Pyramid Comment

This journal takes an alternative view on current affairs and other subjects. The approach is likely to be contentious and is arguably speculative. The content of any article is also a reminder of the status of those affairs at that date. All comments have been disabled. Any and all unsolicited or unauthorised links are absolutely disavowed.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Turner 'Contemptible' Shuns Local Writers

Note: All the comments made on this page and other (Comment)
pages linked to it are entirely my own and no endorsement by the
IsleWriters Group should be presumed (LB)

Burying the hatchet is a laudable intention, but arrogance makes that impossible and so lives on the description:

The Turner Contemptible

The concept of creative art includes writing and a group of local writers inspired by Rodin's The Kiss produced some eclectic works. The Turner Contemptible summarily rejected any connection and a very curt refusal was issued in an extraordinarily dismissive e-mail. Such a refusal is, of course, the Turner's prerogative, but it would be more helpful if a properly argued response had been constructed (vide infra). No such argument was offered (and professionally communicated by a proper letter, not simply an e-mail! - DA].

  • "Thank you kindly for sending through your proposal, Kiss (For accuracy, this is Kissed Off, or should that be Pissed Off? - DA). We have now had the opportunity to discuss this in a programme meeting and we have decided that we will not be able to offer an exhibition based on this proposal. While the title of the show picks up on our current programme, referencing Rodin's The Kiss (1889) the content of the show does not seem to resonate with audience [sic] and aims of the organisation. I wish you the best of luck with the exhibition.
Hansi Momodu
(On behalf of the programming team)

  • Formatting of the e-mail has been considerably improved for presentation here. There are standards to maintain, something the Turner organisation claims to have, yet doesn't itself demonstrate - DA

Whether anyone other than Hansi Momodu read the pieces is unknown, but taking the (presumed - DA) honesty contained in the reply at face value, it would have been simply a matter of courtesy to explain how 'the content of the show' fails to 'resonate with audience [sic]' when an audience has not seen (and therefore could not have been asked - DA) the exhibition of writing and what 'the aims of the organisation' actually are. In the interests of fostering relations between various (local) groups of the creative arts (publishing includes creative writing) sector and the Turner this is very disappointing as it was a terminally lost opportunity to enhance the Turner exhibition. That, after all, seemed to have been the reason for the TC gallery in the first place (raison d’être).

  • Accuracy demands that the term 'show' is replaced by 'literary exhibition'.
Over 60 visitors (unrelated to the IsleWriters) were recorded attending the Kissed-Off exhibition (elsewhere from the Turner, of course). Not in the league of visitors over several months (since 17.06.2011) to the Turner gallery, perhaps, but at least all the exhibits (24) were on view from start to finish (just a few days into early October). The age range of visitors was right across the board from young children to senior citizens and from the UK, (southern) Ireland and Belgium (that's an impressive international attendance record for a bunch of amateurs facing up to the highly-acclaimed Turner Contemptible. Can the 1000s claimed to have visited the TC actually be verified? - DA).

Some of the (written) comments made by visitors

  • Lovely – funny, sad, emotional – all is there. Pity these weren’t shown in ‘The Turner’ along with ‘The Kiss’
  • Encapsulating
  • Interesting and thought provoking
  • Though the stories are all different, they seem to reveal a common theme, tenderness
  • So many emotions and memories… fantastic
  • Shame on you. The loss is the Turner’s! Shame on you.
  • Wonderful! A great way to spend an hour
  • The Turner Gallery’s loss
  • What a shame the Turner missed such a thought provoking opportunity. Jolly well done IsleWriters 
  • Awesome music!!
  • True life. Great feelings
  • Very enjoyable
  • An awe inspiring anthology of work – deserved a place in the Turner
  • Great – would be good to see alongside The Kiss in the Turner
  • Lovely, original
  • Some lovely poetry
  • What a shame your (sic) not in the Gallery. Very powerful
  • The writings make you think of the sculpture in new ways
  • Great work and inspirational
  • Great variety
  • More please!
  • Great to find art outside the gallery too
  • The dog story reminded me of my cocker spaniel!
  • Super writings… enjoyed them all
  • Very enlightening, so many variations of a simple action, sad, romantic and joyful
  • All exploring different emotions, all really impressive, enjoyed them all
  • Amazing how one work of art can encourage so many others – a great idea! Well done
  • I liked the Jill Smith one.
  • Favourite words… ethereal and beatific
  • Encapsulating! Such great words that really make you think. Love the variety as well
  • Excellent and laid out so professionally. It was a great shame that the Turner turned you down, it would have been the perfect venue, but their loss
  • One kiss and thousands of words – lovely xx
Notably, one visitor was made aware of Rodin's The Kiss exhibit at the Turner, but only after visiting the Kissed-Off exhibition. No effort had been made (by Hansi Momodu) to examine the finished works and so the comments made are clearly ill-founded (vide supra). It is only fair to say that one (newly appointed) director of the gallery did venture to read the exhibits. This does demonstrate genuine interest (or curiosity - DA). The display (laminated A1-size with large text font) was only envisioned to be mounted for a short while to complement Rodin's The Kiss exhibit and hardly to compete with it. It's even possible that some sort of permanence at the Turner was being requested and that Kissed Off was meant as a derogatory sleight at the Turner exhibit. Further examination of the 'proposal' would, therefore (presumably - DA), be deemed unnecessary, although a genuine consideration would clearly have shown more respect than was afforded to the IsleWriters.

It could even be imagined that the writing group was attempting to feed off Turner's (presumed - DA) glory. All are well off the mark. In fact, in the totally <- opposite direction to the aims of the IsleWriters (this must be insulting! DA). Rodin's The Kiss exhibit is nothing to do with the gallery and so the description of the Turner Contemptible lives on. This gallery is, after all, just a fancy studio (regarded by many, DA included, as nothing more than an expensive tin shed) in which to display it. Any other view could be interpreted as being somewhat pompous.

According to the Turner Contemporary website:

Community and Groups

  • We aim to make art accessible, relevant and personally fulfilling for all members of our community. We do this by finding innovative and dynamic ways for people to engage with art and Turner Contemporary, through a rich programme of community projects and events. We aim to create a dynamic community around our gallery and Margate that embraces and stimulates change and reaches to wider local, national and international communities.
This simple link to the Turner Contemporary was totally ignored, though even this does not define these 'aims'. Politico-speak is a form of double-speak in order to talk-up an enterprise by saying very little about the subject.

  • “welcoming, accessible and spacious building, both functional and efficient for a small arts organisation to run and a building that our visitors and our artists will enjoy being in.”

Apparently, Victoria Pomery's view of publishing literature is that it does not constitute art. Sculpture and painting - Yes, but writing - No.

Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri: Dante's Inferno

Rodin's The Kiss depicts the lust and adultery between Francesca da Rimini and her brother-in-law Paolo Malatesta, both murdered by husband Gianciotto (Giovanni) Malatesta after their betrayal. Dante's epic poem is set in inferno (Italian for Hell) and is clearly about more than just a simple loving relationship. See Second Circle (Lust).

Conservapedia - Inferno structure

  • The structure of the three realms (Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso) follows a common numerical pattern of 9 + 1 circles of the Inferno (Lucifer at its bottom). The 9 rings of Mount Purgatory, followed by the Garden of Eden crowning its summit and the 9 celestial bodies of Paradiso, followed by the Empyrean containing the very essence of God. Within the 9, 7 correspond to a specific moral scheme, subdividing itself into three subcategories, while two others of more particularity are added on for a completion of nine. For example, the seven deadly sins of the Catholic Church that are cleansed in Purgatory are joined by special realms for the Late repentant and the excommunicated by the church. The core seven sins within purgatory correspond to a moral scheme of love perverted, subdivided into three groups corresponding to excessive love (Lust, Gluttony, Greed), deficient love (Sloth), and malicious love (Wrath, Envy, Pride).

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Speed Limit Increase

Understanding Speed Limits
Know Your Speed Limits
UK Speed Limits
Speed Limits
80mph limit criticised
Oil Production Increase
Economical Driving - The Physics

A limit to the highest legal speed for a particular road is not necessarily a safe speed. It is the maximum  speed permissible. Philip Hammond (Transport Secretary) said the current limit (speed on roads - DA), introduced in 1965, was out of date due to "huge advances in safety and motoring technology". This is pandering to the car manufacturers and conveniently ignores protecting road users be they driver, passenger, pedal cyclist or pedestrian. Drivers 'controlling' cars capable of high speed include the inadequate driver who considers him/herself a Stig [ = Gits (?) backwards -  DA].

Talking up the improved safety in cars does not consider that reaction speed remains unchanged. The time available to react to a situation is reduced for a particular driver as the faster the car is travelling the further the vehicle will have moved before any avoiding reaction to the situation can be made. Reaction speed and time involves recognising a hazard and making a decision about the necessary action to be taken. If the wrong decision is made then it is unlikely that time will be available to correct the error. The higher the speed the less chance of corrective action. The inevitable is a negative outcome and possibly (probably - DA) a fatal one if travelling at 80mph or even ‘just’ 70mph. Seat belts aren’t particularly effective above 30mph or thereabouts.

A real advantage of a rear seat belt at survivable speed is restraining a human missile (child or adult) thrown forward in the event of rapid deceleration after collision impact.

  • Motor cyclists are excluded since they form a totally different argument. Of those who ride powerful motorcycles, many (probably the majority by far - DA) seem to imagine themselves exempted from laws that apply to everyone else. As an estimate of all RTA (road traffic accident), bikers amount to just 1% of road users, but account for 25% of those killed.
Statistics intended to describe the situation do not clarify reality. The apparent reduction in the number of fatalities (per billion vehicle miles) fails to consider that the number of road users over the same period increases. The logarithmic scale distorts the picture considerably. This is a similar distortion (though not erroneous) to the apparent violence of an earthquake. The Richter magnitude scale is logarithmic and an increase of a single unit is actually a x10 increase in the severity. A change or 5 -> 6 = x10 and 5 -> 7 = x100. Radiation exposure is also logarithmic (exponential). A danger with statistics for the unaware.
    70 miles in 1 hour against 80 miles in 1 hour is simply an increase of 10 miles distance in the same 60 minutes. At the same speeds, a distance of 7 miles would take 6 minutes (360 seconds = 70mph) and 8 miles also 6 minutes (80mph). Put another way, the same 7 miles at the higher speed would take just over 300 seconds = 5 minutes. The journey would be shortened by 1 entire minute.
      • Hold ups (junctions, roundabouts, traffic lights) and other speed-affecting problems would easily neutralise this 1 minute
      Advances in technology are claimed to have made cars much safer, contributing to a drop of more than 75% in the number of people killed on British roads since the 70mph limit was introduced. A drop of 75% may describe a 'reduction' in total numbers, but does not indicate the number of fatalities on British roads. As the number of 'users' increases, the 75% decrease is of an increasing quantity.

      Green Party spokesperson Jenny Jones: "This is a mad idea just at the time we should be worrying about fuel economy and emissions. Putting the speed limit up will be worse for both. So much for the 'greenest government ever'." (Most backward and growth driven - DA)

      Economical Driving

      Hammond is the government champion of increased speed. Getting from A to B just a bit quicker. If this 'bit' is hundreds of miles away then travelling by plane can have true meaning (ignoring the pollution issue, the vast quantity of fuel used, travelling to an airport...  - DA). If just a few miles away, then increased speed of travel does not 'quicken' the total journey by much.

      Many complain about the rising cost of fuel. Many do not and make considered moves to reduce their costs   The fall in petrol sales 'cost' the Treasury nearly £1bn over the six months to June. (It doesn't cost the Treasury anything as it's just revenue that never materialises - DA). Some of those who do complain are deluded and is evidenced by the uneconomical driving techniques. Racing around with hard acceleration of large-engined vehicles. The increased fuel consumption is enormous and the time savings negligible on short town journeys. Government loses out on tax revenue with the rise in numbers of careful drivers. This explains the requirement to 'sell' more petrol. It’s a vicious circle: the cost of fuel escalates so the number of economical drivers increases and tax revenue decreases as consumers are getting smart. But not smart enough. Government ensures fuel prices rise to compensate (they really do ‘influence‘ DA).

      The environment and conservation of global oil 'reserves' do not matter and is suggestive evidence that there is no actual long-term shortage. The growing air travel business also conflicts with both of these arguments. Just the continuing and self re-enforcing message that there is a shortage to justify rising costs for all.

      There are some fascinating statistics put out by Jaguar for their XF saloons. All mixed up between the two extremes of models, from the cheapest diesel powered XF Saloon 2.2D SE (£30,950) to the most expensive XF Saloon 5.0 V8 SC XFR petrol engine model (£65,350). It's really about comparing what you get (or expect to get) for your money. Consider: 0 -> 60 mph in 8 seconds or 4.7 seconds. Although it appears to be roughly twice as fast to accelerate, actually the slower one takes just an additional 3.3 seconds. But it's £34,400 cheaper. Not really much of a speed advantage for such a huge cost overhead. But then the extra £34,400 enables a top speed of an additional 15mph (140mph -> 155mph). This works out at about a 10% maximum speed increase for the additional 110% purchase price for the performance advantages of almost double the standard acceleration 4.7s v 8.0s (0 -> 60mph). Moreover, town driving returns 15.1mpg (V8) against 42.8mpg for the 2.2D. Comparative out-of-town driving yields 32.4mpg and 58.9mpg, respectively. These are the official Jaguar figures even though they are extraordinary.

      Rolls-Royce unveiled the £305,000 gas-guzzling British-built Phantom Drophead Coupe. Arguably the safest convertible in the world. With a kerb-weight of three tons, the massive 6.75 litre V12 engine will propel it from rest to 62mph in just 5.9 seconds. There is a claim that 17 miles to the gallon is achievable from this two-door four-seat convertible 'fast tank': 3 tons taken from 0 -> 62 in 5.9 seconds? More like 2-3mpg? Someone who can afford the RR in the first place is unlikely to be bothered by consumption figures. Exhaust emission would be vast. The six speed car develops 453 brake horse-power - about the same as five Ford Fiestas - though the top speed is being electronically limited to 149mph (why bother? - DA). Road wheels are claimed to run for 100 miles at 50mph when punctured - eliminating the need for a spare. A psychological trick: RR vehicles don't get punctures and don't need spares (you can imagine the salesman telling that one - DA!!). The problem is, of course, that the slow puncture carrying three tons won't be noticed until the tyre is dangerously flat.

      This is not Conspiracy Theory, but simply
      an education in government economics

      70mph -> 80mph = 14.28% increase in speed and the kinetic energy (caused by motion) is given by ½mv². The energy is related to the square of the speed and ½m(70 x 70) = 2450 and ½m(80 x 80) = 3200. The dimensions for mass and velocity cancel out leaving the comparison simply between 2450 and 3200 that represents a 30.6% increase. The increase in speed has more than a doubling of the corresponding collision energy. The impact on crash is much greater and consequently the survivability of the higher speed crash is much less.