of any other lifeform, anywhere else except Earth, is like living with your head beneath the sand. To be unable to see by denying sight and then assert there is nothing to see is supremely absurd.
Logically and in total objectivity, such beliefs cannot realistically be denied or accepted. I do not deny what is not known and so being not deniable. Religion in reverse. Opting in rather than opting out. Open mindedness.
That is my standing.
215. Human genome is similar enough across all humans to build a creature with the same basic structure. One split brain head, two arms legs and all the other organs. Some minor errors happen that lead to major effects.
The subtle effects like different appearance have nothing to do with what can be learnt if the brain itself has no defects. This is within the realm of experience. The acquisition of information.
What determines tge macro features unlike the minor subtle ones?
216. Conscience is within the domain of consciousness itself and is a characteristic of sentience. Awareness. Humans that do not appear to possess a conscience are not in receipt of higher mental powers. A deficiency (of something non-physical) in the brain.
Science needs to identify an area responsible for every function. The overall functioning of lesser intellectual areas that do not require any thought input are easy to find. The areas that deal with more complex thoughts and decisions are less easy and some very subtle concepts like the 'guilty conscience' or 'reward' do not actually exist. They are a spin-off from other areas and not places of their own. The combined effects create the 'spiritual'.
This gives individuality and confers humanity as a characteristic.
217. It's very depressing to recognise the effort spent in terms of time and money to develop weapons of destruction rather than the same effort to solve mankind's survival.
Developing the thermonuclear weapon that avoids the necessity of a fission explosion (atomic bomb) to initiate detonation. Inertial confinement fusion (ICF) uses a powerful focused laser beam to condense hydrogen to such a density and temperature that it can ignite an explosive fusion reaction.
The specialised knowledge to 'understand' such devices loses sight of how the devices will be used. Almost like capturing the energy in a thunderbolt. Even if this were possible, the cost outlay would not be entertained by investors, yet the cost involved in nuclear power stations is not n issue as there is an enormous profit in construction alone.
Building the beast is one thing, letting it loose is another.
218. There is a major assumption that the unknown universe is the same composition to the known universe.
219. Anti-competition laws: does diversification within the same outlet or chain constitute no monopoly, but technically a monopoly within itself?
220. 'Exclusive' to one chain, in fact, defines no competition.
221. Why shouldn't humans be forced into extinction. Only another species on Earth.
222. AgI and current or any previous deluge to initiate disaster. Devil's Advocate entry.
223. Cloning: an apparent 'clone' cannot be a real copy anymore than a duplicate photograph. The actual image may be a perfect copy, but it must be on different (physical) paper. Any individual atom is unique. Any drop of water is unique. Cloning cannot happen. Only the appearance. The illusion of cloning. A human 'clone' could never have cloned thoughts, or it would have to be a soulless machine with no consciousness of its own. A computer.
Like a production vehicle: all the vehicles may appear and perform in an identical way. Nonetheless, they are still different cars.
224. Man evolved on Earth. There is no possibility of lengthy survival off Earth unless an identical environment is provided. Space is hostile: cold, no natural oxygen or water (could recycle is not allowed to escape) or natural food with micronutrients. Limited and non-sustainable supply. Gravity is zero so artificial gravity is essential. Radiation (solar storms). Overall: impossible.
225. Creating artificial gravity involves centrifugal (outwards from centre) force. Real gravity is the opposite: centripetal (inwards towards centre).
226. Is it another reason fish are good swimmers in water, but humans are not because the medium is the evolution environment.
227. It takes just one sperm to initiate life from some 350 millions. Like the billions of suns in the galaxy and 'known' universe. One is known to be the cause of life.
228. This persistent denial of even the possibility of alien (other) life on planets, in solar systems and galaxies literally countless light years away. Extraterrestrial indeed. The solution of pi has never been solved. Billions or trillions of light years is just a beginning. Limitless or only limited by the imagination. To imagine life on Earth is all there is, is simply fantasy. Science fiction. Rather a paradox.
Then to consider the evolution of life along human lines only. Why? Life is only as we perceive it. Many times scientists have been 'surprised' by a new lifeform on Earth or from the depths under the sea. Newly discovered life that has survived for millions of years without Man's knowledge. Almost keeping its existence secret.
Life could co-exist with humanoid life. It is just not recognised as being life. Maybe mountains and trees do have spirits. Any solid, liquid or gas or... imagine. If it can't be explained then it cannot exist. Arrogance continues simply attempting to mask ignorance. Or stupidity. Rejecting possibilities because they don't fit into 'known' dogma.
Once to reach a distant coast was considered impossible. Intrepid explorers courageouly discovered new lands. It is now taken for granted that they exist. And can easily be reached. Perhaps reaching another planet outside the solar system is not possible. It probably is impossible with science as it is today. That does not render it unlikely that such an achievement cannot be successful.
One hundred years ago to fly above the ground was unthinkable. Now limited space travel is possible, but progress is not going to happen unless a different form of travel is discovered. The energy, distance and time connction is not going to provide a solution.
229. On a simplistic level, the sudoku (soduku!) analogy provides a comparison for science. A puzzle can be almost completed, better than 95%, only then to discover an error. Everything seems to fit, but the solution is wrong.
One early mistake is not detected as everything seems OK. In fact, the error is compounded by every subsequent answer. Towards the end, the mistake is realised and ssems to be a major error. It is actually no bigger than the early one.
It is tempting to tinker with corrections, but just creates another unsolvable puzzle. The easy way is to start again.
Science cannot do this. Or won't. Too much knowledge has been uncovered. Much undoubtedly correct and subsequent knowledge is also likely to be right when based on good information. The difficulty is to distinguish the right from the wrong.
It is probable that most scientific knowledge is honest, but knowlege based on incorrect assumptions can only lead to an apparent major conflict.
This also highlights the more serious damage done by cheats.
Even defragmenting a hard drive can illustrate the problem, but in a different sense. There is possibly no original error, but fragmentation causes new information to be placed distant from related parts. This creates disarray, potential errors and a real danger of failure. It certainly slows things down. Rather like politics, which has the ability to slow real progress to a snail's pace. Or even slower. To a standstill. Scattred information becomes more disorganised. Tiding up to relocate the related parts can restore balance.
Unchecked science can create dangerous disarray. But the problem remains: how is such a check performed and against what? The check of new information may be made against wrong earlier information. This compounds the error, but the mistakes remain undetected.
230. The illusion of 'making man in god's image' can be explained in terms of evolution. In a basic overview, physical human development has not changed much over the thousands of millennia of existence. The growth of the foetus into a form ready for birth has a greater complexity than appears outwardly. Not only the development of the organs themselves, but the timing of growth and the interconnections of these organs. The miles of arteries, veins and even smaller blood vessels all making the correct connection. Errors do happen and organs do malfunction or make wrong connections.
This the information is in the genome. The master map. The plan from which a living being is built. Human, cat, hampster or monkey.
231. Conventional wisdom has it that after the 'Big Bang', hydrogen and helium existed and other atomic nucleii formed in the furnace of stars. Other atoms that are unstable may have formed in our star: the Sun. This is a relatively cool star. It is reasonable to suppose that a hotter star may form other elements or even stable forms of'radioactive' elements.
232. A plane is going to fly anyway so why shouldn't I be a passenger in it? The 'carbon footprint' won't be any different and a plane can only take a fixed number of people. By avoiding planes won't stop them being operated unless a reduced passenger manifest/inventory starts to have an effect. A real dilemma. 'Sacrificing' an opportunity to travel just means I lose out. The only way forward is if the plane does not fly and so I am denied the opportunity. The opportunity withdrawn, but operators still need revenue to operate and this means providing opportunity.
Symbiosis in the wrong direction.
233. The Great Climate Change debate (con) s likely to backfire. The West has been persuaded about CO2 and global warming. The true reason is simply to introduce nuclear power under the zero CO2 flag of convenience. China has no interest in the global warming debate and refuses to accept emissions targets as it has no obligations to do so. If 'rich nations' continue to reduce their CO2 emissions, China need do nothing and become a 'rich nation' too. Balance opportunity.
This fails to recognise the West's (US) desire to keep other countries down so it can be globally dominant. The way it will backfire is that western civilizations won't play ball by letting China get away with producing unchecked amounts of CO2 when they must reduce their own.
It won't work and so the original conning of their own people will backfire. It has to. Ironic to an extreme.
234. Climate change has its potential advantage. The amount of water globally is constant. Over the 1000s of millennia, this amount has never changed. The distribution as vapour, liquid and solid states alters by the moment, but the total water remains constant. It is effectively removed from the circulation by becoming bound in cement and other materials that 'consume' water. Each growing human in the increasing population removes around 60kg water.
Clouds are airborne water repositories. Rain goes up and it comes down and clouds move around. The warmer conditions cause more evaporation and rainfall must become more frequent and heavier (perhaps). Warmer water allows more hurricanes and cyclones to form generating more and stronger winds. Clouds disperse greater distances. The whole nature of weather will change.
Short term, it affects mankind as migration is not a natural characteristic. Long term the Earth will recover and the animal world will continue to evolve. Man is well on his way to extinction. Possibly, sped up by behaviour traits, but inevitable nonetheless.
235. True human nature is only suppressed and just inder the surface. Witness the suspension of inhibition. Excessive alcohol consumption. Behaviour suddenly changes as though a switch has been thrown to reveal a more selfish attitude. One that involves only self gratification.
In the 'western world', more and more is the selfish nature becoming more apparent. Other parts of the world too. Greed and self advantage are to a grat many the only reason to live. As though it's the only reason for life itself. Man and other life, even pond life, has existed for millions of years. Wealth, in terms of money, is a very recent invention by comparison and is only the medium to manifest a repressed nature.
Millions of years ago, survival would hang on this selfish nature. Nothing much has changed.
Possibly those who don't show syuch greed and selfish characteristics have stronger repression abilities? Possibly an evolutionary trait?
236. Some people are so easily led that only suggestion even by behaviour alone is enough to effect a habit. The influence of others is almost invisible unless the psychotic need to control is recognised. It is obvious when understood. Like reading the book with a chapter concerning body language: a very instructive book. Or understanding the chapter about liars and cheats.
237. The ego is an expensive and dangerous characteristic. Something that many cannot afford to have. It can put people into huge debt and potentially fatal situations.
238. Property ladder: one of the most successful conditioning exercises ever devised. Get on the property ladder at any cost. Creates a market for the building industry and is the fuel to increase 'value'. Any building opposition will always be overruled since construction industry makes so much money. The increase in population even though a major threat to an overstretched planet Earth is allowed to grow even more because the larger consumer market means more wealth for the few. It's all heading towards meltdown. Faster and faster and caused by greed.
The more building, the more water is locked up in cement and mortar. Ultimately more salt manifests as the water is slowly being removed. The growing population could consume this growing surplus, but the encouragement is to reduce consumption. But like attempts to reduce smoking have those who cut down or stop, yet constantly new markets are created where the dangers are not appreciated.
China as an example. A massive potential market. A growing population to be made ill in order to make more money then 'fix' the situation with modern (expensive) drugs.
Create the problem then provide the solution. Same as 9/11. To imagine that the idea of Nazism just vanished with the 'end' of WWII is fantasy. The ideologies have evolved, but are little changed in reality. Forcing control through beliefs of the 'masters' onto the 'pawns' of general world society is happening even more today. The government of one country becomes a federal government and individual people-control (majority) is lost to the few (minority). Proportionately, federal control creates a growing majority with a decreasing minority. The European-government is a relatively small step away from a world-government dominated by the US. The illusion demands this. Who would be in control. Like puppet Bush has his masters, it is just unclear who they really are.
Blair won't go away and still 'meddles', but more invisibly in a more transparent way.
A smaller global population and less competition may enable survival of all, but the 'animal' competition behaviour will end by the competition for diminishing resources as is happening already demonstrated by the quest for oil. The wars being started to justify the 'competitive' aquisition of another's natural resource.
What is happening about Iraqi oil and is it being bought at market prices and revenue going to Iraq or is it being plundered. Blood and oil do not mix unless you add the catalyst called money.
239. Short-term thinking means do it today and again tomorrow and he next day. Long-term planning is to do something just once.
240. As much as £14m aid for flood responses withdrawn, yet £9.3bn pledged for Olympic Games.
241. The IPCC is nothing more than a lobby group.
242. Buying profit: any money 'made' (profit) from the sale of a house doesn't create money. It does create the illusion of wealth, but nothing else. The profit that appears to be made is actually a greater potential future debt bought by someone else. The buyer of that house. The inflation of house 'value' price rises.
It happens in everything. Buying a 'valuable' painting that grows in 'value'. The value is purely what someone is prepared yo pay for an item.
An old bottle of wine (vintage and so valuable) appreciates in the buying and selling game. The bottle has worth only if it remains unopened. The moment it is opened, it becomes worthless. It is simply an old wine. The value is the perceived quality of the content.
Examine it: acetic acid content can be estimated without opening, but the 'name and vintage' transfer 'value' regardless of quality. Who would determine such quality? Certainly not the possessor. A canny buyer should, but then business would make this a very stupid thing to do. Even though common sense strongly suggests it.
Common sense, business and money do not make a happy trinity.
243. "Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."
Homer Simpson
(Matt Groening)
244. Outsourcing any electronically communicated information presents a major security loophole. The thread of possession is lost (what's this called!!! Chain of?). India, China...
245. What is the difference between a root vegetable and a fruit? Except the obvious one.
246. "It is not in doubt, if (emphasis) the science is right..." Blair.
Not in doubt? But only according to politicians and other quasi or pseudo scientists. Say it enough times and gullible people will believe it is all fact. Even the not so gullible or those who would consider themselves independent (of dogma) thinkers and, at the least, accept the possibility of the unlikely.
247. Alonso: 'by the men who made him'. Rather like a president since it doesn't take into account any ability.
248. TV 'drama' obviously based on current (ongoing) events are attempting to condition and corrupt the public mind by planting suggestions. To allow such broadcasts reveals conspiracy and collusion to pervert the true course of events that are not yet resolved. In any form.
One angle is to capitalise financially: topical interest or a deeper and more sinister attempt at misdirection and cover-up.
249. Whatever the cause of melanoma (skin cancer), be it UVA or UVB or UVX, clearly the Sun is involved. The atmosphere does filter out some radiation before it reaches the ground.
This does raise the question of travel by aircraft, however specious it may seem. Some radiation will pass directly through the metal of an airframe and potentially expose anyone on board. The atmosphere is very thin at 5-6 miles high. Cloud does not exist and sunlight is unmodified by any atmosphere.
This, of course, then brings space 'flight' into focus. Any atmosphere protection is non-existent and the craft skin is relatively very thin. Exposure is maximal and damage was apparently zero.
250. Northern Rock has claimed assets of £16bn(?) and is liable to pay out only up to a maximum of the first £30,000 of savings. An excellent recipe, in principle, to 'accidentally' make ('create') a great deal of money.
A mortgagee should only be liable to repay the first £30,000 in a likewise fashion. Risk goes both ways, but the bank can secure its own unfair one-way advantageriskIf a borrower defaults FOR ANY REASON then they still owe the total in full with penalties, interest etc. Northern Rock won't be required to do likewise.
If 100,000 borrowers (mortgagees) owe £100,000 each, this amounts to £10,000,000,000 (£10bn) lending and remains payable. Assets are far in excess of that (£6bn).
In effect savers are subsidising this bank by having a reduced payout. The bank cannot lose when things go wrong. A borrower in difficulty cannot win when things go pear-shaped.
The trough smells like a urinal in need of flushing.
251. Do cats dream in pictures? They don't have language, but they have visualisation.
252. The Banking World
Jekll Island 1910.
This private island off the coast of Georgia was the setting for the design of a Master Plan and its subsequent implementation. Seven extremely wealthy men met for nine days and created the Federal Reserve System and it became a real entity three years later on 23rd December 1913. By an act of Congress. This day the rot began to set and has forever got worse. Unless you are rich and powerful. Then you'll benefit. Nobody else. It's an exclusive club and its been this way for a great many years.
J.F. Kennedy was a potential problem. For a while. He had actually decided to act on behalf of those who had elected him by ending the Federal Reserve System. The debt currently stands at $8,400,000,000,000 = $8.4trillion and attracts $bns interest ($174bn for the first 3 months 2006) and equates to an annual yield of some $700bn.
The rich bankers get richer and the poor get poorer.
This is a private bank. The US owes this to a privatelyowned bank much like the UK owes a huge debt to the Bank of England. Nothing to do with the UK, but cynically named to suggest a connection with this private bank. So, who owns the US? Or UK? Who controls World affairs?
253. Immigrant inrease allowed so more housing necessary: more money to be made. Very parasitic.
254. The political two or three-horse race of self-proposed 'leaders'. It's as if people need masters. It's an obnoxious ethic. And who selects the choices to be had?
In the two-horse race, if it's not one then it has to be the other and everybody appears to be happy. Possibly, neither is suitable or even able, but by default one will 'win'. Even 'taking a dive' is possible, so the required winner... wins.
In any compromise or 'winner-loser' contest, there will always be resentment.
255. Creating money equates to creating debt. Selling debt perpetuates 'profits'. The concept of interest has created the illusion of perpetual motion: money growth always appears to be going up in 'value' even though it actually goes down in 'worth'.
Knowing the price of something has no connection with knowing that something's value.
256. Government money: no such thing. It is revenue raised through taxes. Simple and when funds get low raise taxes to replace it. It's inflationary.
Construction industry projects that are hugely profitable are subsidised using public money: Ebbsfleet Gateway.
To seriously imagine that money-creation planners care about lives around Ashford being 'disrupted' is amazing. It's the calculated next phase. It's a requirement. Businesses will need to relocate... The extra time and costs from Brussels or Paris are raising an awful lot of profit. For someone. The disruption is irrelevant. The money to be made is prime with the added bonus of the absolute control over peoples' lives.
The Olympic débâcle will create a bigger mess. The nightmare has started and will get worse over the next five years. The designers of the mess are doing a good job. The mess gets into a wonderful disaster.
Getting to London in 20 minutes? If that's the desire which for many, or even most it certainly is not. Relocation of everybody at huge individual cost. Upheavel and disruption maximised.
Inflationary. Big money-making schemes (link to scam). The end-game goal is becoming so very crystal clear and the global effect is to simply increase wealth by the interest on borrowings.
Create the demand by building, building, building and then provide the solution. Moving people further away into undeveloped areas and creating the future need for regeneration. Paris, Disneyland, Avignon. Holiday potential. But these are occasional and not regular: grotesque red herrings.
It's all in the plan.
257. Words in themselves do not stimulate, but the imagary behind them does. Concentration can wander from the path of the words and into the picture.
258. Map of a personal World. The personal view through one's own eyes and thoughts are unique. It can never emulate or allow an appreciation of another's unique view.
Awareness of his avoids dominance.
259. Inflation: the very fact alone of interest being added is inflationary. If £1 is borrowed and 10% interest is added, this increases the debt instantly to £1.10p. This will be compounded. The inceasing debt appears to be partially offset by salaries increasing, theoretically in a roughly parallel direction. Really, this is actually a cause of inflation and ensures the perpetual upward movement of yield, but downward movement of its value. Inflation is illusory as without it there would be no growth and all would remain static. It's part of the conditioning to expect everything to increase. Always and forever.
If interest was zero, then inflation would cease to increase. Borrow £1 and pay back £1.
260. Voltaire: I may not agree with what you say, but I defend your your right to say it.
261. Always reactive and never proactive with regard to polical activity.
262. How is a generation of Muslims more aware than a non-Muslim simply learning about the same issues.
263. The illusion of virtual money in property and 'raising' capital debt on it. Pure mist. The property isn't worth its value. All fictional money.
264. The failure to backup is more likely to be the reason for 'lost files'. They were lost and this is the pathetic excuse!
265. Controlling the housing market by allowing immigrants to inflate the numbers and the houses needed. Make money!
266. Olympics, Northern Rock... taxpayers funding it all. In excess of £50bn with these two alone. The British public is paying a staggeringly enormous overhead to help ensure the banking system remains viable. The system is only in existence to make itself money. We borrow money from this globalised cartel so it can charge interest. The system is responsible for the debt in the first place. The one the taxpayer finances. A classic case of create the problem (banking system) and provide the solution (taxpayer).
It's an absolute obscenity, yet passes effectively unnoticed.
267. Buying a property at the right time enabled a large profit to be made. But any money made is reinvested in much more expensive property as a result. So, the buyer needs to borrow a large proportion of the purchase price money to enable a move and the upgrade to complete. If some of the cash is banked to realise the 'profit', it reveals the extent of the illusion. The only winners can be the lenders of virtual money like Northern Rock. And winners can also rapidly become losers in such a volatile and unstable market.
268. Psychology can easily be exploited and abused to indoctrinate with a corrupted influence. Great vigilance needs to be exercised to differentiate between the useful and the dangerous. The abuse can originate from 'developing the better person', but this must depend on who defines what a 'better person' may actually be. Motives are critical to understand. Information provided without conditions and influence enable a decision to be made by the individual. The result can only be personal and benefit that individual through understanding. A distorted or selective dissemination of information will benefit only the one doing the corrupting, but at the expense of the individual.
Horoscopes can only logically be regarded as meaningful if any gravitational or electromagnetic influences every human on Earth. The location of any individual at any moment will be different since no two individuals can occupy the same space. Also, unless at some time from the moment of conception (the start of a new life) a switch is turned on, there can be no unique factors. So: location at the start of life is (probably) not involved, but does enter into a set of parameters that continues throughout life.
269. A better mentor attitude, be it a parent or teacher, is to show and describe without telling. Telling is instruction, showing illustrates advice.
270. The interest payable on a virtual loan is real enough and is identical to gambling with nothing. As long as the bet is accepted, the bet stands. Northern Rock lost.
271. State sponsored terrorism. Americans. Overt attack is OK. Secret 'terrorist' attacks not.
272. The illusion of growth - like a sliding door's leading/trailing edges. They move together as one, but if you only see the leading edge it appears like a curtain being drawn. There is no gain as the apparent growth moves, but costs go up in proportion. Share values increase, but value remains stagnant. If the number of shares increases then worth increases though the shares must be bought for it to work. Again, no real nett improvement. It just seems so. To acquire wealth has a cost effect. The money has to come from somewhere as it cannot be created. It is not obvious who will pay: it may be someone or some group. Shareholders will accept the burden in the belief that an investment can grow. Something lives so something somewhere must die.
273. Training is of only one type: correct whether child or adult.
274. Considering visits to Nazi concentration camps is madness. The penitentiary off San Fransisco was unexpectedly dreadfully harrowing.
275. It's not that alcohol is so cheap, but that water is so expensive. The most important ingredient that sustains life.
276. Central heating can remov water from skin producing a cooling effect. A bowl of water may offset water loss from the skin and reduce the cooling effect.
277. Long-wavelength UVA (throughout the year) and shorter-wavelength UVB (causing burning in the summer months) all damage DNA through free radical action.
278. Reading requires brain activity and increased brain blood flow. Imagination requires effort. Watching TV does not require any such interaction.
279. Climate change and drifting boundaries. Credits may get traded, but the weather brings it all back.
280. The disposal of waste packaging is constantly pushed onto the consumer. In many instances stores supply the content in a convenient plastic blister pack. Getting the item out of this packaging can be both dangerous and difficult and leaves sharp-edged boxes to be disposed of. It's not the item numbers, but how they are packaged. The consumer picks up the problem as there is often no other method to buy an item. The seller's convenience becomes the consumer's problem.
281. Winston squaring up to support hybrid embryos. Predictable, but misleading.
282. Growth is the justifaction for inflation abd investors require profit. No profit then no investment so no growth and hence no inflation. Stagnation. So what?
283. Less mortgages and dropping house values.
284. MPs with their hands in the till: no wonder this example fuels crime.
285. The banks charging extortionate fees covering the fact that they wee hrd up yet still lending. Biting off the hand that feeds cannot and will not provide sustainence when asked.
286. Water shortages encouraged by construction and rise in CO2, both solved by GM. Absolute con. Water is being trapped in concrete. Concrete manufacture creates CO2. These two facts considered together paint the true picture. GM is encouraged, but will do nothing to remove the pain and only prolong it.
287. Insurance linked to DVLA road tax. The TV licence is rigorously enforced, so could car insurance.
288. The concept of satiety may satisfy the feelings of hunger, but cannot provide the necessary fuels for survival. Putting the wrong suboptimal mix of fuel in the tank will generate a suboptimal performance. Even a dangerous one if deficient in the requirement.
289. Unavoidable conflict between science and the sincere goal of planetary survival and oil-based greed. Bush is an 'oilman' and knows nothing, but oil. Money is the driving force and represents the 'richest man in the graveyard' mentality. This is where influence lies: money and power define influence. Greed and self-interest got married.
290. Consider: closed events like Wimbledon exclude talent so where this is seen (Olympics) then the real competition can be appreciated. Exclusion will never bring the best to the fore.
291. Mervyn King (Quality Goes Deep) as Chairman of B of E, had accepted a 'miserly' 2.5% pay increase. Wow, but a £900,000 annual pension. Nine individuals in the Monetary Policy Committee sets interest rates by which all lending rates are set. King is one of these nine, of course.
292. The decision to simply disconnect a 'faulty' guage due to the inconvenience caused on purely commercial grounds. The subsequent destruction of the aircraft because the guage revealed a serious fault with an engine is tantamount to corporate mansaughter. Precedent demonstrates this cannot happen in law. Over 150 died as a result and no one will be blamed, even though a single individual would have created the instruction for the disconnection to be made. Death for convenience.
293. Not cost effective life-saving drugs being funded (NICE). This defines a drug as life-saving, yet not enough ill people to make it worthwhile. If one life is saved, it is morally cost-effective.
294. Olympian football? Biggest mistake imaginable.
295. Global foreclosure (£340bn and increasing daily) - Lehman Brothers Bank. Banking Panic. Create the problem provide the solution. Perhaps this should be:
Create a solution and then provide the problem?
World Bank creation.
296. Since the 'accident' at 3-Mile Island in 1979, no nuclear power reactor has been built in the USA. Until proposals NOW.
297. Government needs the taxpayer to bankroll projects. The selling of an idea involves spin to make it sound attractive and so acquire support. The pro-active approach defines creating the problem before providing a solution. The one that's sold to the citizens of the country who need rescuing by the protective government. Selective police protection from the system that has been allowed to develop and sustain those activities that harm. A knife is just the tool that is directed by the hand that holds it. Conscious action focuses the act.
298. The warming seas myth: the water of the Atlantic Ocean around Madeira in early October is rather cold. Even small outdoor and unheated swimming pools in constant sunshine for several hours every day remain quite cool. The alleged warming of the seas appears to be conditioning to accept the justifiction of 'paying our way out' from the problem caused by human excess.
299. Genetic errors and increasing population to mask the extensive field trials.
300. Defer a proportion of mortgage. Interest is still payable and continues to mount with interest.
301. The massaging of CO2 allowances by trade of permits completely and cynically misses the point. Industries and methods that create vast quantities of this gas (notwithstanding methane or nitrous oxide) should die. Deferring the issue is not a solution unless used as a time buffer to create alternatives. Carbon capture in rock has a definite limit, but reduction of these quantities can be the only potential solution. If none is produced there is no increase in an ongoing problem.
302. Climate change approach: classic case of tinkering with the symptoms an avoiding the cause. Never will a solution be found that ignores the problem. Assuming it is a real problem.
303. Natural selection theory demands that survival requires adaptation to conditions. Failure to adapt leads to extinction. The human body must adapt to diabetes issues without the support of insulin derivatives produced elsewhere. Otherwise the problem is attacked not by cure, but deferment. The human population grows and is artificially kept alive. It will not adapt and will always be a subject of control. If insulin were to become scarce, many would quickly succumb. Any population group that has a reliance on any drug or chemical entity for survival creates a totally dependent group.
Diabetes Type 2 is essentially an acquired condition as the product of lifestyle. It is correctable by a change in that lifestyle. Type 1 is genetically inherited and there is no correction that can be made other than insulin by injection.
304. A pesticide ban will promote insect damage to crops. The GM product will survive. It's in the plan.
305. 'Underwritten by the taxpayer': euphemistic term for the taxpayer 'promises to pay'. Nothing more, nothing less (maybe!).
306. Share value reflects virtual money. Up/down.
307. Share value in banks fall and get bought for a song and it's all in The Plan.
308. Get people back into work? The only reason is that tax becomes payable rather than doling out benefits. Those who work are less likely to be swayed by the payment of benefits.
309. Another major reason for encouraging the large population (silence to curb the population infers an active encouragement) is that there is then a huge audience to buy media services. But this static audience produces nothing and only consumes.
310. The cynical attitude to lending? Lend more to 'create' more interest and screw the people. 'Lend' the banks taxpayers' money to lend back to the taxpayer (the provider) his own money, but with added interest.
311. A common and predictable approach is saying that which is perceived as being what (some) people want to hear and then state that it'll 'not happen overnight'. It's typical.
312. If an argument has validity then there cannot be any financial attachment. To expect payment subverts that validity.
313. Metropolitan police commissioner is another 'Sir'. Just a politician in uniform producing no confidence, just providing the service that the government requires. Outcomes are predictable. The investigation of 'law amendments for cash' will not happen.
Who are they?
314. A comment that complains about the disgrace of insufficient grit and sand supplies making roads dangerous. Drivers will have to... (wait for it) slower
Such pathetic and idiotic logic. It is dangerous to drive fast in icy conditions, with or without the crutch of grit and salt. Even a brain-dead moron should be able to work out this simple fact. The cocoon effect of being inside a warm environment renders awareness redundant. A temperature gauge may display zero (or less) degrees. Water freezes at this temperature and a little salt lowers the freezing point. But only by a very small amount to prevent freezing.
315. Redefining terms: bonus. The term bonus used to mean that providing extra service is rewarded. Failure is rewarded by sacking or minimally 0%. This in an extra provision above the salaried expectation. That a banker should receive 200% the value of his salary is grotesquely obscene (salary = £1.3m, bonus = £2.6m). Employees are losing their jobs for doing their job when the boss fails to do his own and is rewarded for failure. Words cannot adequately describe this obscenity. And paid out of taxpayer loans. Brown is doing a great job looking after his mates and screwing the country. The descent of the country into the pit is well on course.
316. Experts are needed in the financial industry (allegedly) so payment of good salaries are necessary to retain these individuals to ensure they 'do not go abroad'. Good salaries do not imply anything about good bonus. These bankers cannot be such 'experts' if the disaster they've created is typical and they should be sacked with the termination of contract. How can a contract be written including a failsafe clause for the banker. Other than by a complete imbecile, of course. Golden welcome packages handcuffs the 'bank' (or any employer). The contract presumably avoids any clause that expects any obligation to actually be fulfilled. No one is that good.
Fail and be rerwarded. Succeed and be rewarded. All the people who are stepped on to ensure this obscenity simply lose their jobs to help pay for it. The bonus rewards only the able and successful. The failures will then be identified unless some other sinister activity is taking place.
317. Clarkson's comment about Gordon Brown. The mistake could possibly have been in referring to him as being visually challenged. That's all, maybe.
Clarkson, Jeremy and Brown, Gordon
318. Fred The Shred seemed to use HBOS very much like his own private bank. Anything that affects share value is, of course, a good thing and a long term view would be considered to reflect any ultimate pension entitlement. Getting rid of dead wood is a long-term-favourable. But trashing and asset stripping loses the good wood as well. Sitting on a branch and sawing it off from the trunk is not a good move. As the branch plummets, an opening parachute makes for a comfortable descent. One branch survives even if the tree dies.
319. Any search for life seems to get excited about fundamental things like microbes. This is looking in the wrong direction and quite bizarre since microbes are far removed from (most) human life. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the primordial soup was proposed to have consisted of microbes from which crawled early life evolving into present-day creatures. That something like this exists on Mars or some other non-terrestrial location is very interesting, but such information goes nowhere. If a more complex form of life eventually did evolve in these locations, it would be hundreds of millions of years behind any Earth-life (theoretically). But it’s academic and otherwise quite irrelevant. Somewhere in the solar system, or an on an exo-planet, life logically must exist. More primitive or more complex, perhaps, but elsewhere and not simply a microbe.
320. Obesity and diabetes type-2: the cull of mankind is well under way.
321. To deny information for the reason that it is not in the public interest, yet to be in possession of that information is a euphemism for just withholding that information. Clearly, this is denial by convenience. If it’s not the public interest then it’s likely to be the national security card that gets played. A catch-all get-out.
322. Why not print £100s bns? More of the same - Obama. A $trillion dollars of virtual money buys loads of control. In reality, it doesn't exist, but generates absolute control.
323. 'Killed in action' = murdered through conflict.
324. It's standard politico-speak that only after things go wrong that change must happen. Not that change must happen to prevent error. Perfect pro-active hindsight. The same ethic that things will get better. Always in the future. The confident tone convinces the deluded, those working completely and solely with faith by itself. The effects of the past after they have been allowed to happen will be changed in the future?
Ridiculous fantasy
325. Goldfinger: the plot was to contaminate the gold with radioactivity since it cannot be destroyed and so render it useless. Not to steal it. Great idea. Ian Fleming understood how financial systems are designed.
326. Diet misinformation: poor eating and wasting away results in losing 'weight'. This produces the ideal weight corpse.
327. Massive 'discounts' on purchase price never reduces the sale price to the manufacturer. The cost 'reduction' has been laid off somewhere as the original cost remains the same and has just been disguised. Who would imagine that £1000s could actually be taken off the cost?
328. Privatise the Royal Mail and nationalise the banks. Lucrative traffic will go private while the other will be serviced by the taxpayer. This is the loan the taxpayer will always receive and without even being asked. It’s essentially the same mechanism that provided toxic loans, dumping the debt. The same mechanism that provided those £bns of virtual money to prop up the already collapsed and terminally toxic (to the taxpayer) financial system.
329. Banks don't want any interference from the OFT about the level of outrageous charging for unauthorised overdrafts. But it is a way of boosting the banks' funds. Rather like it was no regulation in any banking business (Chancellor of the Exchequer Brown's idea) that led to the ultimate financial meltdown. It was inevitable and to suggest that the recession/depression was totally unexpected is clouded thinking. Talk about recovery is deluded and actually very negative and dangerous thinking. Much like 'recovering' from bypass surgery. It's never the same afterwards as the new 'norm' prevails. The old (rotten) standard is quickly forgotten as things 'get better', but always in the impossibly-untested future.
330. How does the Financial Services Authority justify an internal bonus? This is suggestive of working in collusion with the financial sector. Financial-Services Authority describes nothing created, but does implies servicing by oiling the wheels of the system.
331. Jack Straw and Freedom of Information Act. Culpable parties will be long dead decades into the future. Too late to react and the timing could conveniently protect the guilty. That’s possibly how it’s been designed.
332. Caesarian section by choice: crazy to elect for slicing through the abdomen. If a risk-to-benefit suggests survival chances may be improved (ie the alternative is probable death) do it, but only through absolute necessity.
333. What are the ramifications of DNA and the potential for planting evidence or more seriously altering the actual code in the sample? There's more to it than just the individual sample being kept for possible future reference. Alteration by splicing, insertion, substitution and any other process can take place out of the eye of public scrutiny. The scope for massaging the human genome collectively and 'tinkering' with the human race makes Mengele appear a true beginner by today's (poor) understanding of the possibilities. The (assumed) naïvety of some scientists and the absolute belief that all are full of probity and integrity is incredibly dangerous - for humanity. Look to the military hijack of any idea turned to death and destruction, which could have been put to use to benefit the people. Not the warmongers who want only dominance. The dominant are themselves controlled, but do not think like that. Deluded only to later be betrayed. Once Oppenheimer had developed the atomic bomb, it could not be 'uninvented'. The genie had escaped and Pandora's Box had been opened.
334. Success is still seen as one who 'makes' the most money. This equates to who creates the greatest misery. Those total failures as members of the human race. That special club with old (and very dead) members like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot. The absolute terror of not being wealthy (probably) drives people like Goodwin. Not born to money, but a taste for it was, presumably, acquired. The survival of the one is well worth the sacrifice of 20m or 30m. Such is the size of an ego. So afraid of suffering poverty, but happy to condemn millions to it.
335. America as peacemaker ironically invades and attacks other countries where European countries defend?
336. Ensure the financial 'crash' spreads around the globe, dragging down other economies. Infection.
337. The International Space Station serves no purpose other than to perpetuate and justify the hugely expensive and very military Space Shuttle.
338. 'Nature' is nothing but an attempt at a statistical description solution to a problem and 'natural selection' describes just a series of events relating to that solution.
339. £75bn of new money created to encourage lending that creates virtual money. Madness (by design?). Low interest means that banks use savers' money 'on the cheap' by not paying much for using it. Why are the banks not lending? There is no actual money. It's all virtual money. How does buying corporate debt work? The system is debt-based and relies on the virtual money through interest to grow, but paradoxically yields nothing except subjugation by stranglehold and total compliance. Falling foul of the obnoxious ethos creates criminals out of otherwise genuinely decent and law-abiding 'citizens'.
340. Cricket is itself irrelevant. It is the symbol and selecting it to strike at the heart of a culture. Not playing to the symptoms.
341. Alcohol (ethanol) is incredibly cheap to produce. It is regarded as a loss leader in supermarkets, but is not particularly expensive. It is probably a profit winner as it costs so little. It's very cynical, but this is business, after all. Most of the cost is the duty revenue simply passed on to the government and costs the retailer nothing.
342. 'Climate change' is not being taken seriously. Still. There's too much money at stake built into the hijacked concept. Potentially £$100s trillions. And no end. There never will be since it's too lucrative as a concept. Sucker punched.
343. What is the difference between being morally and legally right? A case against an individual for slander could be successful, even if the moral argument were to be easily won. Being economical with the truth is not necessarily the same as being a liar by simply withholding something pertinent. Consider the example of cholesterol levels and possible inappropriate medication: Low Density Lipoproteins (LDLs) and High Density Lipoproteins (HDLs). Overall cholesterol may be fairly high, but if the LDLs ('good cholesterol') is in a higher proportion to the HDLs ('bad cholesterol') then such a raised level may not be as potentially dangerous as a higher ratio of HDLs:LDLs, but an overall low value. The cholesterol profile will determine a more accurate picture.
344. A study reveals that those who make friends easier eventually have jobs with better pay, apparently. Around 2% more financial reward per friend by age 35. Anything to do with sucking up to the boss?
345. 'Suddenly' taking everybody by surprise, the financial 'crisis' has been described as unpredictable in the economic downturn (recession) as $£bns or $£trns are pushed into the global populations' conscious mind. It's been coming for decades and not for the first time. Now has been selected as the time to unleash the consequences onto the public paymaster to re-balance the books, but in the process blame everybody else except the banks for creating the problem. The responsibility for the disaster lies with those who shoulder the blame.
There is no money, but the concept is control and there's loads of potential for that. So many desperate and wrecked lives though also a lot less in number gaining huge benefit. Parasite/host syndrome. It's all in The Plan for an essentially bloodless coup. The result is a massive global population that is more easily controlled. Increased population requires more crushing measures. Interestingly, societies with surveillance are those with the worst economies.
Good standards of living?
Depression and recession?
Never had it so good?
Depression and recession?
Never had it so good?
It's all a lie!
It's total denial to ignore what is happening. There's not any money, only the underpinning resource of gold that must always have worth as it cannot be destroyed, but possibly contaminated by radioactivity (Goldfinger). Remove a part of the resource and the value of what remains increases. Simple.
346. On the one hand a respected study strongly suggests the UQ (aka UK) Ltd is heading towards bankruptcy. On the other, Obama and Brown join forces (collude) to attempt selling the idea that if they stay on course together and other governments do likewise, everything will be OK. The global economies exists on vapour and committing more with more mirrors makes the illusion and trick easier to conceal.
347. It has become so pitifully and pathetically rolled out as a repeated message when the covers are unfurled: "In the future changes will be made." This fails to acknowledge the existence of any problem up to that point. The previous set of failings being in the past had it's future which is the present.
Nothing changes and all is ignored
Welcome to UQ (aka UK) Ltd. New Labour government is 'power' in denial. We've never had it so good: recession and depression, plummeting values, crime, violence and the 'politically correct' brigade.
348. It can seem bizarre, but often the worst examples of human behaviour are recorded and stay in the public consciousness. This forced and persistent reminder of individuals and deeds that should be simply ignored and forgotten remain. Lest we forget. It is either a peculiar desire to replay 'bad news' or it is deliberately kept alive for some reason. The control-element card is a prime suspect. The constant reminder of how bad things can (and possibly will) be is a wonderful method of focusing the mind to concentrate onto those otherwise easily forgettable events. Those that conveniently are desirable to force to remember.
349. The Earth will correct the balance between growth and survival. Already, the results of gross over-population are felt. They have been for a long time. Forcibly. Not enough sustainable food. The fixed amount of usable global water is in decline and making concrete produces CO2 and consumes water by locking it up inside the concrete as it forms.
350. The shareholder vs co-operative ethos. Money ploughed back to benefit the consumer, not the shareholders. The parasite feeds off the host or the one is fed to the other? The capitalist (greed) philosophy dies, but takes society as a whole with it. Or greed dies a lonely death?
351. Trees and fuel - but which way around? Are the tree bark, twigs and leaves the waste from the tree that is then destroyed by using as fuel or is the substance of the tree the lesser priority justification to harvest the 'waste'. The justification in harvesting the 'lungs of the Earth' for a fuel source that does not compete with food sources: cereals and other crops (sugar cane, rice).
352. The police claim the improved intention to listen, act and inform of complaint or investigation progress. Unless you are a criminal. This sounds very much like assurance to the public and unnerving the criminal without needing to do anything. Criminals are probably shaking in their boots and the public can sleep easily in bed, dreaming that they are better protected.
353. It is (almost) amusing to ogle the trough of Westminster. Almost daily an MP or Minister is identified of 'doing nothing wrong', but allegedly milking the system. The latest individual is Tony McNulty . The standard response seems to involve that when such things are revealed, changes need to be made. But only after revelations and individuals are subsequently investigated.
354 The climate change cash cow continues to thrive, but still no attempts are being made to reduce the levels of CO2. The cash cow is a protected species. As the altitude increases, a constant volume of pollutant (CO2) would fill a reducing volume of space. The greater the altitude the less the actual volume. The concept of a no-return position in climate change theory is reasonable since cooling could be accelerated as more atmospheric CO2 is dissolved in sea water. This removal of the gas from the atmosphere would work in parallel with less retention ofr eflected heat and heat could escape upwards into the higher atmosphere. The zone of excess heat would be effectively expanded and the trapping of heat would be tend to be avoided or certainly reduced. The other view is that warmer conditions ensure less CO2 is removed by dissolution in the sea. The extra gas would then be mixed in the atmosphere with the other gases. The temperature of the atmosphere would rise thereby warming the sea and releasing more CO2. This in turn would cause more CO2 to be expelled into the atmosphere making the problem worse.
This all presupposes that CO2 is the (highly taxable) culprit.
355. The road to Hope leads to Hell. Or Hope lies beyond Hell and to get to Hope, Hell must be experienced. Perhaps lemmings go there.
356. The peaceful protest in London regarding G20 and attempt to resolve the issue of starvation in some parts of the globe is a gesture doomed to failure before it starts. The Summit has no interest in such things and will focus on how to strengthen the stranglehold through the financial system. The remit is not to solve problems, but make existing ones worse and even devise new ones. The 'leaders' (most influential) of the 20 wealthiest ‘developed’ nations actually helping? How did they become the wealthiest in the first place?
357. Attempts must be made to discourage the trend in the growing use of electricity, not the opposite. Installing lines of pylons to deal with projected increases. Manufacturers of large electricity-consuming devices will die as will (hopefully) the other dinosaurs (car builders). They make articles that are not necessary and a malignant growth on the planet causing the all-important growth. Advertising expenses will cease and people won't be informed about things they can do without. That’s theoretical and, sadly, a wholly naïve viewpoint.
358. It's bizarre though very logical to the monetarist: encourage the use of something potentially dangerous then increase taxation associated with its use. Perversely logical.
359. Pumice is an aerated material and will float. Consequently, an island raft of pumice will float. The pumice island near Tongatapu is located about two miles from the eruption site. The volcanic arc in the Western Pacific is called the Ring of Fire and several chambers are thought to be feeding the Tongan volcano. This island of pumice is likely to last anything from months to years before it is eroded by wave action. A similar eruption two years ago resulted in the pumice drifting over 1200 miles to reach Australia.
360. The Apollo hoax principle can be used to speculate a financially-based rout of mankind. It only takes a relatively small sub-group to fool all the others who work believing in what they do. The astronaut crews can be fooled by entering the space rocket... like walking into a lift. The exit can be any floor and without visual clues assumptions are easily manipulated. Even the image of the outside from a window can be illusory. Signs alleging a particular floor can be false. So the belief of the astronauts understandably seeing what they want or expect to see. 'Video' seen through a window can create the illusion to fit the belief. Exiting into a 'studio' and experiencing weightlessness would complete the illusion. Unbreakable. The explanation requires considerable open-mindedness to make absolute sense, but it would work.
The idea that governments have no control over banks is ludicrous. The scenario suggests manipulation to destroy global society. The majority of those mixed up in banking would be totally unaware of the 'game' being played.
The greed factor is just too powerful
to expect the blind to see
to expect the blind to see
No accounting can be verified over any government 'spending' and the majority of the people seem to believe governments. But the governments wouldn't lie, would they? The MPs being an honest lot representing the government are a pillar of strength when it comes to faith in a system.
361. Whatever the future power source (there is always one at the head of any queue) it will predictably be very expensive. By design. Tie people to energy needs and the game's won before it’s started. Even before the idea of a ‘game’ is realised. If ever.
362. Nuclear-powered energy production masks the creation of the requirements for atom bombs. The direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is a system in which methanol is electro-oxidised directly, without any pre-processing, to generate electrical power. This is attractive to the army since the transport of methanol cartridges is better than a complete battery. The fuel cartridge can be 'hot-swapped' facilitating operation of a device while it's being refuelled. This very neatly engages public support through items like mobile phones, laptop computers and video cameras. Hydrogen fuel cells are, in the short term, of great military interest (portable power).
Coincidental, of course, that this is
promoted as the favourite contender
promoted as the favourite contender
The inevitable redundancy of the car mechanic would be replaced by an alterative specialist/technologist and is a massive issue with respect to the jobs game. Create more unemployed into a population of over growth and the mess is a potential disaster. Wind, sun and tidal (lunar) power are still the forces that should be used. But little if any military opportunity is obvious. But a terrorist's dream come true: vehicles legitimately in all sorts of public places with a tank of full of ammonia-borane (borazane). A bomb delivered by the military. The cover is perfect and blame can be easily passed onto any group who is not flavour of the month.
363. Banks specify the rate of interest being charged for a loan, but what is the payback rate of government (taxpayer) loans? It's never quantified and doesn't exist with the same meaning. Buying up debt by introducing virtual money into the financial system is simply throwing good money after bad (toxic), but that's what happens. Buying up worthless collateral to justify 'giving' the banks 'new' money so they can screw the people with obscene rates of interest. The banking and financial system continues to play its obnoxious and dirty money-grubbing games. Quantitative easing? Flooding the 'market' with money or basically dumping money with the intent of restarting the debt-based financial system by 'creating' money. The addition of...
This is how the 'system' works. Create inflation and sustain the system. Print more money, so providing the banks with more money, with which to buy up toxic debt? Cyclical. Cynical.
364. Last days of government: commits any future, but different, government to massive debt by spending billions in a recession causing 'depression' with MPs removing finance from the till (expenses) before it closes. Until the next time. As the (global) population continues to grow, competition becomes more fierce. The capitalist ethos invokes profit, so some companies will exploit the situation by threatening redundancy. The effect is to enable shedding jobs and enforcing pay reductions so lowering the salary bill. And forcing those with jobs to undertake increased work loads with the threat of losing their job if they don't comply.
In the longer term this is doomed to fail since people can only do so much. During the course of this inevitable failure, any annual pay rise (if they ever happen) will never catch up what has been taken away and the stick will come out with which to beat up employees. It's so predictable. The numbers of suitably qualified unemployed will rise with the consequence that lower salaries will be offered. Inflation and the costs of living will continue to rise, but with reduced salaries and graduates will continue to feed the over supply of the newly never-employed. The disaster can be clearly seen coming as it's all so predictable. If ever a sequel to the engineered 'economic crisis' were needed, this must surely be it.
Of course, if employees don't agree to a salary reduction to save others' jobs, then this is basically the coward's way out by pushing the blame onto work colleagues for failing to agree a 'sacrificial' pay reduction.
365. The fact that no ill-effects of GM produce have been seen is true deceit and dastardly misrepresentation. The ill-effects won't be seen until at least the next generation comes of age, say in about the next 30-40 years. It also confirms that the feeding of GM 'food' has already been happening for years.
366. It's facinating to examine the confusion in some behaviours. The very young yearn to be older. Ideally, just a few years older and then stay that age. As natural age 'creeps' up, the new ideal is to avoid the 'dis-ease' of age. The enormous amount of good money that chases after the uncatchable is staggering. Cosmetics to disguise age, as if nobody notices (always look to the hands, feet and neck), surgery to alter natural shape or the perceived deficit in desirable shape. Both are so highly lucrative. Everyone dies and most still as a result of 'old-age'. Whether an individual looks old or not by massaging appearance, the individual is still old. But death will supervene. Imagine: dying of old age and actually looking old.
- This suggests that some will chose suicide rather than look old. This would be incredibly sad, but still nevertheless very plausible.
When do most of the aged population stop wasting their money? They usually do. Sometime. Some would possibly harvest and cannibalise a new born if they imagined it would defer lines forming. Maybe by just a few days.
367. Even governments know the game they play. Even when they like to portray ineptness. The control of climate and CO2 emission control. The idea that 'paying to pollute' will solve the problem. There is no problem as it's described and believed. Even if humankind does not help itself by contributing extra gas emission. That's the power of a specious argument: it's plausible. Human respiration involves breathing out CO2. Eventually, there will logically be a tax levied on breathing. Ridiculous? Maybe, but it's logical and shows the speciousness in the argument. It is really all about the removal of the peoples' wealth through an argument that enables a tax on climate control to be 'justified'. The argument that involves blaming the people for causing the problem of global warming. It's a lie.
368. An economic stimulus is essentially 'borrowing' public (taxayer) finance to kick start all kinds of schemes. Mostly those types of scheme that would prompt a bank (manager) to show a client the door. Schemes that have little hope of success are funded by the 'loser' taxpayer. There's nothing to lose. Only public money and there's nothing new in that philosophy.
369. Photographing London buses has been made illegal.
370. Iran vs a conspiring world? Classic spin?
371. Creation of human egg cells in sterile women using stem cells. Extends the other end of 'menopause'.
372. Space Race. If there is no competition then funding won't happen. The taxpayer will be denied the opportunity of paying for it all. Underwriting the entire 'investigation'. The examination and exploration of the Moon is a common concern to all humankind, yet an exclusive right to this extra-terrestrial object by one country (government) is 'arrogantly' claimed. The space race was nothing but a charade to raise finance by public 'donation'. Man cannot survive in deep space. Orbiting in zero gravity for lengthy periods (months) is predictably deleterious. Stressing bone causing shearing forces (lifting weights) strengthens bone. A failure to cause shearing stress will encouage weakening. The manufactured illusion to astronauts into believing orbital space flight would be relatively easy to engineer especially if re-inforced by a deep-seated belief in 'reality'. Under water an anti-gravity illusion can be created by slow rotation (to confuse) and a movement to counter-act centrifugal forces.
373. IVF assists pregnancy for people who maybe shouldn't have children. Gamete alteration would create new lifeforms.
374. Taxing the rich will force discovering creative ways of legally saving money. The government is well aware of this. So threaten to tax the rich knowing that ways will be devised to get around it. Panderering to the people as though something is being done. Fred "The Shred" Goodwin.
375. Reverse psychology: encourage poor nutrition, smoking, drinking by criticising those who do for the bad habits they have. This involves the culling of humanity.
376. The capacity of Man to subvert theory into a means of destruction is limitless. The damage done by explosive presure on the human body needs to be understood only to then maximise the physical or mental trauma possible. The hypocrisy of Man is exemplified by waging war, yet being disgusted and offended by violence. This portrays two sub-species: the violent and the non-violent. The supressed violence in those who design murderous weapons to inflict horror by the military is disturbing. Almost voyeurism by examining the results of the design to improve the effectiveness of the weapon.
377. Assuming the climate continues to warm (it will) and any gas fields currently beneath the Arctic Ocean ice become accessible as the ice melts (not for the first time), new markets will inevitably be devised that require this energy source. In the same way that the financial system is 'propped up' recovery is always followed by a continuation of bad practice and in absolute stupidity to repeat past mistakes. Again. It begs a question: is it a deliberate act and not a mistake? The blind and greedy are simply stupid and short-sighted enough to deny responsibility for murdering the planet and everything that lives upon it. Profit and greed will be the drivers that ensure this resource will be consumed so later use will be negated. Maybe gas-fired cooling devices?
378. The government proposes to sell off part of the Royal Mail to a private buyer. The Post Office (and pharmacies and other shops) could also act as enrolment centres for the ID card scheme. Cards will cost £30, but shops could charge another £30 to collect fingerprints and face scans. These are to be stored on a database. Security problems instantly becomes as issue. All issuing post offices and pharmacies would need to be behind some sort of national firewall to guarantee security. Any connection between government + security + guarantee is highly suspect. This is another exercise of government requiring information, but opting out of collecting it. It is shaping up to a system like the Lottery that clogs up the flow of (all) customers at many outlets that provide the 'service'.
379. Allowing private individuals to keep dangerous animals is dangerous in itself. The application of a license is deemed sufficient to safeguard those living nearby (or anywhere else). By relaxing the law, government once again absolves itself from its responsibility to protect its citizens. Control of dangerous animals. This is similar to decriminalising any 'offence'. The police no longer have to follow up a 'crime' and it just makes the crime solving figures much better. Less work to do. Just drop it.
367. Even governments know the game they play. Even when they like to portray ineptness. The control of climate and CO2 emission control. The idea that 'paying to pollute' will solve the problem. There is no problem as it's described and believed. Even if humankind does not help itself by contributing extra gas emission. That's the power of a specious argument: it's plausible. Human respiration involves breathing out CO2. Eventually, there will logically be a tax levied on breathing. Ridiculous? Maybe, but it's logical and shows the speciousness in the argument. It is really all about the removal of the peoples' wealth through an argument that enables a tax on climate control to be 'justified'. The argument that involves blaming the people for causing the problem of global warming. It's a lie.
368. An economic stimulus is essentially 'borrowing' public (taxayer) finance to kick start all kinds of schemes. Mostly those types of scheme that would prompt a bank (manager) to show a client the door. Schemes that have little hope of success are funded by the 'loser' taxpayer. There's nothing to lose. Only public money and there's nothing new in that philosophy.
369. Photographing London buses has been made illegal.
370. Iran vs a conspiring world? Classic spin?
371. Creation of human egg cells in sterile women using stem cells. Extends the other end of 'menopause'.
372. Space Race. If there is no competition then funding won't happen. The taxpayer will be denied the opportunity of paying for it all. Underwriting the entire 'investigation'. The examination and exploration of the Moon is a common concern to all humankind, yet an exclusive right to this extra-terrestrial object by one country (government) is 'arrogantly' claimed. The space race was nothing but a charade to raise finance by public 'donation'. Man cannot survive in deep space. Orbiting in zero gravity for lengthy periods (months) is predictably deleterious. Stressing bone causing shearing forces (lifting weights) strengthens bone. A failure to cause shearing stress will encouage weakening. The manufactured illusion to astronauts into believing orbital space flight would be relatively easy to engineer especially if re-inforced by a deep-seated belief in 'reality'. Under water an anti-gravity illusion can be created by slow rotation (to confuse) and a movement to counter-act centrifugal forces.
373. IVF assists pregnancy for people who maybe shouldn't have children. Gamete alteration would create new lifeforms.
374. Taxing the rich will force discovering creative ways of legally saving money. The government is well aware of this. So threaten to tax the rich knowing that ways will be devised to get around it. Panderering to the people as though something is being done. Fred "The Shred" Goodwin.
375. Reverse psychology: encourage poor nutrition, smoking, drinking by criticising those who do for the bad habits they have. This involves the culling of humanity.
376. The capacity of Man to subvert theory into a means of destruction is limitless. The damage done by explosive presure on the human body needs to be understood only to then maximise the physical or mental trauma possible. The hypocrisy of Man is exemplified by waging war, yet being disgusted and offended by violence. This portrays two sub-species: the violent and the non-violent. The supressed violence in those who design murderous weapons to inflict horror by the military is disturbing. Almost voyeurism by examining the results of the design to improve the effectiveness of the weapon.
377. Assuming the climate continues to warm (it will) and any gas fields currently beneath the Arctic Ocean ice become accessible as the ice melts (not for the first time), new markets will inevitably be devised that require this energy source. In the same way that the financial system is 'propped up' recovery is always followed by a continuation of bad practice and in absolute stupidity to repeat past mistakes. Again. It begs a question: is it a deliberate act and not a mistake? The blind and greedy are simply stupid and short-sighted enough to deny responsibility for murdering the planet and everything that lives upon it. Profit and greed will be the drivers that ensure this resource will be consumed so later use will be negated. Maybe gas-fired cooling devices?
378. The government proposes to sell off part of the Royal Mail to a private buyer. The Post Office (and pharmacies and other shops) could also act as enrolment centres for the ID card scheme. Cards will cost £30, but shops could charge another £30 to collect fingerprints and face scans. These are to be stored on a database. Security problems instantly becomes as issue. All issuing post offices and pharmacies would need to be behind some sort of national firewall to guarantee security. Any connection between government + security + guarantee is highly suspect. This is another exercise of government requiring information, but opting out of collecting it. It is shaping up to a system like the Lottery that clogs up the flow of (all) customers at many outlets that provide the 'service'.
379. Allowing private individuals to keep dangerous animals is dangerous in itself. The application of a license is deemed sufficient to safeguard those living nearby (or anywhere else). By relaxing the law, government once again absolves itself from its responsibility to protect its citizens. Control of dangerous animals. This is similar to decriminalising any 'offence'. The police no longer have to follow up a 'crime' and it just makes the crime solving figures much better. Less work to do. Just drop it.
380. The larger the population, the greater the pool of testers and the size of the market place.
381. The parasite feeds. All the modern drugs that claim to target disease, simply create other problems that were never present to begin with. The second drug combats a side effect of the first. A third drug to counter a side effect of the second that is caused by the first. The classic cocktail of drugs used to treat a single condition. This cynically 'maintains' ill-health. The patient is not cured, but the symptoms are managed. The treatments probably do little to attack an ill-health issue, but consume most of the available money. It becomes self-perpetuating by financing a non-entity.
- The hook of the 'nicorette'-type therapy. To wean off smoking? It maintains the desire for evermore and does nothing. Classic. The patch is required to supply nicotine, since no effort has been encouraged or made to 'kick the habit'. The only benefit could be derived from not producing the poisonously polluting smoke.
382. A perfect example of "biting off the hand that feeds": MPs and cabinet ministers. Now a suggestion that Chancellor Darling be handled carefully. Why? After robbing the people who put him on the road to where he currently is (05.06.09). Moving departments in a reshuffle would be a technical demotion. Tough. The price of betraying the ethics of honesty and probity especially when they are both expected.
383. There is a good reason for employing relatives and spouses: at the next election the £40,000 or so severence payments to payoff staff is retained within 'the family'.
384. Any future transgression may carry a year's prison. Unlike common law where a criminal act is normally in the past. So, an MP carrying out a criminal act involving fraud yesterday or earlier will be excused prosecution. Ridiculous and without logic. Presumably, being of a 'right honourable' and not 'left dishonourable' status makes them a special case. A murder carried out in the past isn't forgotten and will still be prosecuted well into the future from the time of the alleged offense. There is no statute of limitations in the UQ (aka UK Ltd).
Unjustifiable, pathetic and inexcusable. The reasoning of the imbecile that cannot be considered to show any form of self-responsibility and a sad day for justice when the establishment closes ranks to protect itself. The 'system' continues to degenerate by bathing in the cesspool.
385. All mathematics attempts to describe reality. Even quantum theory and celestial mechanics are descriptive concepts. That all the maths appear to be consistent isn't surprising and anything that doesn't fit inside the box must be wrong. The box stifles ingenuity and free thought because of peer group ridicule.
386. Government attitude to funding tennis. The more money thrown at the sport the more the expectation. Actually, sounds more like a Labour attitude towards that which is considered elitist.
387. The newest way of 'making' money and by doing nothing? Pay huge unjustified bonuses and create a failing business, especially in the banking and financial cesspools. Failure of a financial institution attracts shedlloads of taxpayer bailouts.
388. The growing public sector borrowing requirement in no small way pays for the disgusting BBC expenditure on lavishness for so-called 'celebs'.
389. Government continues to experiment with children's futures.
390. The government is confused and dangerous. It wants a war. Why? But it won't face the responsibility of paying for it. Absolute and contemptible betrayal. Public spending soars as the financial system requires by building debt, but cash up front is disallowed. Proves that 'money' is the target to effect domination and control.
391. People are being conditioned to accept death without complaint. The scare fever generated by the alleged 'swine flu' pandemic that will result in 1000s of deaths every month based on fiction should not cause alarm. It is even not necessary to call a doctor. Promoting these fear generating stories as everyone sits glued to their TV soaking in fea, but just die quietly and don't bother anyone. A load of bollocks.
392. Police obtaining a blood sample for any potential, yet unproven offense, constitutes acquiring DNA possibly without authority.
393. Tamiflu is a prescription drug to be 'prescribed' by an unqualified telephone diagnosis. The crime rate will predictably be rampant. This is unlikely to worry Roche : a sale is a sale even though black marketeering will happen.
394. The art of delegation involves handing over an entire project to somebody else, but retaining the responsibility. Blair handed over the responsibility as well to Gordon Brown.
395. Recession over! No chance, it will never be over. The ethic of interest, inflation and growth form a trinity of deceit and delusion. In the identical mechanistic fashion that promotes the 'sliding door' analogy of everyone becoming wealthier, a moment's lapse from viewing the trailing edge of that door, it would appear that growth could be a good indicator of progress. It isn't, but is purely illusion.
396. Melting ice cools the oceans, but what is an optimal temperature? What is a 'normal' temp? The waters could be warming with the consquential loss of ice to approach the 'normal' temp. Cyclical change can never be altered. Human effort at affecting the real causes of climate change are like attempting to extinguish an inferno by sprinkling with the contents of a watering can. Life will either adapt or perish, but Man's ingenuity can never compete against such a vastly superior force as natural consequence.
397. Change? For better or worse? That's never discussed. Always the future and hope are cited. Both are untestable and unverifiable. Learning from past mistakes provides new methods of repeating those 'mistakes', but in new ways.
398. Tough choices: the choices themselves aren't tough. The difficulty is taking the flack when the obvious is done.
399. High population with limited space - build upwards. The only reason to do this is to increase the profit yield by multiplying the footprint by the number of properties standing on it.